
Quest Beyond The Shadow

In the sprawling continent of Andhi, where magic ebbs and flows like the tide, young Aelar Wyrmsbane stands at the precipice of destiny. As a budding mage in the bustling city of Toika, Aelar's latent powers awaken under the guidance of the wise Osho, guardian of the Nalanda Library. But the path to mastery is paved with secrets. A chance discovery of "Juma Al'Jari: A Life Amidst the Waves" unravels a tale of legendary water mages, forgotten wars, and cryptic messages that hint at a hidden chamber beneath the very library Aelar has known all his life. As the shadows of the past intertwine with the present, Aelar finds himself drawn to Ilyana Nightshade, a mysterious fellow seeker, their fates seemingly entwined by the shadows. And in the backdrop, the looming threat of the Desolation promises challenges that will test Aelar's resolve and determination. Join Aelar on his journey as he navigates the treacherous waters of politics, power, and prophecy. In a world where the line between stars and shadows blurs, the mystic tides of Andhi await. Dive deep, for magic, mystery, and destiny beckon. Will Aelar rise as a beacon of hope, or will he be consumed by the very shadows he seeks to dispel? The tide is turning, and every droplet holds a secret.

OriginPi · Fantasy
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17 Chs

The Stairway to Aspirations

Sunlight streamed through the gaps in the curtains, filling Aelar's room with a warm, golden hue. He sat up, stretching his arms and allowing the memories of the previous day's events to settle in. The Agni Academy: a place he had tried to enter once and failed. The very thought of the academy brought a rush of emotions - ambition, hope, and the sting of past failure.

Determined, he decided today he would gather every piece of information he could about the admission test. He couldn't afford to be unprepared this time.

Aelar made his way to the academy, his heart pounding with anticipation. The majestic structure stood tall, but an endless flight of stairs stood between him and the entrance. Each step reminded him of his previous attempt and his determination to succeed this time.

Upon reaching the top, he took a moment to catch his breath. Scanning the surroundings, he spotted a staff member, distinguishable by their Helper's attire.

"Excuse me," Aelar began, approaching the staff, "I was hoping to learn more about the admission process and when the tests are scheduled."

The Helper, a middle-aged woman with a stern expression, pointed down a corridor to her right. "Head to the admissions office at the end of that hallway. They'll provide all the details you need."

Gratefully nodding, Aelar made his way to the specified location. The office was filled with the murmur of discussions and the rustle of papers. After a short wait, an official with 'Admissions' embroidered on their robe addressed him.

"The admission test is scheduled in three weeks," the official informed him, studying Aelar closely. "It's divided into three parts. The first assesses your theoretical understanding of magic. The second is a practical evaluation of your aptitude with Energy and spells. If you clear these stages, you will proceed to the third test."

Aelar swallowed, memories of his previous failure making him anxious. "And the third test?"

"It's more of a formality, but essential nonetheless," the official explained. "It's to discern the Power Realm of the aspirant and determine which Essence or essences they align with. Rarely do some students not align with any essence. Such individuals can't progress beyond the Adept level. They are typically assigned to our magical research department upon graduation."

Aelar nodded, absorbing the information. "Thank you. I'll be prepared this time."

As he retraced his steps, he passed by a board detailing the academy hierarchy: Helpers, Students (categorized as Novice, Adept, Mage), Teachers (Master, Grand Master), and the revered position of Head Master.

With the information from the admissions office fresh in his mind, Aelar decided to go about his day. He maneuvered through the familiar streets, greeting familiar faces, and eventually found himself at the grand doors of the library.

The library was a place of solace for Aelar, and as usual, he began with his tasks, sorting out scrolls and books, guiding visitors, and ensuring everything was in order.

As the afternoon sun descended, Aelar decided to visit Master Osho. The Master's chambers were located at the far end of the library, a secluded area filled with rare artifacts and manuscripts.

"Master," Aelar greeted, bowing slightly. "I wanted to discuss the third test for the academy admission – the one about Power Realms and essence alignment."

Master Osho, seated amidst a pile of scrolls, glanced up. "Ah, the Power Realm. That Aelar is a reflection of one's innermost magical core. To truly see it, you'd need the Realm Testing Orb."

Aelar's curiosity was piqued. "The Realm Testing Orb?"

Master Osho nodded, "Come back this evening before you leave. I'll show you."

With a promise to return, Aelar returned to the library's main hall. As he turned a corner, he almost collided with Ilyana, who was engrossed in a thick tome titled "Mystics and the Cosmic Rhythms."

"Oh, Aelar," she exclaimed, her face lighting up. "I was just diving into the intriguing connection between Mystics and the cosmic energies."

Aelar smiled, noting her enthusiasm. "I've decided to take the academy test in three weeks," he shared a hint of nervousness in his voice.

Ilyana looked surprised, "That's wonderful!"

Aelar nodded, "What about you?"

Ilyana sighed, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear. "I come from Vien. My interests lie more in the realms of Mystics and cosmic Energy. The Agni Academy isn't the right place for that. I'll be returning home soon to join the Academy of Cosmos."

Aelar felt a pang of disappointment. "I'll miss our discussions," he admitted.

Ilyana smiled, her eyes softening...

As the sun set, Aelar approached Master Osho's chamber.

Master Osho was waiting, an enigmatic silhouette against the dim light of his chamber. On the table before him lay the Real Orb – a pristine sphere of white that seemed to absorb the scarce light around.

"Ah, you've come," the Master greeted, picking up the orb. With a deft motion, he infused it with a hint of magical Energy. The orb responded immediately, its solid whiteness giving way to perfect transparency.

"Here," Master Osho handed the clear orb to Aelar, "Hold it and channel your Essence into it. Let it be the mirror to your soul."

Aelar hesitated for a split second before taking the orb. He focused, trying to feel the connection to his Essence. But seconds turned into long moments, and the orb remained unchanged.

Sensing Aelar's struggle, Osho offered a gentle prompt, "Feel the Essence, Aelar. Feel the sensations on your skin, within your core. Let the orb be an extension of you."

Encouraged, Aelar delved deeper within himself. Slowly, the orb began to react. A dazzling array of colors – specks of rainbow hues – began to materialize, dancing and swirling within the sphere. The dots gravitated toward each other based on their colors, forming distinct balls. The blue, however, was noticeably more prominent than the rest.

Master Osho's eyes widened in amazement. "Incredible! Multiple realms! You have the potential to become a fusionist, Aelar."

But even as Osho spoke, a thin, ominous black circle began to manifest around the colorful balls, pushing and compressing them toward the center. Osho's expression shifted from amazement to stark disbelief. The atmosphere in the room grew thick with tension.

Before either could react, the pressure within the orb reached a critical point. With a sound like a tree branch snapping, the orb shattered into countless pieces, scattering the chamber with fragments of what was once a reflection of Aelar's soul.

Osho, usually the beacon of wisdom and composure, was left speechless, his gaze fixated on the remnants of the orb.

Master Osho slowly collected the scattered fragments of the shattered orb, each piece echoing the gravity of the revelation.

Finally, Osho looked up, his eyes locking onto Aelar's. "Aelar," his voice, usually soft and gentle, was now laden with an urgency Aelar had never heard before, "You mustn't speak of this to anyone. Not your family, not your friends, no one."

Aelar swallowed, the weight of the situation pressing on him. "Master, what... what does this mean?"

Master Osho sighed deeply, his gaze drifting momentarily to the broken remnants on the table before returning to Aelar's worried eyes. "Access to multiple realms is a rare gift that could bring immense power. But," he paused, choosing his words carefully, "the black circle, the compression... it signifies a Forbidden Realm."

"The Forbidden Realm?" Aelar echoed, confusion evident in his voice.

Osho nodded solemnly. "It's a realm of magic that's spoken of only in hushed whispers and ancient texts. It possesses power beyond comprehension, but it comes at a terrible cost. Throughout history, mages who've come into contact with this kind of realm and started accessing it have either lost their sanity or been consumed by the realm. None have even gone beyond the stage of Mage."

Aelar felt his heart race, the implications of Osho's words sinking in. "But, Master, why me? Why am I cursed with this?"

Master Osho's expression softened. "The ways of magic are mysterious, Aelar. Your alignment with multiple realms can be a source of strength. However, you must tread carefully."

He leaned forward, emphasizing every word. "The consequences would be dire if anyone discovered your connection to a Forbidden Realm. The Council of Mages and even the Council of Kingdoms would deem you a threat. You'd face execution or be imprisoned in a dungeon for life."

Aelar felt the weight of the revelation pressing down on him. His dreams of joining the academy, understanding his Essence, and mastering his powers now seemed fraught with peril.

Aelar's desperate eyes met Master Osho's. "Master, does this mean I cannot join the academy? The final test will surely expose my realms, including the Forbidden one."

Master Osho's gaze was contemplative, weighing the risks and potential outcomes. "It's true, Aelar. The Realm Testing Orb at the academy will unveil everything."

Aelar's voice quivered slightly, "Is there no way, Master? Any means to bypass or mask it?"

Master Osho's eyes had a hint of something Aelar couldn't discern. Without a word, Osho began weaving Essence in the air. The weave took form, threads of Shadow Essence intertwining and spiraling, creating a dense, intricate ball: a Shadow Seal. With a swift motion, Osho placed the Seal onto Aelar's forehead. It felt cold, and then, with a sensation like water being absorbed by parched soil, it sank into him.

Aelar, taken aback, touched his forehead, feeling nothing but his skin. "Master Osho, what... what did you do?"

Master Osho exhaled, the weight of his decision evident. "I've sealed your Forbidden Realm. But in doing so, I've also suppressed your other realms, albeit to a lesser extent. Should you undergo the test now, the Realm Testing Orb will remain inert, indicating you possess no Power Realm."

Aelar's eyes widened, trying to grasp the implications. "But then, won't they think I'm powerless?"

Master Osho nodded, "Yes, but it's a temporary setback. With time and by attuning yourself to specific realm essences, you can unlock these realms again. The more you practice and strengthen your bond with Essence, the more pronounced that realm will become in you. Except, of course, for the Forbidden Realm. That must remain sealed."

Aelar took a moment, processing the gravity of what had transpired. "Thank you, Master Osho. I'll train, attune, and ensure the Forbidden Realm remains a secret."