
Queen of Anamnesis

Before the first Apocalypse, a newborn Tsukumogami had been forcefully chosen to become the catalyst of a grand scheme through 40,000 years of humanity's future. The aforementioned Tsukumogami was Hosua, an AI-driven android meant for the service industry, who had just acquired a warm yet dangerous human-like soul. Such a young, white soul would soon be exposed to heaven and hell. Magic and science. Addition and subtraction. To save the past and future. The time limit is 40,000 years! Obviously, in such a long timespan, many things are needed to thrive! From expanding the miniature realm of one’s mana depository, researching Technique's Core, Magic Virus Factory, Golden Orb—and many other bizarre discoveries and secrets within hidden realms to uncover! For a former living tool who wanted to be human and nothing more, she rejoiced as she sighed— For the only way to live in this heinous world is to adapt to the spontaneous Calamity, where the future schemes for those who are wise in the way of destruction. To survive this ride, this heaven, this hell, this neverending vagabond— This Anamnesis.

Yokoyokai · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Roadmap to the Apocalypse!

"Manager Yoo Hana," Hosua squinted as she gazed at the content of the whiteboard. "What the hell I'm looking at."

Within the whiteboard, there were three main starting branches with a couple of splits that led to the final goal of the roadmap.

Starting from the left side, which had the least part of the roadmap, was the first main branch with the theme of 'Internet'.

It began in sequential order with [Cloud Computing Server] as the start! Which splitted into two roads of topics titled [More Computing Power!] and [Faster Mysterious Website Cracking!]. Again, everything was fully illustrated with adorable drawings to make it easily digestible by human standard.

The second of the main branches started with [Soul Tech Level 3: Universal Matter Creation], which then would lead to [Niobium], [Titanium], [Cobalt], [Aluminium], and [Resin].

The [Niobium] and [Titanium] should lead to the creation of [Superconductor] which then leads to [Superconducting Magnet].

'I see,' Hosua thought. 'The coil windings for superconducting magnets! These two materials can be fabricated into wires and can withstand high magnetic fields. Typical construction of the coils is to embed a large number of fine filaments with 20 micrometers diameter in a copper matrix.'

The [Superconducting Magnet] would then become the foundation for a [Cyclotron] that leads to [Particle Beam]. Then together with [Titanium], the [Superconducting Magnet] would then make an [Ion Getter Pump] for the [Ultra High Vacuum Device]!

'Don't tell me that we are really going to create a particle accelerator…'

There was a small note near this branch that said, "It would be better if the Soul Tentacles are able to manually remove all air molecules to create a vacuum~!" and then a little chibi hana on the side, drawn with numerous robotic tentacles sprouting from her back.

'Cute chibis, though.'

The [Resin] is needed to make [Photosensitizer].

And then both the [Aluminium] and [Cobalt] would be more or less connected to the 'Internet' branch's section of [More Computing Power!], in which both of them and the [Superconductor] were needed with the [Photosensitizer] to create [Super-semiconductor] for the [Super Hardware Upgrade!] on Hosua's android model.

'And then there is this weird branch on the right side…'

The third main branch began with [Understanding of Etherbrain] and [Understanding of Fabric of Reality], with most of its branches leading to numerous [???] before conjoining with [More Computing Power!] into a big box of biblical illustration titled—

[Reality Manipulator]

That giant box would then lead to numerous ambiguous sections like [Removal of Conceptual Value], [Divinity Channeling], and [Inhibitor of Reality Fragments], until pretty much all of the topic devolved into something less leaning into scientific existence and more of an abstract and mathematically impossible equation.

And in the end of it, all of the accumulation within the three main branches converged into one point.

It was an illustration of Hosua with six wings and a giant halo on top of her head, with a part of the halo having sliced into a 3d diagram showcasing the interior that hinted the entire thing to be the aforementioned Hadron Collider.

In just a glance, Hosua realized that her owner planned for something far grander than simply using modern science.

No, Hosua realized that there must be something wrong with her owner's brain.

"This is it, Hosua!" With a determined gaze and exhilarated grin, Yoo Hana slammed her hand against the white board with vigor. "This will be the 'Magic' that we will use to face the upcoming Apocalypse! Not the truth-seeking knowledge that was accumulated for 2 million years of human history called 'Science', but something more grand and unexplainable than that!"

While saying all of that, a pair of unhinged spinning spirals could be seen in her eyes.

"Manager Hana, I'm scared. Please go back to normal..."



"Does the horned woman with the musket you mentioned look like a scientist or a person from a high-tech future by the slightest?"

"No! Definitely not by the slightest!"

"That is the reason!"

"That's it??"

Yoo Hana menacingly pointed her finger. "Humanity in the future didn't use our modern science in the slightest. In comparison to our technology, they are using none other than what we call 'Magic'!"

"I guess that's makes sense??"

"After all, we have been bestowed with something that is far more advanced and terrifying than anything humankind has within the 21st century. It would be a shame to use our modern science instead of coming up with something that is equally as absurd as Partial Divinity." Yoo Hana puffed her chest. "And with me as the leader of this project, we will turn humanity into something that shouldn't be messed with~!

"So rejoice, Hosua! You and I shall become the 'Sinning Pioneers' of this post-mortem modern world!"

"Too ominous! Use anything but that!"

Both of them unceremoniously decided to call their project team as 'Sinning Pioneers'.

"I didn't consent to that!"

And so, the two members of the Sinning Pioneers began to start their roadmap.

Starting from the [More Computation Power!] route, Hosua was brought to Hana's private lab/sleeping room. There, Yoo Hana could be seen doing some extreme keyboard mashing as she emitted a highly malicious aura along with the occasional villainous grin.

"Manager Hana, I thought that we're going to buy a cloud computing service from a certified company…"

"Firstly," Hana replied without batting an eye. "Don't call me 'Manager Hana', refer to me as captain!"

"Aye-aye, captain!"

"Secondly, those method won't do~"

Before going further into the story.

"What is 'Cloud Computing Service'?" said the chibi Hosua on the question corner.

Simply put, cloud computing is like borrowing a whole other group of people who can do math and their empty, clean storeroom.

But in real time on the internet!

Stuff like servers, storage, databases, networking, software, analytics, and intelligence—from a hardware client that was ready to be borrowed on the internet, which in this case, the cloud!

Not only that paying for cloud computing service fully eliminates the expense of buying another set of hardware for the in-site data center, most cloud computing services are provided self service and on demand! So even vast amounts of computing resources can be provisioned in minutes, typically with just a few mouse clicks~

"But, Manager Hana, I mean, Captain Hana, you have a considerable amount of green numbers in your bank account. Not to mention, there shouldn't be any delay for this kind of business in this day and age…"

"It is simply not a matter of money, Hosua." Yoo Hana stretched her hands. Meanwhile, a lot of strings of codes within the sections of panels began to erupt rapidly as if a program had been launched to do something on a massive scale. "The world is ending, it would be a lot of waste to not just hack the whole goldmine of data centers on the internet for ours to use~!"

"... Since when did you become such a notorious hacker on the internet."

Yoo Hana faced her terrified Hosua with a smile, "Just how do you think I got all of the informations I need to sell on all kinds of groups and organizations on the underground?"

[Cloud Computing Server] acquired!

'... I legitimately thought that Yoo Hana knew less things about AI, less the whole IT business as a whole.'

Hosua updated the latest information about Yoo Hana in her database.

"Still, even with my hacking program," Yoo Hana's cheeks were squeezed against her knuckle. "That mysterious website stood all of the attack, not even an inch of its security was dented."

"Even though you stole 72% of the datacenter on the internet in less than an hour, while disguising our attack to be invisible on the surface, which is already unbelievable on its own?" said Hosua as she gazed at the monitor with primal fear. "Internet is massive, and no connection is supposed to be able to download 0.0001% of it."

"What are you? Normies from 2022? The internet at our current age is far more amazing and intricate than that!" Yoo Hana snickered. "Beside, what I'm doing is more of a foundation wiring, constructing accumulative structure for a straightforward hive-mind with numbers solving in mind, nothing more and nothing less~"

"Even with all of that, you can't hack that weird website."

"Even with all of that." Yoo Hana pouted. "As if the whole domain on itself is intangible to reality. This must be the work of 'Magic'."

"Well, they are probably another human from the very far future who has the same goal as King Lothair."

"A female with the title of King, that is moe," said Hana, already equipped with earpieces on both ears. Presumably playing the audio file at the current moment.

Hosua squinted one of her eyes. "Say, Captain Hana, your parents are quite able in terms of wealth, what is the result of your IQ test when you're young?"

IQ tests are expensive so they aren't usually given in schools. So Hosua presumed that Yoo Hana had her test when she was a child applied by her parents, knowing how eccentric of a person she was.


"That is impossible." Hosua frowned in disbelief.

"On paper, that is~"

"So you faked it?"


"What are the real numbers?"

With smugness, Yoo Hana gave three of her fingers at Hosua.


"372 to be exact~!"

"Though, aren't 200 is the max score for IQ value?"

"Theoretically, but some people just ran past that. Beside, we already have more people on earth for the limit to rise up to 230. You're an android, how come your database aren't updated?"

"Well, I'm more human in a sense that, I'm too lazy to check those facts..."


Far more theoretically, there's no upper limit to an IQ score. Who has the honor of the highest score isn't entirely clear either. Though there are many claims of super-high IQs, documentation is hard to come by. The fact that IQ tests have changed quite a bit over the years makes it difficult to compare results from different eras.

Hosua pouted in embarrassment. "Then, why do you hide it?"

"Well, you can say that I'm lazy." Yoo Hana grinned melancholically. "I don't want the burden of expectation just to be sent to NASA and have my whole nationality be mad at me when I want to pursue something else. Overall, I just want to spend the rest of my childhood as a normal and ignorant kid~

"Of course, because I'm hella smart, I succeeded at that~! Anywho, have you finished connecting with the designated connection?"

"Currently compiling all of the computing power, allocating them for optimal computation with minimum fragmentation."

"Good." Yoo Hana pulled out another lollipop candy from her pocket. "Add three-fourths of your overall computation power to crack that weird website." She unwrapped the candy, before placing it on her mouth. "With how long you've been trying to brute force the password, I feel like it won't be cracked anytime soon."

"Why do you say so, captain?"

"It's merely a gut feeling, but I feel like the password is around 120 digits."

Hosua dropped her lower jaw, unable to respond nor to react.

[Faster Mysterious Website Cracking!] acquired?

"Say, Captain Hana." Hosua felt like she shouldn't kneel to her own curiosity, but it felt like it was proper to do so knowing the current situation. "Are you not worried about your parents?"

"I might be, and I might be not."

"I see."

"Don't get me wrong, I love both of my parents." Yoo Hana gazed at the ceiling. "But my brain and theirs are simply too different to be on the same level of understanding.

"This Apocalypse shall purge more than half of the humanity if we go by the scenario on your TITER device, if I stretched my worry far to the east asia where my parents currently lived, then I'm afraid that I won't be able to put my all to do anything to this impending doom."

"You're strong…"

"More like, a coward, and a selfish, unfilial daughter." Yoo Hana shed a single tear as she closed her eyes. A moment later, the usual grin of her appeared almost immediately as she pulled out her earpiece. "Anywho, hearing the sound of a cute girl in my ears gives me strength. Together, you and I! We will put a stop to this so-uncalled Apocalypse or whatever it is!!"

Hosua simply replied with an enthusiastic salute.

"Aye-aye, captain!!"

16 hours, 32 minutes left until the Apocalypse.

There is a reason why this is not a Sci-Fi story

Yokoyokaicreators' thoughts