

Regina's PoV

A few weeks have passed since the treaty was signed. Me and Raina have joined the Occult Research Club as it is a good way for those in the alliance to plan in case of emergencies regarding Kuon Town.

Father has started teaching at this school and became our club advisor much to the shock of everyone else.

Ilya has also transferred and started studying here as well while Lily took over as the one incharge of Regulus Dominion for now. The other executives has also returned from their missions so the management of the base is good for now. We occasionally would dropped by and help out when we are free.

As for the rescue of Noire's mother it is planned to be done on the summer vacation. It may be moved should the situation change however for now the Fairy Queen is safe. We also ordered our agents who are free to return in order to prepare.

Currently me, Raina along with Ilya are at heaven's research Facility. With us is Ajuka Beelzebub, his subordinates, the heaven's researchers, and researchers from the Grigori. As for what we are working on. We gave it the name Brave Saints.

Like the Evil Pieces of the Devils, These Brave Saints have the power to turn other races into Angels, this will become the way for new angels to be born. Michael and the others plan to make reincarnate their believers into angels to replenish their numbers. It also make sense as none believers would easily Fall and become Fallen Angels, so reincarnating believers is really important.

Anyway aside from Brave Saints we are also helping with the creation of another thing we called Black Saints and they are capable of turning other races into Fallen Angels. Initially Father didn't want to create them as he thought since we are in an alliance it wouldn't matter if we dont increase our numbers. However I retorted that it would increase our influence especially when the Devils aren't united unlike heaven(though the church isn't as united),We can at least help in some cases with our influence.

The Brave Saints and Black Saints however unlike evil pieces are based on playing card decks. It will consist of 12 cards from Ace and numbering from 2 to 10. After that would be Jack and Queen as well as an extra joker. The King of course is the one who reincarnates them.

Like evil pieces, the Brave Saint and Black Saints have special abilities. Evil Pieces has Pawn promotion, Castling as well as bonuses for the other pieces. The saints however is based on the different human card games such as Black Jack and combinations such as Straight Flush, Full house, etc. Of course we could also combine with other peerages just not as powerful as those from the same peerage.

We used the same materials as Evil Pieces and due to this we obtained an understanding of the Evil Piece system and created a similar pillar at heaven and the grigori. Currently the only ones who has the decks from the Fallen Angels are me, Raina, Father, Uncle Barakiel and Uncle Shemhazai. We were considering giving some as well to the other leaders however they declined.

In the future it was planned for other high ranking Fallen Angels to also receive them.

It took us a few days to create the cards and distributed it to the Seraphs. With the help of Ajuka Beelzebub the creation of the Brave and Black Saints was really fast and there weren't much problems as it only took a few weeks including the tests.

Speaking of pieces and peerage. We have also begun to plan and organize a rating game event where the other races can also join in. There is a team lead by Ajuka Beelzebub who are working on some Evil Pieces that has the same effects as a normal one but without turning the individual into a devil, we have also helped in the initial stages before leaving it to them as we are busy.

It has some differences compared to Evil Pieces as it lost the function to revive a dead person using it and it can only be used in the tournament's vicinity, which wouldn't matter much as we will only use it for the event. Of course these pieces can be removable and independent from normal evil pieces making it possible for Devil Peerages to have different role assignments during the planned tournament.


Currently we are now being given a tour in heaven, we have been here for a few days and our new friend wanted to show us around. The one giving us a tour is our friend, the angel Alva, a young angel that works for their research division. She is one of the younger angels and is similar of age to us. She is a miracle child, a rare half angel, her parent being one of the seraphs and one of the higher ups of the church.

Alva was a beautiful girl with blond hair and green eyes. She wore a white dress with golden engravings on it. As someone who is close in age to us we quickly became friends during our stay in the past few weeks in heaven.

As we haven't explored much of heaven since coming here we were offered by her, a tour of heaven although only in the places we are allowed to go. She also explained to us the different levels of heaven.

Heaven is divided into seven levels, The seventh level referred to as 7th Heaven is where God used to reside but now only the system he left behind is there with only the seraphs being allowed to enter.

The 6th heaven is where the Michael-san and the other Seraphs reside. The 5th heaven is where many research institutes are located. This is also where Father and the others at the Grigori used to reside before they fell from heaven. We stayed here while we cooperate with those from the Grigori, The Devils and the research team in heaven during the process of researching the Saint cards.

Fourth heaven is where eden's garden is located, it is famous from the story of Adam and Eve.

Third Heaven is where the dead souls reside. We, The grigori and the Devils were restricted from entering there as we may stimulate the souls that reside there. This is the place commonly referred to as Heaven in many of their religious texts.

Second heaven is where those related to the babel tower as well as the captured enemies of Heaven are imprisoned and guarded by the angels.

Finally the First heaven are those where the lower ranked angels reside in and is the frontline of heaven.

"This building is where the researchers of heaven conduct their research on Holy Weapons hoping to create something that can rival Durandal and Excalibur, this is also where the weapons of the church originated from, before being given to our exorcist followers."

Explained by Alva as showed us around Fifth Heaven. As we were talking we entered the building and was greeted by our new found allies. I have to say, compare to most races angels are more forgiving and has the least people against the treaty as they are more united than the other races. The same couldn't be said to the church though.

"Ah greetings, Little Alva. What has brought you here?" Said a kind looking Angel greeting us as we entered the building. He had a gentle smile on his face.

"Uncle Raziel, Good day. Im here to show my friends around the facilities." Replied Alva who greeted in return.

"Good day, Seraph Raziel." We greeted him as well.

"Good day to you as well." He greeted back before turning to Alva. "You can go ahead and show them around, I'm sure you know the boundaries?"

"Of course, Uncle. I will only show those that are allowed to be shown." Replied Alva with a gentle smile before we bid farewell and continued our tour.

Even though we are in an alliance with the other factions there are still some research that are restricted and cannot be shown to outsiders even if they are allies.

We spent a couple of hours inside the building and was shown various prototypes and have gotten along with the researchers due to similarity of hobbies, especially Ilya who's hobby is forging weapons. We learned a lot from the researchers regarding holy weapons and they in turn found inspiration from our knowledge as well.

Upon exiting the building we planned to go back to our quarters as it was getting pretty late and it is almost time for lunch.

On our way there we coincidentally passed by Michael-san.

"Greetings Father." Greeted Alva upon seeing the Great Seraph, Michael. We also greeted him in turn.

"Good day to you guys as well." He then turned to Alva pretending to sulk. "Little Al-chan doesn't call me Papa anymore."

Hearing this Alva turned red in embarrassment and pouted cutely.

"Father! Stop that thats embarassing." She said in embarrassment.

In response Michael just laughed before turning to us.

"It seems you guys had fun touring around the different facilities?"

"Yes! It was really fun Michael-san~ We got to learn a lot of things." Said Raina with a smile. Me and Ilya also nodded.

"Thank you for being friends with Alva. As the birth rate of Angels and Miracle children as low especially after God's death, she hasn't had a friend similar of age so Im glad she finally found some." Said Michael thanking us.

Unlike the other two factions, After God's death new angels ceased to exist and the only way for them to reproduce is through the normal route, this resulted into only a few new angels as the chances of falling from heaven during love making is really high. Though I heard that they are working on a solution regarding that.

With this situation Alva hadn't had many friends, her age except for those young exorcists that she rarely meets due to her responsibilities in heaven.

"No, It is we who are lucky to have her as a friend." I said with a smile. Ilya nodded in agreement while Raina also voiced her agreement as well as hugged Alva.

"Yes! Alva-chan is our good friend." She said while clinging to Alva.

Michael then turned towards Alva and patted her head with a gentle smile.

"Im glad you found good friends." He said to which Alva smiled.

He then remembered something and turned towards us with an amused smile.

"Ah right, have you been to the artificial sacred gears section?"

"We were planning to go there after having lunch." Replied Alva.

"You might see it there..pfft.." He said trying to hold back his laughter.

Seeing this we were confused. Seeing our confusion Michael then turned towards us.

"I'll show it to you guys later when I accompany you guys there."

After calming down, He then turned towards the three of us.

"Ah right, before I forget. The three of you can refer to me as Uncle Michael or Uncle Mike you know? Azazel can be considered my brother since we were all created by God." He said towards us with a gentle smile.

Now that I think of it, that is true. It would also make us to be considered cousins with Alva. I glanced towards her and it seems like she is thinking the same thing with a smile on her face as she also looked towards us.

""Uncle Michael.""

"Uncle Mike~"

The three of us greeted him as such which caused a happy smile on his face.