
Queendom of blood and vengeance

Would you like to be THE Queen? Forbidden love, betrayal, corruption, intrigue, and war... In the struggle for power, no one has clean hands. Bachué was born poor and dark-skinned. In this world, being born dark-skinned means that she will die without the possibility of a better life than one of misery and bigotry. Until she is presented with the opportunity that will change her life forever ... start a journey to become THE QUEEN of all Alba Terra. That way, she will influence to change the lives of millions of dark-skinned like her. However, in order to achieve absolute power, she must defeat her enemies, but to do so she has to stop being the naive girl she's always been. She must learn to manipulate, lie and betray and get her hands dirty. After all, in the power struggle, no one has clean hands.

LuchinSilva · Fantasy
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113 Chs

Episode 13 - part 3

The dark snows were from another world. They were stronger and faster than any other knight in Alba Terra. Many said they were the mightiest dark-skinned warriors the world had ever seen. Most of them didn't even wear armor. 

They were descendants of the 'traitor's blood', those dark-skin that betrayed the Indigenous Empire to join the light-skin invaders.

The traitors who survived the colonizing wars were marked by an 'oath', which were magical seals that were transmitted by blood to their offspring, and that forced them to obey the orders of a feudal lord, in this case to Soto house.

Delilah and I went to the Kristala training ground, where the body of Lord Soto's second wife had once hung.