
Weaponry (1)

Regina's PoV

After a few hours we returned and saw all of them on the ground while Nanashi didn't break a sweat.

"How are they?" I asked her upon entering.

"They showed many openings. However they are learning. The mage types had a harder time dodging since they lacked stamina." Said Nanashi pointing to the Bishops and Sona who mainly use magic.

After hearing Nanashi's opinion I went to Sona who is exhausted.

"How you holding up?" I asked her while giving her a bottle of water. Which she drank.

"Damn... hah...your friend is really terrifying. She kept on targeting our weak points and openings." She said while trying to catch her breath.

"How was she able to always hit our openings... it's insane... Although I have to admit  we are able steadily able to improve on our mistakes due to her always striking there and scaring us with her killing intent." She continued as she evaluated the training they just did.

"Rest up for a bit ill show you something interesting." I said with a mysterious smile.

Hearing that she was confused but quickly recovered and focused in resting.

After her peerage rested for a few minutes I then called everyone to come with me.

"Where are we going?" Asked Sona as we walk through the hallways.

"The armory, Most of your peerage members don't have equipment nor sacred gears that are comparable to Rias' peerage. Although I know that you have the brains to make up for it, There are cases where in the face of absolute power theres nothing you can do. So let us at least bridge that gap a little." I explained to her as we arrive in the armory.

I then continued to explain.

"Most of the weapons stored here are in their prototype stage and various weapons we created due to our hobbies, even though that is the case most of them are still viable in battle and doesn't have any negative effects. Just that compared to our other weapons they lacked a bit." I explained to Sona.

"Thank you for allowing us to borrow them." She thanked me.

"Its fine, it also helps us to test them in battles."

I then turned towards her peerage members and explained to them what we will be doing.

"Regulus Dominion has various weapons uniquely developed by us that we refer to as Regalias. They are based on Sacred gears and various legendary weapons. Combining their aspects, although in a sense it can be also considered artificial sacred gears, In here are several of the more common regalias that we have developed and experimented on. They are still viable in combat but is lacking compared to the fully developed ones."

The spare regalias and weapons we created are stored in the armory. Most of them were created due to our hobbies as we sometimes experimented on various weapons and created some basic regalias as well as some prototypes for our own weapons.

They aren't as powerful as Regulus and the others but still viable in combat.

"Lets start with Tsubaki." I said calling her over as we go to a section of the armory where pole arms are.

"In this shelf are various weapons that we have." I then picked up a spear from one of them. I then gave it to Ilya who used [Reforge] to form it into a naginata.

Ilya didn't have much of a problem reforging them as she was involved most of the time in the creation of the weapons. The spear is also one of them.

After reforging the weapon she tested out the balance and analyzed it to see if there are any problems before handing it back to me.

"This one is called [Sacred Piercer]. It has the ability to control and produce sacred lightning. It is pretty versatile and can be used in a variety of ways." I briefly explained to her before handing it to her. This spear or rather naginata now, was based on Yun Yao's sacred gear, [Basileus Aurum]. Although weaker than the sacred gear it is still powerful nonetheless.

"Try it and see if it fits you. Its one of the best among the ones in storage."

She lightly tested it out before nodding and thanking me.

"Its pretty comfortable to use. Thank you."

I then called their [Knight]  Tomoe Meguri as the swords are near this area.

"Tomoe, just pick a sword from there." I said pointing at the shelves. There are descriptions written there explaining their abilities.

"Any recommendations?" She asked as she looked over at the swords.

"Among them I would recommend this one." I saw picking up a katana.

"This one is Twilight's Edge. It has the power to create and command celestial flames." I briefly explained.

Twilight's Edge was one of the prototypes for Solis Catastrophe II when me and Ilya were working on it. This was one was based on Solis Catastrophe II's better early designs and is pretty powerful although it still cannot compare to Solis Catastrophe. We later scrapped the design and just built something slightly different since its such as waste and ended up being Twilight's Edge.

"The flames maybe hard to control at first however they are pretty powerful once you mastered it's usage."

Meguri then took the katana from my hand to try and test it out. She swung it for a bit before turning to me to ask.

"How do I use the flames?"

"Use your demonic power using the sword as a catalyst. Do it like you would when using magic. I have to warn you though, the flames are hard to control so be careful." I explained and demonstrated to her before returning the katana back to her.

"Whoa..." She said seeing the celestial flames emitting from the katana in my hand.

After returning Meguri's weapon to her we then head on over to the Mage section as the [Rook] Tsubasa Yura still doesnt have an idea of what to pick.

As we were walking towards the mage section she saw a glove in display. It had the label 'Starlight Guardian (CAS)' on it.

"Whats that?" She asked me while pointing at it.

"Thats [Starlight Guardian]. It is a shield type Regalia. The glove would project a shield of light that can be thrown and summoned back towards the glove like a boomerang. We had the idea after watching a movie about an american superhero in a blue spandex that fights using a shield. It looked interesting how he was able to fight effectively using said shield so we tried to recreate it as much as we can." I explained while taking the glove.

A while back me and my friend were watching a movie and we took notice of the shield used by one of the heroes. We wanted to try it in real life but it was pretty hard to ricochet the shield back to you as it would get stuck in the ground or in the walls. Due to wanting to make the hero's shield a reality we created a shield of light that can be summoned back and capable of bouncing through walls and stuff.

Its first model was a metallic shield that could be summoned back. However we saw that it was pretty bland. So we took inspiration from the golden shield, Aegis that is one of Ilya's greatest defense and favorites, and created a golden shield of light.

"It is pretty hard to use compared to the other weapons but its pretty fun to use it when you get the hang of it. I'll show you." We then went to the nearest testing room to show how to use the shield.

"Ilya, can you be my opponent?" To which she nodded as we enter the sparring arena. The others were at the audience area to watch how we demonstrate it.

I then stood a distance away from Ilya and waited for Raina to declare the start of the match.


With Raina's signal Ilya created two pairs of swords as I projected the shield.

Ilya dashes towards me as she brandishes her swords while I threw the shield at her which she deflected as it came back towards me.

She then swung one of her swords as I blocked it with the shield. I kicked towards her to push her back for some distance as I once more threw the shield which she blocked once more. I summoned the shield as it flew back towards me and kicked it, sending it flying back towards her.

The shield then returned once more as I prepare to block the swords she fired at me through [Divine Forge]. I poured energy into the shield as I projected a larger shield in front of me to block the incoming projectiles.

After that exchange we nodded towards each other as we stopped and went towards the audience booth since we have shown enough of the shield's abilities.

I went ahead and gave Sona's peerage some regalias to at least catch up to Rias'Peerage since compared to Rias' they are lacking. It will be so long before they would even get their artificial sacred gears in the canon.Its kinda ridiculous how late they were powered up and was only shown in the volume when Grendel was introduced.This will also make their battle against Rias Peerage more entertaining. Also on a side note can u guess what CAS means in the lable for the shield?

ImaginarySoracreators' thoughts