
Queen Of My Heart ❤️

This book is Sequel to my second novel, "Forced By Him (But I Ended Up Loving Him More)" sneak peek... "Hey girl, he is my nephew." I heard a manly and husky voice from my back as I turned. I came to see a very handsome man standing in front of me, who is drool worthy and I didn't even wait for a second to give him the title of Greek God. He worth it boy, those eyes...oh my God looking at me shocked and when my eyes travelled from his eyes to nose. He has sharp nose and slowly my eyes went down and damn those lips. I was so caught up in his facial features that I didn't even made a move and he already caught me drooling at him, as his lips turned to smirk. which made my blood boil, I can't give him that satisfaction. Aarushi get a grip on yourself, I thought as I glared at him. "Excuse me!!" I pretend to not Listen to him. His smirk grew listening to me and his lips spread in to slight smile. small, very small smile. "He is my nephew." he stated before extending his hands to the boy, whom I'm carrying now. but I took a step back, not giving him the boy. "How will I know that?? what if you are here to kidnap him??" I ask him, though from his looks I can clearly say that he won't be a kidnapper at any cost. like that my first fight with this handsomely man started and it's at its peak. . . . . . . . . . I walked from him, as I took two steps, I heard him murmuring something like "my doll is grown up!!!" Aarushi Raj, only daughter of Rishi Raj. Naive, innocent, calm if you think this would be Aarushi. Then you mistaken her completely, she is a badass girl. Everytime getting herself in to fights, and she is referred in her college as "tomboy". Ankush Pratap Singh Rajvansh, king of Rajasthan by blood and business tycoon by profession. Very well known by his another name "Demon". A very arrogant, cold, dominant to everyone, he has everything but still waiting for someone, who is everything for him. Doll, his doll, his Queen.

Naga Laxmi · Urban
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103 Chs

6. I'm Coming Doll

I'm adding pictures in community, go have a look.....

I changed cover picture too, and it was done by seher...my reader come author...thank you baby seher, love you...

Ankush's POV.........................

After slicing Sehgal, I went to my room and took a long hot shower. Dressing myself in white Kurta and pyjamas, I went to my study room. As I was engrossed in it, I feel Astha (Ankush sister) enter in study room.

I lift my head and she is pouting looking at me, I smiled a little and closed the file. I walked to her and encircled my hand around her shoulder, pulling her to my room. Once in room I sat on bed and she sat on it facing me.

"What happened??" I ask her and she lied resting her head in my lap.

I smiled looking at her, she is my baby sister. Who is more important for me, in my life, she became more important after what happened with her. I have become more protective than before, after that incident.

I can't risk something on her, or on my family too. They are precious to me, they are my life. Without them I'm nothing, though I behave weird with my family. Keeping a straight face all the time, but I can't help it. I just want there safety, and for that I will do anything.

Being the king always makes my senses alert, even with my family. It's me, and I can't change and I don't want to be change also. I was brought back from my deep thoughts by Astha.

"Bhai(bro)??" She called me staring at my face with crunched nose.

"Yes, Asthu!!" I replied to her paying attention to her.

"Don't you want to get married??" She ask me innocently and I smiled to her. Only if she knows, I'm more than ready for marriage but the problem is my doll is not.

"Why you think like that??" Rather than answering her question, I questioned back to her.

"You are 28 Bhai (bro), you should get married even before taking up throne." She reasoned and I sighed looking at her.


"It's already late, you should get married and bring me a Bhabhi (SIL). My all friends have Bhabhi's, and only I was the one who left not." She whined like a child and I shook my head.

"Just because your friends have Bhabhi's (SIL), doesn't mean that I should get married." I ask her in return.

"I know, but still I want a Bhabhi for myself." She said pouting a little.

Yeah, Bhabhi's are selling in market, just go and get one for herself. She doesn't understand the things, even if I make her understand.

"And I'm happy that you rejected that Yamini Sehgal. She is so full of herself, she is in my college only." She mumbled slowly but I heard it.

"Did she do sometimes with you??" I ask her already feeling my anger coming out and I even regret slicing her hand rather than her neck.

I should have go for neck, not for hand.


"What?? No, even if she think, she can't. The guards you kept around me, scare the shit out of everyone. No one will dare to pull anything like that with me." She said laughing a little. And listening to her laugh, my anger automatically went off.

I smiled to her and nod my head. "They are to protect you Asthu.." I said caressing her hairs.

"I know Bhai, and I'm not complaining too. Besides I know, what happened to me clearly." She said slowly that made my head shot towards her.

Her eyes filled with tears, they are red, her nose turned red.

"Asthuu, I told you to forget that incident. Didn't I??" I ask her rubbing her back with my plam to make her feel better.

"I'm trying Bhai (bro), I'm trying. But I can't help it sometimes....." She trailed off sniffing a little.

"So, you want me to get married??" I ask her to change topic and to make her mind divert from that incident.

I don't want to see her sad, I can't. My little sister, has seen so much in her early age only. She has go through so much, and I hate it whenever she mention that and cry over it. I feel like I failed to protect her, well I seriously failed that time. To protect my little sister over them.

But not now, if anyone tries it, I will skin them alive. I will make each and every person to go through more than they ever thought. She grinned before sitting and wiping her tears.

"Yes, I want." She said excitedly and I nod my head towards her smiling a little.

I want my Asthu to be happy all the times, never cry, never feel sad over anything. And I can do anything for that smile on my sister's face.

"Okay, then. Pack your luggage, we are going somewhere next week." I announced as her jaw dropped to floor as her eyes went wide listening to me.

"Are you serious Bhai??" She ask me still in her shock and I nod my head.

"I don't think, I ever joked before.." I said and she hugged me tightly.

"OMG, seriously I'm so happy Bhai. Finally I can have Bhabhi like others. I was waiting for this day desperately, I'm so happy." She squealed in my hands and I laughed looking at her excitement.

"Wait...what about my college then??" She ask me as her face fell down in sad.

"How about, you join in same college as your Bhabhi??" I ask her and again her jaw dropped to floor with eyes went wide.

"You already selected my Bhabhi??" She ask and I nod my head.

"OMG, I'm more than happy now." She announced before jumping on bed like a free bird.

I laughed looking at her and her childishness. This is how, my Asthu should be, not crying over thinking about the past incident. This is how she has to laugh freely, not thinking about world, that what they think about her. And for her smile I can do anything, anything..

"Ok, Asthu sit." I pulled her by her hands to make her sit on bed. I filled a glass of water and passed to her.

She is out of breath, while jumping. She gulped in one go and passed empty glass to me.

"Ok, listen now. You are not going to say anything to anyone, okay?? Not even to our family or Maa sa, Baba sa." I told her and she hesitated but nod her head.

"If you seriously want your Bhabhi, then no okay??" I ask her and she nod this time with determination.

"Then go and sleep, I'll talk with your college about everything." I said and she hugged me one last time before walking out.

"Good night, Bhai.." she said and I wished her back with a smile on my face.

I took my phone to inform my two monkeys come best friends about my plan. I typed message rather than Calli them, looking at time.

"I'm going to open new branch in Hyderabad." I send it after it.

They will understand it for sure.

Next morning......

In Ankush office.........

I was going through a file, and I heard someone knocking on my door. I said quick "come in" and in berged my best friends.

Siddharth and Vivek.

"So, we are finally going to meet our Bhabhi (SIL)." Sid said excitedly while Vivek smiled towards me.

"Yes.." I nod my head diverting my concentration on file.

"Finally!!!" Sid said dramatically throwing himself on couch in my office.

He is a drama queen and complete entertainer to me and Vivek. Though sometimes, he can be pain in your ass.

We three are buddies from the college and from then they know about my doll. They tried there best to see my doll, but I never allowed them too. So, eventually they give up, this is the first time, they are going to see my doll.

"But, why planning to opening new branch over there??" Vivek said slowly sitting beside Sid.

"You don't know about her father, brothers, they are over protective. They won't give her hand that easily to me. It's going to be hard to convince them all." I said smiling remembering my clod wat between me and Rishi uncle when I was small.

If he was like that at that time, how could be he now?? Completely jealous freak he is. I smirked thinking about it.

"Alright, Maharaj. Like you say." Sid voiced out again.

I shot him a glare as he raised his hands in air, surrendering to me.

"It would be fun, watching you then." I heard Vivek and they both laughed at me. I glared at both as they went back to there office's.

I'm coming doll, get ready for it...I thought as I smirked...

Hello my cupcakes

So, they are going to meet eachother...soon

How many of you are interested in there first meeting...

Do, tell me, comment it, review it....

Love you all❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️