

Amber was awoken at the cry of a baby , she tear up her eyelid and gaze at the direction of the voice only to find a gorgeous looking baby , his crimson fury red hair , smooth milky coloured skin and dark brown eye balls . the baby notice Amber gaze he instantly stop crying.

' I don't mind you taking a picture , I might as well give you my autograph.' baby Cole boast

Amber chuckles getting up ' you transform into a baby, a fucking ,talking , drooling baby , so while will I want a autograph ' she replied.

'dont you dare mock this supreme god , most wanted , charming , imperial beauty ...'

' beautiful !' Amber exclaimed wickedly

' Little girl why are you squealing have taken fancy of this lord ' baby Cole said.

' yeah. your butt is good for spanking ' Amber complimented .

' sister this younger brother is sorry. ' baby said shivering.

' shameless ! ' she spat

' I learnt from the best ' Cole said

' where is Gray ? she asked

' older brother went hunting ' Cole replied

' I don't know that a two thousand years eternal flame is usually this shameless.' Amber said with a smirk ' older brother ? sister? quite a good trick . Can you cook ?'

'am no longer a flame so I can't cook ' Cole lied

' so a supreme lord can't cook ? ' Amber asked

' compare to you , my imperial goddess full of unparalleled beauty , I am a failure ' Cole replied.

' such a little flatterer you are ' Amber praise ' but this goddess is aware of are unparalleled beauty , she don't need a drooling baby to praise her '

" heartless little girl, when I finally delivered my assignment and be able to transform fully I will deal you " he cursed deeply

' Are you cursing me in your mind ? ' Amber asked .


Gray scope his surrounding they is something suspicious about this place . the trackers wouldn't have retreated immediately they step their foot here .

" Ray , do you feel it " he mind Link his wolf

' I sense it not feel it ' he rebuked .

' Ray there are the same thing ' Gray said rolling mentally rolling his eyes .

' Feeling is when you are with your mate ...' Ray was cut short by the terrifying aura surrounding them . Ray whimpers bowing his head in summission .

' what is that ! Gray mumbled

' I don't know ' Ray whispered .' we need to get the hell out of here '

' I can't move.' Gray confessed

' I can't die mateless ' Ray cried out .


Cole was massaging Amber's feet when suddenly the remnant soul he carries becomes excited .

' something is not right ,I cannot mind Link Gray ' Amber said coldly ' some one wants to play a game with us Cole , what do say baby Cole , let's can kick some asses .'

' mistress , I think is the owner of the remnant soul I carried rule this placed. ' Cole replied.

' the Alpha have a calming aura ' Amber replied .

'mi... ss.tress ' Cole stumbled ' calming aura ? this is no goddess but demon ! I am tired of all this I want my momma ! ' he mumbled as he burst in to tears .

' Cole ,tell me more about this endearing owner . ' Amber acquired ignoring his dramatic tears.


' my love.' Alpha Draco called softly, caressing the seven tails red fox beautiful feminine white shoulder . He bite softly on her neck , sucking and kissing her . She moan loudly, embrace the sexual sensations.

' you can't go beyond the this my Alpha ' she said attempting to get down from the bed but he stop her.

' my love give me more time , I will figure out how to penetrate blood moon pack , I beg you.' He pleaded pressing his erection at her butt hoping she can feel it . ' baby ...' he moaned as she caress his dick softly.

' how about I suck you dry ?' she whispered

' I love the sound of that ' he moaned .

She swiftly start sucking his dick , taking him inat once .

' yesssss..ow..right there...' he rambled foolishly.