

It was the first day of the new session in Starlight high school. The assembly hall was filled with students dressed in blue and gold, teachers clad in dull brown, which Principal Blue believed to exude professionalism.

The assembly was conducted by Leo Sanders, the head boy. As usual, he looked so handsome, though stern on duty. Many girls just couldn’t concentrate on anything he had to say, fawning over him like ferrets. Unfortunately, I wasn’t exempted from those ferrets. We really couldn’t be blamed.

Leo Sanders was just so handsome, tall, dark, brown dreamy eyes like caramel that seemed to pierce into one’s soul. It didn’t help matters that he was intelligent and athletic. He was a guy of few words, yet you just wanted him to never shut his mouth whenever he opened them.

I am Chloenathra James, the library prefect AKA Chloe AKA the book worm. I was sometimes, the invisible element in the school, and other times, an open magnet to insults.

Leo dismissed all students and called a prefects’ meeting. “This year, there will be a beauty contest in which all prom queens nationwide will contest for a prize of $500,000.This news would be posted on social platforms and notice boards.”

Another day at school started, all I had to do was bury my head in my books, work hard and get the hell out. Unfortunately, the easy way just wasn’t mine. Jim, a very obnoxious asswipe just had to trip me. Thankfully, I was grabbed by a beautiful pair of hands, and nope… it wasn’t a boy.

“Careful, chica,” My best friend, Kaffy whispered.I got steadied on my feet and she continued, “Chica, aren’t you contesting?”

Just as I was about to reply, Mindy, the most popular girl in school AKA school queen AKA boss bitch and her mindettes came our way, “OMG! Bookworm wants to become prom queen. What a huge joke!”

Kaffy was about to give Mindy a piece of her mind when Jay, one of the hottest guys in our school, pulled me away, leaving a fuming Kaffy, a jealous Mindy and cooing students.

Looking into my eyes, he muttered, “When are you going to remove your mask for the world to see the real YOU?”

He walked away as Kaffy approached me. “Girl, let’s go to class”

After hours of classes and avoiding unnecessary drama, I had to go home to recharge. Hoping to avoid all souls, I plugged in my earphones, listening to Imagine Dragons. Suddenly, I felt a tap on my shoulders.

I was stunned when I turned to see Leo Sanders AKA The Golden Boy. He smiled, his eyes lighting up like a thousand rubbies. It was a wonder I wasn’t drolling like an idiot.

“Hey Librarian, you look so exhausted” I smiled, “Not the only one in this group chat” He laughed, a very rich baritone resonating in my ears. I could almost melt into a puddle. I made a mental note to avoid cute boys with rich deep voices, it was just a very dangerous combo.

“Why don’t you compete for the crown,?” He asked.

Flabbergasted, I chuckled, “I am not even conventionally beautiful” “Yes, you are,” He smiled.

I replied, “Liar! Just lip service.” “You have the cutest voice” Shocked, I asked, “Are you flirting with me?!”

“Is it just me or you are actually flirting with me?”

“What if I really were?” He took off my glasses, staring into my soul, “You have gorgeous eyes.”

Scoffing, I hit his arm, “You are being so cliche right now. If you were a book right now, the readers would cringe at your cheesiness.”

He chuckled, his deep baritone, tickling my skin. Holding his gaze shyly, I whispered, “You have a sugar-coated tongue”

Summoning some courage, I moved closer, “Who knew the calm boy, Leo Sanders, is actually a trouble maker?” “This is the hidden me, that no one ever gets to see, deep down, beneath the whole stern boy demeanour,” he winked, leaving me temporarily stunned.

“Did you just quote another cliche line from a melodramatic teen story?!” I yelled.

I was replied with the now-familiar baritone chuckle and a peace-out sign.

I didn’t know how long I stared into empty space like a love-struck puppy when I felt an arm on my shoulders. “Chica,why the hell do you look like you were hit or something?” Kaffy whispered. She really made an habit of suddenly appearing from nowhere and whispering.

“I just encountered Beauty himself,” I smiled, smitten.

Confused, Kaffy grabbed me, shaking me vigorously, “You okay now?!” Muddled up, I grabbed onto a pillar for support.

On getting home, I saw a bag on the bed with an attached note, “To my favourite baby sister” Just then, I heard a knock, “Come in!” I bellowed.

Advancing towards me in strides, Tim wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead, “Hey pumpkin”

Leaning into his embrace and basking in his warmth, I muttered some greetings and thanks, “Tim, I saw the dresses. I appreciate it, but I most probably wouldn’t be going to prom.”

Sighing, he drew me closer, “Is it because of her?” I buried my face into his chest, tears dripping from my eyes. Enveloping me into a tight hug, “Don’t worry,pumpkin, you won’t become a monster”

The next day at school, I heard murmurs and everyone’s attention seemed to be on a new girl. A beautiful girl about my age,chocolate skin with black eyes, long legs that seemed to go forever and her most unique feature was her red afro which was packed up in a bun, walked past me. I guessed she was the new girl. She wore baggy pants and a crop top.

Three hours later, I was stuck in a boring physics class with Mr Bernard. No matter how hard I tried, I just could never get it right. The rigid man had given you a classwork, which somehow, constituted a 10% of our grades. I wasn’t dumb but in Physics, every mark matters.

I was about to give up when I heard, “It’s a differentiation before resolving and it’s a negative x-axis instead” It was the new girl, saving my pitiful ass.

I followed her instructions and thankfully, got the answer after minutes of sweating like a beast. I waited after the class to thank her. She smiled widely, her pearly white teeth showing, “Oh! It’s fine! I am Katrina Olabisi Antonio but you could call me Trina”

I smiled, “I am Chloenathra Winter James but people call me Chloe” Little did I know that it would be the start of something beautiful and heart-wrenching.

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