
Regina and Azazel (1)

Regina's PoV

So he really is Azazel...

Azazel is the name of my Father, The same one who left Mom all those years. The one who we never once saw all our life.

That very man stands in front of me now.

"Hey are you really alright?" He asked with a concerned expression towards me who is shaking.

Stop! Dont show that expression! when in my whole life you were never there!

I grit my teeth and clenched my fist. As I look towards Uncle, no Azazel with hatred.

"So it really was you..." I said to him

"What do you mean?" He asked confused.

"To think that the first time that I will meet you will be like this..." I continued on as I stare at his eyes.

"[GATE OPEN!]" I yelled out as golden ripples fill the sky reaching the hundreds. My Aura also rose as my hair turned golden and my eyes become crimson red.

Seeing this Azazel finally had a serious expression on his face.

"[FIRE!]" I yelled out as countless swords fill the sky and headed towards him.

Seeing this he went all out and created a barrier around the area as well as another one to block my attacks.

"Regina-chan whats wrong? Why are you attacking me?"


Azazel's PoV

Something is wrong with her ever since she heard my name. This sacred gear is also ridiculous. I haven't heard of a sacred gear that can cover the sky with hundreds of blades. Each of those blades are also different powerful swords.

What is with this immense hatred that she shows towards me? That look on her eyes is filled with anger, sadness and longing.

Even with all of this attacks she never really showed killing intent just anger, like a child throwing a tantrum.

"Regina answer me!" I yelled towards her trying to get her attention.

"Why...? Why do you still have that look of concern in your face?" She asked me with tears in her eyes.

I felt it when we first met. A connection with her that I cannot explain, a feeling of closeness. We might have just met but I felt we known each other for years. Its like when I trained Vali back then. Just like hanging out with my own child. Is it because of her age that I see her as a daughter?

"Regena tell me whats wrong? Why are you angry?"

I asked in hopes of getting an answer.

She looked at me with a conflicting expression and took out a sword. It was a beautiful sword that shined in gentle golden light, white flames gathering around it.

Its a familiar light that was always by my side all those years. It belonged to my most beloved woman.

Its name is...

"Shine bright, [Solis Catastrophe]." As its true name was invoked a surge of white flames covered the area around her.

The holy sword, Solis Catastrophe is said to be forged using a calamity in the form of never ending flames. The flames are said to come from a star in the moment of its destruction.

"Why do you have that?" I asked in shock.

She then leaps towards me covered on flames.

"[Solis Galius!]" The once scattered flames then gathered towards its blade as they condensed into hotter and more fatal flames. The flames are stacking above each other increasing its damage as time passes however the control needed as time goes on is tremendous.

"This technique..."

This technique belonged to her. It was an original of hers. She created many variation of it as well and can be used with holy power and other powers to substitute without the flames of Solis Catastrophe. An attack that grows stronger with each passing moment.

She used to tell me with a huge smile on her face that she wanted to teach it to our child someday.

So thats who she is...

Finally realising who she is, I deactivated my defenses. Seeing this her eyes opened wide as her sword stopped just touching my clothes. The bright flames it once held are extinguished as if to represent the owners anger.

'What splendid control' I thought as I look at her who is crying.

"Why?! Why weren't you there? You were supposed to protect us to protect Mom!" She yelled out as 4 pairs of wings materialized behind her.


Solis Catastrophe fell to the ground as she hit me with her fists.

So she is already just a step away from cadre level fallen angels... I thought as I look at her beautiful black wings.

"Do you know how hard it was?! Do you know how it felt to see those bastards from the Arclight family kill mom?! The feeling of having to run away just to protect your little sister! I couldn't let her die! I had to protect Raina!"  In response I just patted her head.

So she has gone through a lot... I dont know what to say to her... From her voice I can feel the burden she carried for years.

"Im sorry for not being there..." I told her as I hugged her. "Im sorry for being such a useless Father..."

Tears also begins to spill from my eyes. 16 years, Its been 16 years and its only now that I met my own daughter. She's already so big. This is truly a greater sin than when I fell from Heaven.

"Im sorry..."

"Father, I wanted to meet you so badly..." She said before losing consciousness.


After she fell asleep I brought her home to my house.

Opening the door I saw Vali sitting in the sofa watching television. Noticing me enter he greeted me.

"Oh your finally ba-" but before he could finish he saw Regina in my arms as I carried her.

"Damn, No wonder you fell from heaven due to lust. You won't even let off little girls."

This guy...

"Thats not it. She passed out prepare the guest room." I told him with a serious expression. Seeing this he nodded and went to prepare a room upstairs.

I then followed after carrying Regina and placed her in the bed prepared by Vali.

After settling her down Vali then asked me.

"Who is she?" He asked curiously

"My daughter." I told him simply.

"You brought home another one?" He said looking at me in wonder.

"No, she is my biological daughter."

Hearing that he was in shock before telling me, "I didnt know you have a daughter."

"I also didnt know." I said with a sad tone.

"Well its not that surprising considering your a pervert."

"..." hearing this I became speechless. This guy!

Here it is the confrontation between Father and Daughter.A daughter who her whole life never met her Father and longs for him while at the same time hates him for not being there to protect her mother,and a Father who just found out about his own flesh and blood and that his most beloved woman was killed.

Just a side note for those wondering why Raina fainted.The reason is the mental stress and the emotional burden she kept for years. after 5 years they finally got released.

ImaginarySoracreators' thoughts