
Queen of Poison: Ghost Emperor's Indomitable Wife

Rumor has it that he third young miss was an illegitimate child of the Prime Minister. Not only was she an ugly and a three-hundred-twenty pounds fatty, but she was also a trash who cannot cultivate. Yet, that ugly duckling dare to drool over the crown prince. What nobody knew was that the person they called a trash kept venomous poisons under her pillow. The more harmless she looked, the more lethal she was. Despite being humiliated, bullied, and cornered at every juncture of her life, Xiao Luo remained unfazed until she almost lost her life. Coming back from the brink of death, she was determined to not let herself be wronged by anyone ever again. A trash? This trash will bring you so-called geniuses to your knees! Soon rumors flew amok again— Rumor has it that the great general's family kept sending rare treasures to dupe third young miss into becoming their house's daughter because of her great talent. Rumor has it that the Crown Prince stood in front of the third young miss's manor just to catch a glimpse of her. Rumor has it that the third young miss abducted a wild man whose beauty can cause a nation's fall. Alas, from then on, all men in the Zi Shulin Kingdom roamed in the streets while being covered in makeup as they tried to catch her attention. What value did their dog lives have if they could not be abducted by her too? ... Xiao Luo looked at a certain man who was warming her bed, ''I have no time for you. I want to conquer this world,'' she said coldly. The man's eyes darkened, ''If you want this world, it shall be yours. I will be your sword, eradicating every obstacle that stands in your path.'' She almost felt touched until she heard him speak again, ''After you conquer the world, you will stroke me, kiss me, and sleep with me, won't you?" he eyed her suspiciously as if she was a scoundrel who would turn her back on him after using him. "_" Was it too late to throw this white lotus right back back to the place she picked him from?

LuoZhilan · Fantasy
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10 Chs

I won't tolerate

But Ah Luo was not dumb. She tolerated her grandmother when she was alive because regardless of what kind of person she was, she was still her grandmother who raised her when her parents abandoned her. 

As for the shop owner, there were no debts between them. Why would she let herself suffer at his hands for nothing? So, before she left, she made sure that he would get a taste of his own medicine.

"Little girl… Little girl…?" Madam Xiao glanced at her worriedly.

Ah Luo snapped out of her daze. The dumpling in her hand dropped to the ground in a moment of carelessness. She was about to pick it up the lady's hand stopped her from moving.

Madam Xiao released Ah Luo's hand and stretched her other hand towards her.

Ah Luo saw the basket of dumplings that the lady was holding.

Ah Luo glanced at her warily.

Madam Xiao's face still looked gentle as she took something out from her pouch with her other hand. It was a bottle of elixir she was familiar with, ''I retrieved it for you.''

''Why would you do that?" Ah Luo mumbled softly.

The old lady who standing behind could not take it anymore, ''Hurry up and thank our Madam. It's a blessing for you to chance upon her,'' Nanny Qin said coldly.

Ah Luo's lips twitched. Why was everyone claiming that it was a blessing for her to chance upon their master?

In the end, the lady in front of her had not almost trampled her under the cart like the Crown Prince's people did so Ah Luo had nothing holding her back. ''Thank you,'' she looked at her gratefully.

Madam Xiao shook her head, ''It's nothing. Who asked them to bully a little girl?" she had a soft smile on her face as she handed her the dumplings and bottle of elixir before she turned around to leave.

Ah Luo sighed softly as she leaned back on the wall while watching the lady's retreating back. It felt a little good to receive such unexpected kindness.

Suddenly, Madam Xiao halted in her tracks.

Ah Luo stiffened when she saw the lady walking back to her.

''Little girl, where is your family?" Madam Xiao asked as she looked around.

Not knowing what to say, Ah Luo picked up the dog to her lap, ''My family,'' she had no family. Since the dog seemed lonely too, she would make him her family.

Ah Luo did not notice how the dog gazed at her quietly.

Madam Xiao burst out in laughter, her voice was like the sonorous ringing of bells, ''It's a dog. How can it be your only family? Where are your parents?"

"I have never seen them before,'' Ah Luo shook her head.

''Then do you want to come with me?" Madam Xiao's eyes were kind.

Ah Luo blinked, ''…With you?"

"Yes… A delicate young girl like you should not be running around in streets. When I was your age, I went through such things until I was adopted by a nice family. I don't want you to suffer here. Will you come with me?" she stretched her hand towards Ah Luo.

A family?

Ah Luo wondered… What was it like to have a family?

A hint of hesitation appeared on her face but when she saw the lady's affectionate gaze, her hesitation disappeared. She gradually placed her small palm in Madam Xiao's big one.

Nanny Qin was startled. The Prime Minister would be enraged if he knew what the Madam was doing, ''Madam, how could you…''

Madam Xiao sighed, ''It's fine. I don't want to leave her alone here.''

Ah Luo was touched, ''Will... Will it cause you trouble?" If it would then she would rather not have a family.

Madam Xiao smiled and shook her head, ''From now on, you are Xiao Luo, my daughter.''

Xiao Luo. Daughter.

Ah Luo softly uttered the name, ''Xiao Luo,'' she smiled brightly.


As the Prime Minister's carriage passed by the streets, the curtains lifted by a small hand.

Xiao Luo glanced at the dumpling stall where the shop owner was rolling down on the ground as he scratched his body harshly, screaming and kicking his servants in pain. His body had turned a deeper shade of red.

This was the first poison she had made with a few ordinary herbs that she had gathered from the mountains in their village. When the village head had asked her what she wanted for saving his daughter, she had asked him for a few needles that were as thin as a thread and she had infused it with the poison she made.

But she had never tested it's effects before. This poison had the same effect as an ordinary poison called—Vile Scratch which would make a person's body itch for days if taken orally. But at the same time, the poison she made was a little different.

It did not have to taken orally to come into effect. And along with body itch, it would cause a high fever for two nights. That being said, the thread like needle that had gone into the man's body would gradually melt inside because of the high body temperature and would cause him no harm. After that, his body will continue itching for days before the effect will slowly wear off and he will turn to normal.

'Injustice I don't deserve, I won't tolerate,' Xiao Luo thought, her eyes devoid of any emotion. 

She lifted her sleeve slightly and looked at the wooden mechanism she was wearing around her wrist.