
Chapter 8

Though she writhed within his arms, the pin of his body made it impossible for her to get far, thrashing against him with surprising strength. Words tumbled from her lips, or at least, he thought they were words. His head buzzed too loud to discern anything, not his thoughts, not hers. She clung to his back, turning into his neck to nuzzle at his damp skin.

“Such a darling,” she murmured. Her lips grazed upward to his ear, and she nibbled at the lobe. “It’s too bad you have to go back to work. I don’t really want to let you up.”

“If I thought I could get away with not going back to work, I wouldn’t get up.” Brandon was shocked to discover those words were actually true. Seth had warned him not to get too attached to the marks. Of course, Seth hadn’t warned him that he would have this much fun. “How long are you going to be staying here?”

“I leave early tomorrow.” Regret tinged her voice. “What about after you get off? I can always sleep on my flight.”