
Queen of Poison: Ghost Emperor's Indomitable Wife

Rumor has it that he third young miss was an illegitimate child of the Prime Minister. Not only was she an ugly and a three-hundred-twenty pounds fatty, but she was also a trash who cannot cultivate. Yet, that ugly duckling dare to drool over the crown prince. What nobody knew was that the person they called a trash kept venomous poisons under her pillow. The more harmless she looked, the more lethal she was. Despite being humiliated, bullied, and cornered at every juncture of her life, Xiao Luo remained unfazed until she almost lost her life. Coming back from the brink of death, she was determined to not let herself be wronged by anyone ever again. A trash? This trash will bring you so-called geniuses to your knees! Soon rumors flew amok again— Rumor has it that the great general's family kept sending rare treasures to dupe third young miss into becoming their house's daughter because of her great talent. Rumor has it that the Crown Prince stood in front of the third young miss's manor just to catch a glimpse of her. Rumor has it that the third young miss abducted a wild man whose beauty can cause a nation's fall. Alas, from then on, all men in the Zi Shulin Kingdom roamed in the streets while being covered in makeup as they tried to catch her attention. What value did their dog lives have if they could not be abducted by her too? ... Xiao Luo looked at a certain man who was warming her bed, ''I have no time for you. I want to conquer this world,'' she said coldly. The man's eyes darkened, ''If you want this world, it shall be yours. I will be your sword, eradicating every obstacle that stands in your path.'' She almost felt touched until she heard him speak again, ''After you conquer the world, you will stroke me, kiss me, and sleep with me, won't you?" he eyed her suspiciously as if she was a scoundrel who would turn her back on him after using him. "_" Was it too late to throw this white lotus right back back to the place she picked him from?

LuoZhilan · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Prime Minister's manor

It had a few holes in the front and she had placed the thread like needles. This was something she had learnt from a woodworking book and although she had carved it sloppily, but it was still helpful in shooting the needle.

Her knowledge of cultivation was scarce, and the only cultivator in their village was the village head. But she knew that people who cultivated did not need such mechanisms to shoot the needle and they could do it with their spiritual power.

Xiao Luo dropped the curtains and blinked slowly, the anger in her heart gradually receding. 

She believed that in this world, not everyone was as evil as the shop owner.

Truth to be told, the village head did not owe her anything after giving her the needles but he still went out of his way to help her. Maybe, that led her to believe that there was kindness in this world.

Xiao Luo tilted her head to glance at the beautiful lady who was sitting beside her. A serene look remained on Madam Xiao's face as she observed the dog sitting opposite to them.

The black dog felt disgusted under the humans' stares and turned around, facing his back towards them.

Madam Xiao burst out in laughter, her voice was soft and enchanting, ''Ah Luo, did you name him yet?"

Xiao Luo snapped out of her daze and touched her nose. She was so hungry that she forgot about it.

''You call him your family yet you haven't given him a name,'' Madam Xiao shook her head.

''Then... Then, I will call him Blackie,'' Xiao Luo hurriedly came up with a name to save herself from embarrassment, her round face flushing red when Madam Xiao continued laughing.

The black dog stared at her in resentment.

''It doesn't seem to like the name you came up with,'' Madam Xiao wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes.

Xiao Luo licked her bottom lips. She didn't think so. Blackie was looking at her with such wide eyes. He must have liked it.

As Xiao Luo was looking at the dog, she felt a piercing gaze on her. She tilted her head and looked at the old lady whom Madam Xiao addressed as 'Nanny Qin'. The old lady was glaring at her begrudgingly as she spoke, ''Later when we reach the manor, you need to act properly lest you infuriate the Master...''

''Nanny Qin, don't frighten her,'' Madam Xiao turned to look at Xiao Luo as she said warmly, ''The Prime Minister is a kind-hearted person. You must remember to address him as father when you see him. He will surely welcome you in the family.''

Xiao Luo nodded as she clenched her tiny fists in determination, ''I will try my best, Madam Xiao,'' For the kindness she had showed her, of course, she would not let her down.

Madam Xiao sighed, ''Call me mother.''

Xiao Luo's eyes widened, ''M-Mother,'' she said after a moment.

Madam Xiao smiled, ''The elixir that you have... it's valuable.''

Xiao Luo opened her mouth to explain the origin of the elixir but the lady continued speaking.

''Yet, it is not worthy if you keep saving it greedily. Drink it. It will heal your injuries.''

Xiao Luo's eyes burned. She did not even ask her about it's origin. Hesitating for a moment, she opened the vial and drank the elixir. It tasted bitter yet soon a refreshing sensation spread through her body.

The ache in her body seemed to be gradually disappearing and she did not feel as tired as before.

Xiao Luo looked at the bottle in her hand with a newfound spark in her eyes.

"If I work hard and make such elixirs in the future, I will give them to you,'' she glanced at Madam Xiao.

The lady giggled, ''Silly girl,'' she stroked her hair.

Nanny Qin snorted. Did she think she could become an alchemist just because she wanted to? A swine dreaming of becoming the swan? Humph! If not for Madam Xiao's presence, she would have shown this girl her place.

When the carriage stopped, Xiao Luo slowly stepped out with the help of the servants.

'Why are they slowly carrying me down? I can jump from here..' 

Despite having such thoughts, Xiao Luo remembered how Nanny Qin had constantly reminded her to watch her manners.

So, Xiao Luo could only patiently wait as they put her down like a delicate flower, not wanting to cause any trouble Madam Xiao. 

As her gaze landed on the Prime Minister's manor, Xiao Luo marveled at the luxurious sight. It was so huge and beautiful. There were two peach blossoms trees peeking from the other side of the tall gates. It was even larger than the village head's place of their place.

Madam Xiao spoke up first, ''Ah Luo, you should go with Nanny Qin. She will take you to your room and the servants there will clean you up.''

Xiao Luo looked at her black clothes and body that were dirtied by the mud before she glanced at Nanny Qin who was standing silently behind Madam Xiao. The old lady had been glaring at her throughout the journey to the extent that she got worried about her eyes.

Nanny Qin was clearly hostile towards her and Xiao Luo was reluctant to go with her but upon seeing Madam Xiao's gentle face, she nodded.

Nothing she could not handle.. If she thought of harming her, then Xiao Luo decided to rub chilli powder in her wrinkles. Hmph!

Along the way, Nanny Qin's solemn voice continued ringing beside Xiao Luo.

''The Madam is a kind person but you must never take her kindness for granted. Our Madam has her fair share of troubles yet she picked you up from the streets. Remember to be grateful to her in the future and serve her by her side...''

''Serve her?" Xiao Luo blinked.

Nanny Qin was displeased for being interrupted and she turned to glare at the little girl.