
Kiba's Worry and Regina's Absolution

Regena's PoV

Its been a couple of days since we left Father's house and me an Raina are now headed to school. Ilya and Lily have already went back to Regulus Dominion and as for Father and Brother, they are still the same.

We also found out that Father also does research on sacred gears and even created one of his own which is really amazing. We shared our research with him and he did so as well. He was really interested in the Regalias as well. He said they are really similar to sacred gears but different at the same time.

My golden sword [Regulus] was based off on [Solis Catastrophe] as well as our research on the sacred gears back at the base. The sacred gear design we used the most on it was Yun Yao's [Basileus Aurum] due to its high compatibility with Holy weapons as Yun Yao's white tiger has powers over gold and holy elements. Of course there are other abilities but we took those two the most from her sacred gear.

These past days I noticed that Kiba seems to be out of it. He is often distracted and was even hit by a ball when they were practicing baseball for the upcoming 'Ball Tournament'. It seems ever since losing to Riser, Rias has developed a 'hating to lose' attitude. Well its not bad in a way as it strengthens her determination to be stronger.

From what I heard from Sona, Rias has been really spoiled since childhood and would over rely on her brother. I blame that siscon for this though...

So its a good thing for Rias to change and not be as lax as before.

Anyway enough about Rias. Lets go back to Kiba. After asking Issei it seems he started acting like that due to a picture he saw on Issei's house. I asked Issei to show me the picture but he became embarrassed for sone reason. Well we still ended up going to his house to check it. His parents for some reason were really happy about him bringing some more friends for some reason.

After looking at the picture I found out what caused Kiba to act like that. Holy Swords, it seems he has a lot of hatred towards holy swords in general which extends to exorcists as well. As a holy sword user myself I feel conflicted hearing his hatred to them. His hatred towards exorcists also surpasses mine, As my hatred is centered around the Arclight Family than exorcists in general though I still dont like them.

Speaking of hatred me and Raina has started to accept our Fallen Angel side and is being trained by Father during our free time and visits there.

Father told me that the reason why I already have 8 wings is due to my usage of Holy powers which extends to light based attacks due to how skilled I am at using them. Which I found ironic as I thought that my talent in using that came from Mom and my usage of Holy swords which it did but still got affected by my Fallen Angel lineage.

So this whole time I was still using some powers of fallen angels at the thought of which made me want to hit my head on the wall.

Father has also taught us how to do light projection and different Fallen Angel Magics. Overall Fallen Angels have abilities that are similar to Angels. Father is really is skilled in Light Projection and showed us some techniques that are powerful.

Father has told me that Raina's wings can evolve from 6 to 8 wings should she become more in tune with her Fallen Angel side. As Raina mostly uses different magics, she didn't utilize her Fallen Angel side as much. Making her to only have 6 wings currently.

Another thing is we didn't have as much hatred towards Fallen Angels as much as before but still hate some of them due to their arrogance and stupidity, one of them was that guy called Kokabiel who I dislike for talking back to Father about starting another war.

The retard wanted another war when the 3 factions already lost so much. Is he really thinking properly? Is what I thought but kept quiet. It seems Father also has some plans to use him in some way as he didn't do anything in regards to him.


I approached Kiba who is alone in the roof top during lunch and staring into the sky.

Noticing me he glanced at me as I sat down beside him.

"Care to tell me whats wrong?" I asked him

"Its nothing."

"Its not nothing. There is something bothering you. Even the girls who are your fans can tell, what more of your friends? Tell me it might lighten your burden." I told him.

"Im not ready to talk about it yet... maybe later when I thought it through." So he still has problems sharing them. I'll wait till he is ready.

Hearing that I let out a sigh.

"Tell me when you are ready. Your friends are worried about you... You dont have to carry the burden you have alone. You have comrades." I then patted his head before leaving.

Unbeknownst to me who left he touched his head and made a genuine smile.

I may not be able to update as much since I really dont feel well lately. I have started puking and showed signs of dehydration which fking sucks. Im also feeling weak lately maybe due to me having nothing to eat lately since I just puke them. Can't really go to the hospital cause of the COVID-19 patients may infect me so as much as possible I wanted to stay at home.

I may release some chapters If I get slightly better though.

So I apologize in advance for lack of updates.

ImaginarySoracreators' thoughts