
Chapter 23

“This is why you’ll always be our front man,” he said with a smile. “You have impeccable timing.”

“Maybe, but I feel bad I did anything to make you jealous in the first place. Especially since by this time tomorrow, Caryn’s going to be nothing more than a memory.”

“Don’t feel bad.” To accentuate his point, he cupped Brandon’s face and held him still, fusing their mouths together. The kiss was slow and far too short, and Brandon’s cheeks had pinked by the time Seth pulled back. “You didn’t do anything but be yourself. I’m the one who didn’t anticipate how hard it would be to see you with someone like her. Which is more than a little ironic, considering it was my idea in the first place.”

Brandon smiled. “Yes, it is. But if you want to change your mind about that in the future, I’ll understand and only be mildly disappointed.”

“Are you planning on sleeping with all our targets, then?”

“Only the hot ones.”