
Queen of two worlds

Erica woke up to a whole new world with a new body and identity where she was not an abomination and where she can live her life freely but has to face the obstacles of this new world ,will she overcome the obstacles or will her life become worse than it was....read to find out

pinky_meray · Fantasy
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12 Chs

CHAPTER FIVE Are you a pervert.

"Hmmmm, better ", Melandez said to Williams.

your order is here,the waiter said as he drops their burger and ice cream .

"okay thank you ,you may now leave ".talking to waiter .

"williams, thank you for the meal ,I enjoyed myself" , melandez said as they approached their various cars .

your welcome

"so can I get your number now" ,he said with a smile on his face.

"okay, Hand me your phone ,here that's my number ",melandez said as she gives Williams back his phone .

"okay I will call you later".As they both enter their cars and drove off.

"Is that not melandez,what is she doing under the rain without her car".Williams said as he pulls over .

"if not I was still in ellendior I would have stopped this rain myself and my car wouldn't have stopped me" ,melandez thought in her mind angrily .

suddenly a car stoped in front off me the car looked like that of Williams but he wouldn't be here by now .

"melandez what are you doing here , get in" ,Williams said as he opens the car .

"i'm fine ,she said shivering ".

"your fine ? and your soaked ,this won't do" Williams said as he pulls off his jacket and puts it on for her ,switched on his heater as he drove to his house .

"Melandez ,melandez are you alright? williams said tapping her.

"Hmmm,i shouldnt use my powers ,but she has caught a cold and has passed out".

"hmmmm ,okay let me do this just once", Williams said as he stretches his hands towards melandez forehead passing warm energy to her.

"Williams!!!" what are you doing?melandez shouted .