
Home Blood Home?

The door opens as me an Tanjiro see the gruesome sights of everyone on the ground dead.

Of course I knew that Nezuko was alive so I stayed outside as Tanjiro went inside, sure enough just like in the anime and manga Nezuko lunges at Tanjiro.

"Takeo get out of here" Tanjiro dodges Nezuko's lunge and gets out the house.

I was about to run away just like he told me when that stupid thing came infront of my face.

Defeat the enemy without hurting her


Reward:- 1 Brozne card.

'God dammit I can't take down a demon yet.' But I really wanted that card cause for all I know it can be the jab card.

During this time Nezuko was pushing Tanjiro to the nearby forest and I decide to go in the house and take a stick that was laying there and run after the two.

I obviously couldn't catch up fast as I am way to small right now. By the time I see the two Nezuko was on top of Tanjiro biting the axe he was holding.

I ran up behind her and hit her in the head to knock her out, tough it didn't do much as her demon endurance was to strong for me.

"Takeo what are you doing here I told you to run away from here." Unluckily for me Nezuko got of Tanjiro and went for me. She tried to bite me but I hit her teeth with my stick.

She then tried to stab me with her nail but Tanjiro came infront of me and got hit.

I tried to hit her to make her get away from Tanjiro, it had no poin as she caught the stick and broke it in half.

She lunged at me I used my broken stick and put it infront of me as she tried to bite me.

She bit the stck and it almost shattered, out of the corners of my eyes I saw Giyuu the water hashira was approching quickly.

New Quest

Save Nezuko from Giyuu

Reward:- 2 bronze cards

'Shit I can't just let Nezuko to die. She's way to important.'

I try my use all my strength and throw her off me onto the snow right near me.

Thankefully Giyuu missed her as he looked at us in shock. By this time Tanjiro had barely gotten up and had grabbed Nezuko to protect her.

Unfortunately Giyuu grabbed her and stood with her. He was about to behead her when Tanjiro took a rock and threw it at him.

I decide to the same as I grab two minuture sized rock and threw it at him as hard as I could.

None of that was a bother to him as he easily blocked them. Tanjiro grabbed the axe that was near him and rushed at the water hashira.

Just like in the anime he threw the axe just before attacking Giyuu,Giyuu hit Tanjiro with hilt of the sword knocking him down.

The axe lands beside his head this shocks Giyuu as he lets his gaurd down, in that moment Nezuko breaks free and attacks Giyuu.

I run towirds Tanjiro and see if he's okay.

"Takeo protect Nezuko I'm fine."

"Stop lying your bleading a lot." I look to see where Nezuko was and I see her jump from a tree and land infront of us.

Her hands were open to protect us. She rushes at Giyuu again, Giyuu most probably like in the anime feels sympathetic and knocks Nezuko out

By this time Tanjiro is knocked out from the pain and blood loss.

"Hey kid I'll drop your brother off at a hospital I'll give you a small box your sister can fit in so she doesn't burn. After your brother wakes up and tell him to go to Sagiri mountain where he'll meet a man named Sakonji Urokodaki hell help you." Giyuu then puts a wierd bamboo muzzle on Nezuko's teeth and leaves for a few moments he then returns with a small box just big enough for Nezuko to fit in.

After this he grabs Tanjiro and he looks at me " Are you coming?" I realise what he means and grab Nezuko, suprisingly she's very light. I look back and realise she had shrunk down.

After a few minutes of walking witn silence we arrive at the hospital since it was near us.

Tanjiro is wrapped up in bandages and is laying on a bad. Thankefully Nezuko doesn't look like a demon when she's knocked out. She is also laying in another bed.

When Giyuu leaves I realise that I have 2 bronze cards from clearing my quest.

The first card read.

Speed Rush

The user of this card will get 2x his speed when used

Duration:- 5 seconds

The second one was

Basic kick

A man must use all parts of his body to be a great fighter a basic kick is one of the most important.

Skill Rank:- F (Max Rank B)

'The first one is ok but the second one is really important right now plus it can level up. B rank will be low for long term tough.' A basic kick was not the best I can get but it's something.

I wait in silence as both Nezuko and Tanjiro remain unconscious.

This one is short but that's because next chapter will contain the adventure to find Sagiri mountain and the beginning of training for both MC and Tanjiro

If you like it you can always voter maybe even give a power stone, the choice is up to you.


Sub_Sonicccreators' thoughts