

In a kingdom torn apart by rebellion and secrets, Aria, a heartbroken girl must navigate treacherous situations and her chaotic love life. Aria and her new family must confront their pasts and the darkness that threatens their future. With war raging and loyalty tested, can they find a path to redemption and love? Or will the shadows of their kingdom's secrets consume them all?

WinwritePawat_555 · Fantasy
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7 Chs


Aria. was dropped at the kingdom's outskirts by the hired carriage, which was as far as he could go. She looked into the distance and shuddered. This was the first time she was leaving the city and she had no idea what to do. Should she go east or west, North or south?

She looked at her left and shuddered again, It was the dreaded forest of the outcasts, nobody willingly went there, it was populated by criminals and people who had been rejected by society for one reason or another.

Aria shook her head, No, that wasn't the safe option for her, she would travel to the next kingdom, and settle down there, it was quite a long distance but she could do it.

She glanced back at the Kingdom one more time with tears in her eyes. There was nothing left there for her anymore. She took her final look and looked forward with resolution. And thus, she left Eldorada


Asher knocked and opened the door to Lila's room. He stepped inside the room, she was in front of the vanity applying her makeup.

She turned around to look at him when he entered the room.

"Hey Ashy," she said.

"How are you doing?" He asked her.

"A bit better after some rest," She said with a smile.

He drew a chair close to her and sat down facing her

""Can you tell me what happened at the engagement yesterday?"" He asked her.

She frowned as she looked at him. "It's exactly as I told you yesterday," She told Asher.

"So Aria attacked you because you stole me because she apparently has feelings for me?" Asher asked her.

"Yes, that's exactly what happened"

"That's so out of character for Aria, She has never been an a violent person"

"you never know people completely Asher" Lila told him.

"I went to the prison to see her last night and she had already been bailed, I went by the house and all her things were gone, it seems she already left the kingdom" Asher revealed.

"So she skipped town, good riddance." Lila sand with a derisive snort

"I thought you two were good friends" Asher said in confusion

"I thought so too, but it's obvious that I didn't know her well and neither did you"

"But, I went to her place the other day when I came back and we talked well I saw no sign of this Jealousy or violent attitude"

"I guess the engagement ceremony was a wake up call for her that we were truly together" Lila said with a nonchalant shrug.

"I hope she is okay wherever she is" Asher said, concern lacing his tone.

"I couldn't care less" Lila replied

Asher leaned in to whisper to her, "And the baby? is everything fine?"

"Yes, everything is okay"

"And nobody knows yet?"

"No, nobody knows yet, I bribed the doctor and he will keep it a secret"

"Okay, that's good"

Lila reached out to hold his hand and squeezed it comfortedly.

"It's okay Ashy, nobody knows yet and nobody will know until the wedding"

Asher squeezed her hand back, "I am sorry for putting you in this situation, it was never my wash to bring shame to you" He said sincerely

"Asher, I know it wasn't your Intention, I know that night was a mistake but it gave us something beautiful, our child and now our love for each other I love you"

"I love you too" Asher replied.


Aria was running, her breath coming out in a panic. Her pursuer was gaining speed on her. He had started to trail after her after she had left Eldorada. She had started to walk faster, hoping to lose him, Instead he had increased his pace.

She had started running and he had started to run after her too, she could only guess why he was running after her, probably to rob her or hurt her. Why couldn't her life just be free from tribulations?

She stumbled over a rock and fell to the ground her pursuer came up to her, he turned her around so she was on her back and straddled her, he backhanded her.

"you bitch! you made me run, who the hell do you think you are?"

"I am sorry" Aria pleaded.

"Give me your money and everything valuable on you" He said with a snarl on his face.

"Everything is in the bag"

He seized the bag from her and tucked it behind him.

"Please let me go, you have taken the bag"

He gazed down at her body with lustful eyes. "For all the stress you have put me through, it's only right I take my reward"

"What reward?" She asked fearfully.

"A little taste of your body would be a proper reward"

"No.....please....no" she pleaded with him.

His hand started to inch up her gown, She struggled with him trying to push him off her.

"Stay put, you little bitch"

"Leave her alone" Another voice Said.

Ana looked in the direction of the voice and saw a tall man standing there, a short knife in his hand pointed in their direction.

"This has nothing to do with you outcast" the man said in a disgusted tone.

" you already have the money, leave her alone and nobody has to get hurt" the man said.

The man looked down at her pinched her cheeks.

"I will see you around sweetheart" he said and stood up from her, he took the bag and ran away.

Aria lay panting on the floor, that had been a narrow escape. The tall man approached her and stretched out his hand to her.

" you are safe now" he told her.

She took his hand and stood up.

"I am Miko, and you are?" he asked her.


"What brings you out here?" He asked as he looked at her curiously.

"I was leaving Eldorada to the next kingdom"


"There is nothing there for me anymore" she sad sadly.

"So what are you going to do now?"

"I don't know"

"I stay in the forest of outcasts, do you want to come with me?"

Ania considered it, did she really want to go to the dreaded forest with him, but then again, did she really have any choice in the matter? She had no money or even clothes.

But could she trust him? She looked at him, he looked kind and he had just helped her.

"I will go with you" She told him.