
Queen of Jade

"who do you think you are,poor people like you can never look me in the eye" Tangning was bullied for her poor background everywhere she went as her final year in high school approaches she makes up her mind to be someone no one can look down on.

Victoria_forcados · Teen
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7 Chs

Just Another Day

The Tang family house was always a mess on mondays. The Ray's of sunlight coming through the woke Tangning from her slumber.

"Ningning wake up "

"Mom just one more minute " Tangning said half asleep using the bedsheet to cover her face.

"Ningning get up or you'll be late for school "

"School?" Tangning immediately got up upon hearing the word school.

"Mom why didn't you wake me sooner I'm going to be late"

"Why didn't I wake you sooner this ungrateful girl,go take a shower before the hot water is used up"

"Ahh that's true" Tangning immediately rushed out of the room.

Tangning banged on the bathroom door

"Uncle hurry,I'm going to be late for school" Tangning kicked the door out of annoyance." Ahhh my foot " Tangning rubbed her foot with an agrieved expression on her face.

"I'll be out in a few minutes just wait a little longer" Uncle Xi said from behind the door.

Tangning's hair was still wet when she ran out of the house to the bus stop trying to catch the bus for school. When she got there the bus was already leaving .

"Stop!stop there's still someone here " Tangning shouted as she chased the bus. The bus finally came to a stop and she hopped on .

Saekang high school the number 4 highschool in city F it wasn't very big but the teachers were great at their job and provided a good learning environment.

Rushing through the school gate in her light brown skirt, white T-shirt and a red jacket . Tangning put on her brown and red tie when she reached her school building the year 3 building.

Tangning walked into the class just before the beginning of first period which was Chinese. Her least favorite subject.

Miss Bei walked into the class with a long wooden ruler in her right hand and a text book in her left. Miss Bie a.k.a the iron lady was one of the hardest teachers to please in saekang high . She always wore pencil skirts and long sleeve shirts with her signature gold frame glasses.

Taning's seat mate and best friend Su luo.

"You're late today " Su luo whispered

'Hmmm,I woke up late damm that my second uncle" Tanning cursed him under her breath.

"We should focus on the class before miss kang uses us as examples"

The girls keep quiet and focus on the clas .

The class was longer than usual and more boring for Tangning . While others were learning she was day dreaming about something else.