
Queens Not Only For Kingdom But Also For Lives

Twin sisters who were born on a full moon day to bring happiness, wealth and prosperity to the Jasmine kingdom. But fate prepared another plan and got separated on the same day when they were born. Maira who is living in the enemy kingdom without any fear and has mastered many skills under the nose of the same king who separated them. She is eagerly waiting to meet her twin sister who is widely famous with her beauty and skills. On her way to meet her sister she met a creature and got a boon from it. Will that boon help her in getting back her kingdom and parents? Ashmita who is living along with her grandfather the king of a great Lotus Kingdom. From her childhood she desperately waited for her sister's arrival and mastered many techniques and became famous for her great ability in assassination. She is widely known and “Devil Beauty ''. On her mission along with her team she meets a group of different creatures and provides shelter to them in the kingdom. Will those creatures be friends or foes? Abhijit who is a doctor's son and childhood friend of Maira loves her from his childhood but is not able to express his feelings to her. But suddenly an unexpected truth brings a lot of changes in his life. Will this affect his love life? Rishi Prasad who is a prince of the Great IRIS kingdom falls for Ashmita on their first meeting. Rishi didn’t fancy any girl in his life but Ashmita changes everything but will he accept his feelings and propose ashmita? Will his love at first sight become success?? There are so many questions and so many twists and turns of events going to happen. Are you ready to ride this roller coaster? Then why are you waiting? Come and join me to know their beautiful and colourful journey.

AarnaReddy · Fantasy
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123 Chs

Last Hope

Everyone silently watched Oak placing his hands on the twins' heads and chanting something. A white faint glow started to appear on his hands.

Everyone is dumbstruck by the scene unfolding in front of their eyes. Slowly the glow disappeared but nothing more seemed to have happened.

"Will they wake up now?" Shivraj asked anxiously.

"It will take time. Doctor Yashoda please observe them today and let me know if their temperature increases again." Oak instructed Yashoda.

Yashoda nodded her head and Oak left the room. He looked tired.

One by one, everybody left the room silently, hoping both of them would wake up soon.

Shivraj went to his room. Aaradhya is sound asleep. The earlier night Shivraj informed her about Oak, his arrival to Jasmine and how he's been in the Lotus kingdom. She felt very emotional after listening to it.

Getting to know that Ashmita rescued him made her very happy. She thought, her daughter paid off the debt in her place.

The news of Oak's coming to Jasmine early in the morning didn't let her sleep. But Shivraj coaxed her to sleep at midnight.

When Oak arrived in the morning, he didn't want to wake up Aaradhya. He didn't want her to stress over this as he was not sure whether Oak would resolve the issue or not.

"Shiv. Did Oak arrive?" a lazy voice interrupted his train of thoughts. He looked at Aaradhya who just woke up.

Shivraj placed a small kiss on her forehead and nodded his head. Aaradhya woke up instantly and grabbed Shivraj's hands.

"Let's go Shiv, let's greet him." Aaradhya said.

"Aari. Wait, he already checked our daughters" Shivraj stated.


Shivraj explained what happened in the morning to Aaradhya. After listening, Aaradhya was relieved a bit but still she was feeling anxious.

Oak and doctor Elf moved to their room. Doctor elf instantly checked on Oak. 

"Master. Why did you do that? You know by doing that your lifespan gets reduced. Why do you have to do it knowing that your own life gets into danger..?" doctor Elf asked worriedly.

"You know, they are my last hope to bring justice to my daughter. Our clan was almost destroyed by that evil man and I want to avenge our lost family" Oak stated.

"We could have found out another way. What is the need of sacrificing your life when you are not there to see his fall?" doctor Elf asked.

"Do you really know the other way?" Oak inquired.

Doctor elf shook his head in denial.

"There is no time to think about this all. Even if I won't be here to see his fall, I will look from the above. I did this because of my own selfishness. And remember, this is my own decision" Oak replied.

"What if they don't succeed? What can we do at that time?" the doctor elf inquired, still not satisfied by his master's deed.

"This decision is for my people. Even if the twins don't succeed I don't have any regrets. Don't worry, before I leave here I will make sure you all will get to our place" Oak declared.

"Master.." Doctor elf lets out an emotional gasp.

"ILet me take some rest," Oak informed and went to the bed.

'Sorry Ashmita. I am taking your kindness for granted. But this is all I can do to save my clan from his evil clutches' Oak apologized and closed his eyes.

Meanwhile at the Rose Kingdom, a month passed by but there is no sign of their King. They received a shock when they got to know that they lost the hold of Jasmine kingdom.

This frustrated the ministers in the court. They wanted to send an army to defend but the news reached them too late. The most shocking news is that their second most powerful, the Oak army, is defeated. 

They tried to send the news to their King but he is nowhere to be found. It seems like he vanished into thin air.

Like everyday they started discussing about the things that needed to be done and the precautions that to be taken for the upcoming war which is not sure at all.

After that war everyone in the Rose kingdom was restless. Rumours started spreading that the Jasmine Kingdom is preparing a secret army to defeat Rose Kingdom and for that they started joining hands with all kingdoms.

If all kingdoms join hands with Jasmine and go to war with the Rose kingdom then the situation gets very dire for Rose. To prevent this everyone makes necessary arrangements that it will not happen.

All these things make ministers age more within one month.

When the discussions are going on suddenly the King's favourite bird shows up with a message. All ministers are shocked and surprised by its sudden appearance.

Along with it one of Surya's private army comrades showed up which led to an uproar in the court.

"Everyone. The King arrives. Everyone is suggested to leave the court this instant and should not show up until further notice," the person informed without any emotions in his voice.

Everybody just wondered what might have happened to the King.

They don't have the guts to remain in the palace after getting the message. They can't withstand Surya's bloodlust when he is in a bad mood. Without any further delay they flew out.

Within a few minutes the whole palace is empty. After that a few soldiers entered the palace and they were carrying something.

"Is everyone out?" one of the people asked.

"Yes. Let's move to the King's chamber" the soldier informed.

He looked at the other person and said, "Go and make the arrangements."

After that everyone went to the king's chamber. There are only a few people but they are the strongest allies of Surya. They placed the thing on the bed and removed the cloth.

Surya is lying on the bed with many injuries. Every inch of his body is covered with blood and it seems like a body crushed to death. His face is pale and it is also covered by blood. There is someplace still blood oozing out and in someplace blood already dried out.

Normal people would faint after seeing such a man in such a condition. But these people slowly and carefully started treating the wounds.

Hello Everyone. What do you think about the story? Any idea what happened to Surya? Who is the reason behind this?

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