
Queens Not Only For Kingdom But Also For Lives

Twin sisters who were born on a full moon day to bring happiness, wealth and prosperity to the Jasmine kingdom. But fate prepared another plan and got separated on the same day when they were born. Maira who is living in the enemy kingdom without any fear and has mastered many skills under the nose of the same king who separated them. She is eagerly waiting to meet her twin sister who is widely famous with her beauty and skills. On her way to meet her sister she met a creature and got a boon from it. Will that boon help her in getting back her kingdom and parents? Ashmita who is living along with her grandfather the king of a great Lotus Kingdom. From her childhood she desperately waited for her sister's arrival and mastered many techniques and became famous for her great ability in assassination. She is widely known and “Devil Beauty ''. On her mission along with her team she meets a group of different creatures and provides shelter to them in the kingdom. Will those creatures be friends or foes? Abhijit who is a doctor's son and childhood friend of Maira loves her from his childhood but is not able to express his feelings to her. But suddenly an unexpected truth brings a lot of changes in his life. Will this affect his love life? Rishi Prasad who is a prince of the Great IRIS kingdom falls for Ashmita on their first meeting. Rishi didn’t fancy any girl in his life but Ashmita changes everything but will he accept his feelings and propose ashmita? Will his love at first sight become success?? There are so many questions and so many twists and turns of events going to happen. Are you ready to ride this roller coaster? Then why are you waiting? Come and join me to know their beautiful and colourful journey.

AarnaReddy · Fantasy
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123 Chs


The four crossed the bridge and continued walking down to the village. The surprisingly clean walkway to the village is tightly knit with different colored stones, laid perfectly curvy over the grasslands. Mesmerized by the beauty surrounded by them, they felt it to be a different world altogether.

As they're approaching the village, a small yet beautiful hut begins to appear. A group of kids playing there recognized Ashmita from the distance and started running to her with all smiles on their faces. As they reached her, Ashmita lifted one of them, swirled him round in the air and put him down. They are all dressed up with new clothes but Ashmita didn't understand why.

Ashmita introduced her sister and friends to the kids. But they're only interested in the honey dots that Ashmita would always bring them. So they all started asking for the candy except one little kid.

He came towards her, lifted his head up and asked, "Ashmita, do you like my new clothes? Will you marry me?"

Hearing this, Ashmita and guys started laughing hard but one face, so cold, kept staring at the kid. He thought to himself, ' Rishi, even this little kid is making a move on her. If this continues, you will end up all alone for the rest of your life, reminiscing the memories and feelings for Ashmita and stroking your white long beard.'

Ashmita leaned forward and replied to the kid with a smile, "I want to, but not now. I will wear new clothes like you and come here. Ok? Now have the candy." She took out a small pouch, handed it to him and asked him to share with others. The kid nodded and they all left running from there.

After a few steps, they finally entered the village. As they walked, the streets of the village were so clean, dry and laid with coloured stones just like the walkway. There is a large fountain at the center of the village filled with different colored lotuses. Also there are small water patches with lotus flowers made, beside a few houses.

The streets and markets are so busy. There's a festive joy filled in every villager's face. Mouth watering smells from delicious food prevailed in the air. People decorated their houses' entrances with a bunch of lotus flowers. What caught their attention was, in front of every house, there're at least a few people busy making something, so eagerly.

"This village is so beautiful with lotus almost everywhere. People look so happy here. Everybody's face blossomed with a smile like a beautiful lotus. Indeed it's the lotus village!" Maira exclaimed.

"Yes sis. Everytime I come here, the village amazes me with its unparalleled beauty of Lotuses. Also, people's hospitality for strangers here reflects their love for their neighbours", Ashmita explained with enthusiasm.

"Really?? Maybe lotus brings the best out of the village atmosphere and people's hearts. Maybe that is why this village is so beautiful. Also, the love and feeling of brotherhood keeps people together and happy", Abhi said with a smile.

"Yeah. That's making me feel so eager to meet with the people here", Rishi said while observing the villagers.

"Sure prince Rishi. Come, let's meet my most beloved people here. I think you'll love them as well!", Ashmita said, dragging Maira towards a small house.

"Ashmita, do you visit this place regularly?"

"Not very often. But always, whenever I feel either upset or even happy. It's like, if you come here with any worries in mind, you will forget them and if you come with happiness, your happiness just gets doubled."

"Hmmm.. That sounds wonderful and even a bit unreal."

"Believe me."

Rishi smiled and nodded. Ashmita turned around and knocked on the door. It seemed interesting that a lotus symbol was crafted on it.

"Coming..", a male energetic voice heard from inside.

"That man must be handsome", Maira said.

Rishi lifted his eyes to the sky and thought, 'Really? Just when I'm having a moment here?'

"What a surprise.. devil beauty. It's been a long time!" an aged man opened the door. Interestingly, he has a solid body and his smile is as fresh as a spring dew.

"Hi Raj.. Yes, I missed you", Ashmita said, pouncing into his embrace.

"How are you dear? Took this long to come see your baby? It hurts, you know?", he said with a sad expression.

"Oh my.. Sorry Raj. You know how busy my grandfather keeps me", Ashmita said with a cute pout.

"Yeah.. yeah.. That old guy doesn't change. How can he assign so many tasks to my poor little girl? Leave it to me. I will set him straight." Raj said, hugging Ashmita by her side.


"Hey, it seems you've brought some guests. Pardon that I didn't notice. Please come in", Raj said by inviting them inside.

Space inside the house is small but everything is well arranged. The ambience is so colorfully lit by sunlight filling through the large windows. Everybody seated in the chairs around a small wooden table. Raj excused himself for a moment into a room.

"Who are we having Raj?" a lovely voice came from the kitchen. A healthy old lady came asking about the guests.

"Hey Ashmita.. How are you dear? You came after a long time", The lady came and hugged Ashmita with motherly love.

"Hi Lotus. I am good. Tell me, did you miss me or not?" Ashmita said while giving her a warm hug.

"Haha.. child! You haven't changed at all. How could we not miss you..?" Lotus said, pinching Ashmita cheek. Raj arrived back at the room where everybody was there.

"Seems you've brought your friends with you. Is that food lover, Pratap here?", Lotus asked while looking at the guests.

"No Lotus. These...", before Ashmita continued, Raj asked, "Is this your twin sister?" He just looked at the others' faces and after seeing Maira, he just interrupted with shock and excitement.

Ashmita smiled and answered, "Yes Raj. She is my twin sister Maira. This is Abhijit and this is Rishi Prasad, the prince of IRIS kingdom".

"And guys this is Raj Shekar Simha and his beloved wife Sangeetha" Ashmita introduced the old couple.

When the three went for blessings from the couple, Raj and Sangeetha simply hugged and blessed them, lovingly. Everyone settled down and Sangeetha served them with tea and snacks.

"I'm so happy that you both finally met. Ashmita was always used to say how much she misses you. Hmm Maira.. Is Abhijit your husband?" Raj asked suddenly, looking at Maira.

Abhi who is having tea, choked and coughed violently. Maira patted Abhi's head and passed him some water.

"Haha.. Raj! You also thought like that?" Ashmita exclaimed and chuckled.

"Isn't it clear? From how well they're taking care of each other..?" Raj asked with puzzlement.

"Raj they are not.. I will tell you later", Ashmita whispered to Raj. Raj understands and diverts the topic.

"Ok guys. Do you know what's special about today?" Raj asked.

"What is it?" Rishi asked curiously.

"It's the Lantern Festival", Sangeetha said with a smile.

"Yes! I get it now. That is the reason why people are making lanterns in front of their houses. I forgot it Lotus", Ashmita said, remembering the things she noticed after entering the village.

"What is its speciality grandma?" Maira asked with curiosity.

"Today, if you make a lantern with your own hands and lit it near the lake, you can make a wish", Sangeetha explained.

"A wish?" Abhi asked.

"Yes.. A wish for something you want to get or want to happen. Everyone believes in this festival as the wish always comes true", Sangeetha said with a smile.

"I agree. Once I wished for something so desperately and it became true. You see.. My sister is sitting beside me now", Ashmita said with joy also tears in her eyes.

"Well then. I believe you. Let's go make lanterns!", Rishi said, making a sudden gesture.

Everyone looked at Rishi with surprise. They just chuckled and nodded in approval.

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