
Gray is missing 2

Gray tear up his eyelid has he gaze curiously at his surrounding, the fragments of his past memories begins to unfold . 'where the is this place ? ' he mumbled as he tries communicating with his wolf .

' you can't reach him ' Beta Louis said emerging from the darkness.

' how long was I out ? ' Gray asked not surprised at the fact he was a prisoner.

' few hours ' he replied curtly.

' the aura that lured me here is different from yours. I want to see him .' Gray demanded.

' too bad I don't follow instructions.' Beta Louis said ' your Alpha didn't teach you what is called respect '

' funny enough I have no Alpha.' Gray replied.' seeing that I am not tied , it means that I am a guess .'

Beta Louis chuckles

' what a naive cub ' he wonders .

' don't underestimate me . ' Gray threatened.

Beta Louis turned to leave but was pinned to the ground by Gray .

' the fact that you are my mate is what is keeping you head from rolling ' Beta Louis said aggressive as he switched their position. ' you should be at the buttom , since the moon goddess bless me with you.' he smirks.

Gray wishes to slap the stupid smirk of his face. ' what do want? ' he asked ignoring the fact that he is his mate .

' No need to worry mi amor you are save ' he reassured in a thick french accent.

Gray can't doubt the fact that is voice is alluring with is sexy bicep and pearless thick face.It is a pity that he has decided to stay without a mate , as a guardian you can reject your mate without you having a side effects.

' I don't need a mate ' he protested weakly , he can feel the sudden change of aura from his mate.

' don't say the word cub' Beta Louis warned trying to control is wolf , his heart bleeds.

' I Gray Churchill, guardian of the...' he was interrupted by the pain in his neck, a sharp pain from his mate hideous teeth, he was forcefully marked.

' what have done!' Gray yelled trying to push him away in tears ' let me go ..'

' Am sorry mate ...' Beta Louis apologized ' you can't reject me, I have been waiting for years for you. Being a guardian doesn't meen you can hurt my feelings ' he explained.

' Get out !' Gray yelled pushing him away.

Beta Louis gives him a bitter smile , all he can see from Gray's eyes was hatred . He walks out breathing heavily. ' what have you done Green" He scolded his wolf.

' he was trying to reject us !... not again Louis ' Green whimpered.

' he is still a guardian, do you think he recognized us 'he asked.

' he had forgotten everything about his past life Louis but his hate for us is still there and sadly we still love him.' Green stated feeling hurt .

Louis recalled Gray eyes.' we can't lose him again "


Gray curled up in tears , he regretted trying to reject him, his mate , which name he didn't know. ' Ray ' he called feeling the connection of his wolf.

" You found him.' Ray said ' he marked us , he is now aggressive ' he added.

" What do you mean? ' Gray asked.

" You will understand when you gain your memories of your past life.' he assured " we are about to breakthrough.'

' I know. How is it possible?' Gray asked ' when do we become a cultivator?'

" The Alpha of this place is the legendary psycho tribrid...' Ray hit the bombshell leaving Gray dumbfounded.

" The one his soul remnant the eternal flames carries .' Ray said.


" Mistress, ssss" the serpent called.

" Speak .' commanded the fiery red fox .

" Moon is closed to him we seek.' he informed.

" Without the eternal flame, she is useless, their love can't rekindle." She said.

" What if she is the carrier of the eternal flame ' the serpent said .

" Moon is a Blondie, so reincarnation will be a Blondie to be able to posses the power of the moon.' she replied.