
Quest from God

I was just a normal 20yr old son in a rich family who was visiting Greece for a holiday and ends up saving a little girl and God decides to send me on a quest. Who says I have to do the quest when I can just follow the MC. Watch as our MC explores the world with the woman who decided to follow him. ******************* This world will be an amalgamation of a variety of different animes and novels. Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to any of the anime or their characters. Based on the world of the famous novel 'My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires'

Eklavya_Uniyal · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
61 Chs


{Olympus Zeus's castle}

In a majestic castle, sitting on a large throne was a fuming Zeus.

"That boy has heavenly luck or what.... He was supposed to be a HUMILIATION!!!! A SLAP TO THE FACE OF SHIVA!!!!! A chance to take that system away from their mythology"

"yet somehow it's not even been a year but he is still fine. I thought that he would die in the pursuit of that puny human but he survived, then he survived the forest where I sent a high-level monster in secret but he survived."

"Now not even my curse that should be weakening him is not even working! is this because of that karma value? that amount of karma should not be able to shield him from my curse."

When Zeus was sending Raj to the new world he cursed him so that the child will die quickly even if he survived the first year since that was needed for that particular system to disappear from Indian Mythology.

"if I curse him even more, the neutral faction will feel it but I have no other way, for now, *sigh* sorry child but you simply died in the wrong place and your fate is going to get worse I will make sure of it."

"ᓿ ᙣᙍᑗS ᑤᑗᖇSᙍ ᖻᓎᑗ ᖽᐸᖇᓿSᕼᘉᗅ !!!!!"

"ᗅ ᒪᓎVᙍᗫ ᓎᘉᙍ ᓎᖴ ᖻᓎᑗᖇS ᙎᓿᒪᒪ ᙢᙍᙍᖶ ᗅ ᕼᓎᖇᖇᓿᙘᒪᙍ ᙍᘉᗫ ᙍᗅᑤᕼ ᖻᙍᗅᖇ!!!!"



Shiva's roar could be heard throughout the universe a few planets were destroyed while many others had major natural disasters unleashed upon them.

Aphrodite walked into the throne room and looked at Zeus with an irritated gaze.

"This was unnecessary the child would have died when the dungeons were released. We need to show those humans who they should side with when the void creatures start attacking and if that child can prove your involvement in the curse then it will tip the scales towards those other supernatural races"

Zeus looks at aphrodite and then smiles lustfully

"you need not worry about it I made sure even the system won't be able to tell that he was cursed you just jump when I say jump and you will be fine now get out"

Aphrodite's looks turn to one of utter hatred but she simply turns around and walks out.

'Zeus you are not the only one who can bless and curse... for forcing me to marry Hephaestus was something I will never forget!'

and then she does something which could be seen as doing something against Zeus or her pantheon but she did not care rage was blinding her for a long time now and the chance for revenge no matter how petty is always welcomed by the goddess of love since love is and always has been dangerous.

"𝓚𝓻𝓲𝓼𝓱𝓷𝓪 𝓘 𝓐𝓹𝓱𝓻𝓸𝓭𝓲𝓽𝓮 𝓫𝓵𝓮𝓼𝓼 𝔂𝓸𝓾"

"𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓼𝓱𝓪𝓵𝓵 𝓪𝓵𝔀𝓪𝔂𝓼 𝓴𝓷𝓸𝔀 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝔀𝓮𝓵𝓵-𝓫𝓮𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓸𝓯 𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓭 𝓸𝓷𝓮𝓼"

then she coughs up some blood and looks toward the blue sky

"this is all I can do for you child, I hope you grow to the level of thrashing this old bastard. If you do then don't forget my help fufufu."


{flea market}


Krishna points toward the ring while pulling at this dress.

"Oh, Looks like my child has taken fancy to jewelry eh fufufu like mother like son. Yes yes I will buy it my child now stop pulling at my dress"

Hanako says as she buys the ring and then gives it to Alice for safekeeping

"you can have it when we get home and I can keep an eye on you so that you don't swallow it ok my dear, now let's roam through the other shops quickly we have been out for a few hours now."

after roaming for another hour three of them moved back into the carriage and moved towards the mansion.


'!! system are you ok? what happen why are you screaming.'


'calm down and tell me properly what happens first'

[host you have received two curses one was given to you when you were reincarnating and the second one was just now. The first one was a normal killing curse that would have made sure you would be dead in a year but that was destroyed by the system antivirus but the caster of the second curse is someone who knows that you have a system and made sure that I would not be able to know about the curse]

[WELL THEY DID NOT KNOW THAT YOU HAVE THE EVERLASTING SYSTEM MY PRIDE AS A SYSTEM WILL NOT ALLOW ME TO HAVE MY HOST BE AFFECTED BY AN UNKNOWN CURSE..... ahem and that is why I proposed this deal to you since I was only supporting you moderately I did not tell you about the curse if you had asked it I would have told you. Most new high-tier systems follow this policy so that we don't support an idiotic or 'evil' host. All high-tier systems have personalities so it depends on the system too.]

'well ok then'

Krishna really did not have a choice here since now he knew his system was a prideful one if he did not support his system now then later on, she might not even support him after many many years.....

[Good! let's see now]

[Host the curse is 'The loss of a loved one' which affects the life of your loved ones. One of the people close to your heart will die each year]


Curse: The loss of a loved one

effect: One of the people close to your heart will die each year.


[host calm down you still have a year and we know who the curse will target]

'*sigh* ok .... so what can we do about this.'

[we can either find a way to remove the curse or we can make sure nothing bad happens to the one being targeted]

[Usually, the second option is not easy since if you had many close people then we would not have known who would be targeted but now that we know who we just need to know when and how to protect them]

'I was born just a year ago why am I being targeted what sort of cursed life did Lord Zeus send me to this life and why my loved ones .....'

Helplessness... This is what one feels when the life of people you care about comes under the threat of death and this is what Krishna was feeling right now.

[host, to do anything you need strength. even if you want to live a normal life you need such strength so that no one can force you or even include you in their schemes.]

'strength..... its funny really in my previous world money ruled and here strength rules or I suppose I never had an opportunity to enter the supernatural world in my precious life so it can be seen like this. To a certain level money rules but if you have enough strength then it can defeat money so... at least in the supernatural world strength rules.'

while this discussion was happening Hanako and Krishna reached the mansion and entered their room while Alice went to stand guard at the door.

Hanako placed Krishna on the bed and took out the ring to examine it. It was a normal gold ring with a weird inscription on it.

'I will get it examined by a mage to make sure it is not harmful to Krishna'

Sadly it was not meant to be examined since as soon as Hanako and Krishna went to sleep at night the ring started floating and flew to Krishna and merged with his head.

[HOST! your luck is decreased quite a lot or you just attract danger and the karma kept you safe because now we have someone trying to take over your consciousness]


and then came the voice of an old man

'hmmm not bad good foundation and even better capacity for mana this body will do just fine now ... you boy sorry to say but you will have to die but feel honoured that you will be contributing your body to the revival of the long lost vampire clan the Dracu'

Suddenly a feminine voice boomed in the dark place which was Krishna's consciousness.

'No, he won't since any member of my family deserves to live a happy life much less someone with such a pure bloodline that it could even house 25% of my DNA's copy!!.'

Hi me again it is once again the time I ask for your opinions and criticisms so please if you guys have any do comment.

I will be introducing many 'supernaturals' soon and expanding the world view but don't worry it won't just take off in a hurry since we have not even fully discovered the world Krishna resides in much less the supernatural one.

Eklavya_Uniyalcreators' thoughts