

Raina's PoV

I sighed as I think back on what has happened. It seems big sis is in a bad mood. We underestimated then too much we didn't think they would have teleportation crystals with them. Those things can't be cancelled easily unlike using teleportation magic. It had even by passed the barrier I set earlier.

Its weird that they were able to hide their presence as well from us, given that they were weaker than us.

"How could they have hidden from us?" I asked my sister as we head towards school bringing the unconscious Issei.

Im currently using my magic to make him float along with us while we fly back towards school.

" There a few items that could hide the user from us, and I noticed this while fighting them. They have that item..." said my sister with a sigh.

"What item are you talking about?" I asked her curiously.

"I also have a copy of it in my treasury you should know of it. Hades Deathcap" (Regina)

"But doesn't that belong to Hades? How could some low rank Fallen Angels have it?" (Raina)

"It should be a copy an inferior imitation. As the effect cancelled when they attacked unlike the real one." (Regina)

"I see..."


After arriving we explained the situation to Rias. As we were explaining Issei awakened.

Issei upon being informed of what happened after he was knocked out wanted to go and rescue her. He was being denied by Rias and when he asked once more she slapped him in the face.

"How many times do I have to repeat myself? No is no. I can't allow you to

save that Sister." (Rias)

"Then I will go by myself. I'm worried about the ritual thing. The Fallen

Angels are doing something from behind the scenes. There's no guaranteeof Asia's safety." (Issei)

"Are you really that stupid? You will definitely be killed if you go. You won'tbe able to come back to life anymore. Do you understand?" Said Rias trying to be calm but me and big sis can see she is pretty enraged.

"Your actions will affect not only me but also the other members! You are a-Devil of the Gremory group! You need to be aware of that!" Rias yelled finally unable to hokd herself back.

"Then let me out of this group. I'll go there as an individual."(Issei)

"I can't do that! Why don't you understand?" (Rias)

"I became friends with Asia Argento. Asia is my important friend. I won't

abandon my friend!" (Issei)

"...That's a wonderful thing. I think it's amazing if you can say that face

to face. But that is different than what we are talking about now. The

relationship between a Devil and a Fallen Angel is not as simple as you

think. The two sides have been glaring at each other for hundreds and

thousands of years. If you show them a single gap of weakness, they will

come and kill us. They are our enemy." Me and Big sis also agree with what Rias is saying, although I admire that he wants to save his friend but looking at the big picture, if this didn't go well it could spark a war between the Fallen Angels and Devils, especially since from what I heard the gremory are protective of their own. Rias being one of the Satan's little sister would make it even more complicated.

"Wasn't blowing away the enemy the Gremory's way of doing things?"


The two of them continued to glare at each other.

"That girl was originally from God's side. She is a person that we cannot

ever coexist with. Even if she went with the Fallen Angels, it doesn't

change the fact that she is still the enemy of us Devils."

"Asia isn't our enemy!"Issei denied strongly believing at Asia.

"Even if she isn't, she has nothing to do with us. Ise, you have to forget

about her."

It was then that Akeno comes and whispers into Rias' ears. She had a serious expression on her face.

"I've got an urgent thing to do now. Akeno and I will go out for a bit."

"B-Buchou! I haven't finished talking!"

Rias put her index finger on Issei's lips.

"Ise, there are a couple of things I need to tell you. First one. You think that a [Pawn] is a weak piece, right? Am I right?"

Issei nods quietly to her question.

"That's a big misunderstanding. [Pawn] has a special ability that no other pieces have. That ability is the [Promotion]."

"Promotion? What is that?" Asked Issei

"Just like the actual chess game, [Pawn] can change into other classes ifthey reach the opponent's base. They are able to promote to any other piece besides the [King] piece. Ise, when you step foot in the location I

acknowledge as "Enemy's base", you are able to change into any piece

besides the [King]. Since it hasn't been that long since you became a Devil, there are restrictions, so it's probably still impossible for you to be promoted to the ultimate piece, a [Queen]. But you could change to other classes. If you

wish strongly for [Promotion] within your heart, then there will be a change in your ability."

Rias then explained this to Issei. It seems she given up on stopping him otherwise why would she explain promotion now at this time.

"Also one more thing, It's about the sacred gear. When you use your

Sacred Gear, just remember this."

Rias then stoke Issei's cheek and continued.

"Desire, the sacred gear is driven by the power of desire. Even though you are a Devil, your willto desire hasn't been lost. The stronger you desire, the stronger your sacred Gear will respond to you."

Desire.It was the same for us, both of us sisters wanted to protect our family, and our sacred gears responded to that. It gave us the power to save each other and to survive.

"There's one last thing you should never forget, Ise. Even a [Pawn] can

take down the [King]. This is basic in chess. This truth also applies for the

Devils' chess pieces. You can become stronger."

She then turned towards us who is at the side.

"I apologise for this scene even though you helped us I have kept you waiting." (Rias)

"Its fine, but are you sure its alright to let him go?" My sister, Regina asked with a low voice.

"Its fine. Your also going with them right?" She asked with a slight smile.

"Yes, we were already planning to go and rescue her even if the pervert didn't go." I said towards her. My sister just chuckled to the side hearing me call Issei pervert.

"I'll leave you in their care." Rias said with a slight bow. Akeno at the back also bowed.

In response we nodded towards them. After they leave we turned towards the 3 other members remaining. It seemed that Kiba and Koneko are also planning to go.

"Yo~ you still planning to go?" I asked with a teasing tone.

"Eh... Regulus-san." Said Issei startled at me who suddenly asked behind him.

"You can call me Raina after all both of us are 'Regulus-san'." I told him.

"Eh!? Is that alright?" (Issei)

"I also don't mind." Said my sister in a calm voice.

"Well anyway, the two of us are also going! So lead the way~" I told in a cheerful voice.

"Alright, Then let's go for a rescue mission with the five of us! Wait for us, Asia!"