
Queens Not Only For Kingdom But Also For Lives

Twin sisters who were born on a full moon day to bring happiness, wealth and prosperity to the Jasmine kingdom. But fate prepared another plan and got separated on the same day when they were born. Maira who is living in the enemy kingdom without any fear and has mastered many skills under the nose of the same king who separated them. She is eagerly waiting to meet her twin sister who is widely famous with her beauty and skills. On her way to meet her sister she met a creature and got a boon from it. Will that boon help her in getting back her kingdom and parents? Ashmita who is living along with her grandfather the king of a great Lotus Kingdom. From her childhood she desperately waited for her sister's arrival and mastered many techniques and became famous for her great ability in assassination. She is widely known and “Devil Beauty ''. On her mission along with her team she meets a group of different creatures and provides shelter to them in the kingdom. Will those creatures be friends or foes? Abhijit who is a doctor's son and childhood friend of Maira loves her from his childhood but is not able to express his feelings to her. But suddenly an unexpected truth brings a lot of changes in his life. Will this affect his love life? Rishi Prasad who is a prince of the Great IRIS kingdom falls for Ashmita on their first meeting. Rishi didn’t fancy any girl in his life but Ashmita changes everything but will he accept his feelings and propose ashmita? Will his love at first sight become success?? There are so many questions and so many twists and turns of events going to happen. Are you ready to ride this roller coaster? Then why are you waiting? Come and join me to know their beautiful and colourful journey.

AarnaReddy · Fantasy
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123 Chs



"Black Army.." Shivraj murmured and took a pause. The name brought him the flashes of memories from two decades ago.

"Don't worry Aari. They are our children and I know they are well aware of what they're doing. They must have come up with an unbeatable strategy," Shivraj assured Aaradhya.

"I know.. But they don't know what exactly happened to you in that war.. How can I be at peace? We have to do something about this. They have to come here first or else.." Aaradhya choked while speaking.

"Shh.. No harm will happen to them. I will make sure about that. You be in peace..," Shivraj said and comforted her.

Meanwhile in the Iris Prison Headquarters..

Rishi and Raj went to the prison cell. The witch has been sitting on the cold floor with her hands chained and eyes blindfolded. Her skin is snow pale. Her hair is dark and disheveled. 

Raj looked at the witch. Suddenly the image of her standing on the branch of a tree, gazing at him struck his mind. He clenched his fists tightly and his knuckles turned white. Blood gushed into his face. She stood there with a feeling to kill her for making him swing his sword at Rishi. 

Rishi observed Raj and patted his shoulder, signing to calm down. They went near her and stood in front of her.

"Who are you? What do you want from me?" the witch yelled.

Rishi smirked and asked, "No need to know about us. Tell me, what are you doing in that forest? What is your business in this kingdom at all?"  

The witch shivered by the tone and her throat dried. 

"What? Acting dumb already? Where has that yelling gone?" Raj sneered.

"I.. I don't know what you're asking about. Believe me sir. All I ever wanted is to get my mother cured. She is sick and must need my help. Please let me go," the witch begged.

"Cut out the act!! I know you're manipulating innocent people and drawing out their blood. I know you helped someone murder! Now speak out you witch, if you're really here for your mother, why such hideous acts?!" Rishi asked coldly.

"I.. Hahaha..! Hahahaha..!! " The witch started laughing by throwing her head back like a crazy woman. The laugh echoed in every corner of the prison bringing shivers in the spines of the guards and the other prisoners.

But Rishi and Raj didn't bother her evil laugh. They just wanted to rip her mouth apart and get it over with.

"So you know almost everything, then why ask me again? Also.. Haha.. You are all freaking cowards! That's the reason for these heavy chains and bloody blindfolds. Shame on you!!" The witch said by spitting away. They let her continue.

"Come on. If you have at least a tiny bit of courage in your oh so beating little heart, untie me. We shall talk face to face," the witch smirked.

'Clap.. Clap.'

"Haha! So much talking for such a rat in the cage, Rishi. How? Never mind. Trust me dear witch, it's not the place you make us fall for your dumb tricks.." Raj replied calmly, leaning to her face.

"We will do as you say. We will release you. Let's talk face to face," Rishi said and signalled soldiers to come inside.

"Rishi.." Raj said, turning back to which Rishi signed him, "trust me." Raj came back near him when the witch smiled for their foolishness.

"Let her release but…"

The soldiers are waiting for Rishi to continue. Then she said, "What? Backing down?? Hah.. Like I already said, No Shame!!"

"Thapp.." Raj slapped across the witch's face and said, "One more word. I will cut your tongue."

A corner of her red lips bled and she shook her head back to holding it straight.

"Raj, don't dirt your hands. There are many people here to take care of her" Rishi said calmly.

"Now remove her nails," Rishi ordered.

Everyone there dumbfounded and looked at Rishi to understand what they heard was what they actually heard. The witch shivered and sweat started making it's way down her face and neck.

"What?? Don't you hear me. Remove her nails now!" Rishi ordered again.

"Your Highness," the soldiers nodded and got the plucker to remove her finger nails.

"What are you doing?" The witch asked with fear.

"You asked for your release and I am giving you that. It'd be foolish to take no precautions while catching a snake," Rishi asked calmly but his voice sent shivers to the witch.

"And make sure to plug her eyes out before you remove her blindfold," Rishi ordered.

"What??" the witch shouted. Rishi knows witches have poison in their fingernails and can perform magic with their eyes. Without them they're lifeless puppets.

"You..! Are you scared of me? You coward! You bast**d!! How dare you?" 

"Cut her tongue immediately. How dare she to speak ill of the Prince," Raj ordered in the moment.

"No Raj. We still need her tongue. After we get what we need, you can do anything you want" Rishi informed him.

"You mean anything?" Raj curiously asked.

"Yes," Rishi replied.

"Ok then. I will cut her tongue first. The next day her ears and the latter day her nose.." Raj started explaining, like how he spends the pocket money from father.

The witch's heart started beating wildly that she couldn't think straight. She is experiencing the worst nightmare in her life.

"No.. No. Don't do that. I apologise for what I said. I will tell you the truth, but please leave after that," the witch stated with fear.

Rishi smirked and said, "Explain."

"I ran away from my home and came to this place since my grandmother used to say, this is the birthplace of witches and if we want to cultivate our powers we need to come here. Only here, I will be able to master and enhance my magic to maximum level. I love magic and so I came here."

"But after coming here I used up all the money I brought and fooled a shopkeeper for getting the materials for my research. In that process, I met a minister from this Kingdom and helped him to get money in return."

"I swear I don't have any ill intentions. I just came here to improve my magic power," the witch said and tears started falling down.

"What is your research? Why did you draw blood from people?" Rishi asked straight.



May this festival brought lot of joy and happiness in everyone's lives.

Happy Reading!!!Happy Weekend!!!

AarnaReddycreators' thoughts