
Queen of Anamnesis

Before the first Apocalypse, a newborn Tsukumogami had been forcefully chosen to become the catalyst of a grand scheme through 40,000 years of humanity's future. The aforementioned Tsukumogami was Hosua, an AI-driven android meant for the service industry, who had just acquired a warm yet dangerous human-like soul. Such a young, white soul would soon be exposed to heaven and hell. Magic and science. Addition and subtraction. To save the past and future. The time limit is 40,000 years! Obviously, in such a long timespan, many things are needed to thrive! From expanding the miniature realm of one’s mana depository, researching Technique's Core, Magic Virus Factory, Golden Orb—and many other bizarre discoveries and secrets within hidden realms to uncover! For a former living tool who wanted to be human and nothing more, she rejoiced as she sighed— For the only way to live in this heinous world is to adapt to the spontaneous Calamity, where the future schemes for those who are wise in the way of destruction. To survive this ride, this heaven, this hell, this neverending vagabond— This Anamnesis.

Yokoyokai · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Change the World, My Final Message

To recap what happened so far.

Hosua, an android with a mysterious soul turned out to be some sort of Tsukumogami.

In the middle of the night, a weirdo with horns and a musket arrived at the front door of the convenience store. It was then revealed that the weirdo was someone very eccentric and unfathomably powerful who was sent from the future to give a message to a chosen person.

Excited, Hosua opened the message in the form of an audio file within a piece of the weirdo's spine. Only to realize that Hosua was not actually the 'chosen one' and this 'chosen one' could be anybody who was chosen in a wimp.

And somehow, Hosua had gotten its whole body reconstructed into that of a Pseudo Sapient, all while persistently hugging the floor after being stabbed by a radiant veiny sword.

'T–t-the voice from my soul! Are you that someone or something that will help me fight off the Apocalypse?'

Hosua couldn't still move, but the android felt quite the excitement after grasping where this cliche would go.

'This is it!' Hosua's mouth was wide open. 'The mysterious and all mighty Guiding Force, the kind that will grant strength, training, or downright cheating capability to the chosen pariah! This kind of plot development is perfect for my ridiculous predicament!'

While on the outside, this android would look like a proper attendant to have for all kinds of service-related purposes.

But, the equipped cybernetic meant to be connected to the latest information used to give their owner the best service according to the ever changing standard of society, had been fully used to consume all kinds of entertainment.

This included a lot of videos, literature, and arts, and sometimes the combination of the three.

Especially the fiction one.

'A, maybe this will be my debut to a world full of adventure and mystery.' Hosua looked smug. 'Although, my sole goal is to protect Yoo Hana at all cost, maybe indulging in some youthness sounds interesting.

It seemed like the Semper Fi had been slowly and surely, jeopardized…

'Though, why has that cute voice never replied to my words ever since?'

No matter how many strong thoughts that Hosua sent to the mysterious mechanism latched onto its soul just like the confirmation before, the voice never said a single word of reply.

'Weird, doesn't this mean there will be no mysterious and all mighty Guiding Force that will grant strength, training, or downright cheating capability?'

Only after being blue balled, Hosua began to focus on the other elephant in the room.

'This fervent and rhythmic beating… This is exciting.' Just a second afterward, Hosua was able to move all of its body. "Ah! I can move."

As the tsukumogami stood up, an impulse rush of warm liquid began to flood every part of the body.

"So this is what it feels to have heavy blood gushing up when standing up because of lack of exercise…"

Eyes on hands, curling open and closed. Each time Hosua did something to inspect its new body, the bigger the smile appeared.

"This is that, right? I'm, I'm…" Hosua clutched both hands, raising one of them above its head with infectious vigor. "I've become a human, right!??"

Childlike excitement permeated throughout every inch of Hosua's existence, which was prominently shown by the extremely happy face expression, and the constant beeping on the android's winglet-like ears.

For a former tool who wanted to become human and nothing more, it felt like a bizarre and feverish dream, despite the fact that a machine was incapable of hallucinating, let alone dreaming.

"Wait, I'm a human, but why did I still have the emulator up in my mind?"

Unexpectedly, Hosua could still access the internet and all of its saved files within its hardware, just like the android used to.

After a second inspection, it seemed like there was an overlapping truth behind Hosua's current state of body.

It seemed like Hosua was both a human and android at the same time.

"This… this is impossible to be explained by science!!"

When touched on the surface, the silicon skin that the Android had felt more organic than before, but when closely examining the further inner part of the body, it was mostly inorganic.

As for the fervent heartbeat and gushing veins, there was something almost supernatural happening with Hosua's body.

Hosua had become a human, yet still fully driven by AI and machine.

As if the both of the reality was overlapping each other like two sheets of paper being pressed and folded until it could be folded anymore.

With this kept in mind, Hosua began to examine the most important part of its body.

"Ah, it's smooth… There is nothing there." The tsukumogami's knees fell to the floor. "Not even a crack…"

For the longest time, Hosua had never thought of itself to be anything other than a tool made to serve humans. This ethical conundrum ran deep into the AI's neurons and had never been ever questioned by Hosua.

Its sex and gender.

Despite theoretically being capable of fooling a human in the Turing Test, this android would always choose 'unknown' or anything nondescript when it comes choosing for its own gender.

Why? Because Hosua was a Pro-Biology when it comes to this, meaning that if there were no chromosomes and hormones assigned to the biological attributes affecting the socially constructed roles, behavior, expression, and identity, then there was no such thing as gender to Hosua.

Intrinsically, AI, robots, computers, and any kind of technology had no strong foundation to determine a gender. It's mostly an overlay that humans mostly apply to tech in an attempt to anthropomorphize it, sell it, and make it more comfortable and innocuous-seeming in everyday life. Those in itself didn't have much meaning.

Not to mention, roboticists world wide haven't really experimented with the gender fluidity of the uprising anthropomorphic automaton in regarding a variety of business fields. With no determined information that Hosua could use to strengthen its existence, the android would remain to refer to itself as a tool and nothing less.

"Well, Yoo Hana has been acting as if I'm a girl from the very beginning. Let's just go with that."

And just like that, after gaining a pseudo sapient body, the ethical code within the half-android had been fully overwritten to match the taste of the owner.

Hosua no longer refers to herself as a tool starting from this point.

"A, let's just continue the audio file."

"It might also take a couple of more seconds before the Partial Divinity had fully settled inside your soul. I'll explain it further after a couple of seconds. Chances are, your body is still hugging the floor, unable to pause the audio file on your device.


'She legit went silent for thirty second…'

"And with that! I congratulate you for harnessing the Partial Divinity~!!" An explosion of confetti could be heard from the background. "Before explaining what is your role and mission when the first Apocalypse comes, let's give you a better understanding of what is latched onto your soul right now.

"The cute voice you heard back then is none other than an Etherbrain, a complex operational calculator and modulator for this complex energy we call Partial Divinity.

"Partial Divinity in itself is a powerful and dense source of energy that humanity has ever created. Measured in 'Flux Level', one level of it amounts to a quarter of the energy that the Sun produces in a year~!"

'Holy mother of digital overlord!' Hosua was frozen stiff. 'The sun releases at a mass-energy conversion rate of 4.26 million metric tons per second, which roughly translates to 384.6 septillion watts! That is per second!!

'In year 2020, the world's installed electricity capacity stood at around 7.1 terawatts or trillion watts. A quarter of the energy produced per second by the sun is 1.354225352 ten-to-the-power-of-13 more than that! Let alone one year worth of it. The gap has too many zeros in it!'

"The amount that I sent to you is more or less close to Flux Level 2~ that is two years worth of energy produced by the sun~!"

"HOLY MOTHER OF DIGITAL GOD!!" Hosua shouted at the top of her long, before concentrating and taking a deep breath, and shouted again. "THAT MANY!??"

"Of course, that amount of energy is enough to wrap gravity and time just like a core of a planet. So humankind produced a method of storing that inside the most spacious natural science storage that was available at the time, the 'soul'.

"The Etherbrain is an extension to convert, manage, maintain, and draw the Partial Divinity. While they sound cute when speaking, the Etherbrain didn't have shred of sentience, so attempting a conversation is impossible. In some way, they work similarly like an operating system for a computer."

'I see, so it's similar to Windows, Mac, Linux, and Android but for the soul. It's a little bit disappointing that I can't communicate with it.' Hosua nodded quite briefly. 'THAT STILL DOESN'T CHANGE THE FACT THAT THERE IS TWO YEARS WORTH OF SUN INSIDE ME!'

"Fufufu, as someone who comes from the 21st century, you might be confused on how on aether we fit that much energy into a soul. In fact, I would be glad to explain to you the very mechanism of the soul, what makes a living being, and the meaning of life but my time is almost up.

"While there is an extreme amount of energy inside you, a proper enlightenment of the soul is needed to barely use them. The Grand Assistance Provisor No. 12 will boost your progress of understanding them if you dare to go down that path."

'Meaning that, this Lothair put a huge investment in me with a long term plan in mind.'

"And as for your role and mission for the first Apocalypse. Heh, it's up to you to decide~

"There is a reason why this audio file didn't last seven minutes in lenght. Although it does help to have the ability to speak fast and concisely, which is something that I excel at~"

'Now that I think about it, she speaks very fast yet comprehensible. How in the world can someone from the year 40,000 speak English this proficiently?'

"Moving on, you're actually not the only one who knows about the Apocalypse."

'So I have an ally then,' Hosua did a checkmark on her chin. 'I guess you're not as unreasonable as to leave everything to only a single person who's not even formerly a human. Then again, it makes sense to have more than one person to change the future as a backup."

"Unlike you however, they came before humans landed their very footprint on earth. And somewhere, within your current era, they are lurking behind the society, slowly and surely building the foundation that will lead to the survival of our kind.

"They are known as the 'Illfrazes'. Intention wise, unknown. Number of time travel, unknown, Number of individuals, unknown. Heck, they might as well be the very reason of the Apocalypse

"But on the bright side, we can refer to them as an ally for the time being. We have managed to track a miniscule amount of their activity, and it seems like you can access them quite easily yourself.

"SaveHumanity7777.com, that is the only lead that I can give you."

'Why does it look like the Illfrazes have adapted too much with the current state of society?' Immediately after, Hosua accessed the website on her brain emulator. 'A, it does exist, but I need a password to get in…'

"With all of that said, I wish you the best of luck to converge our reality into its best possible outcome.

"Humanity is in your hand, and because I'm a very selfish person, I will leave all of the heavy burden to you~"

'... So in a sense, I'm a victim.'

"Hahaha~ you can say that. As to access the other part of the TITER, you can just input your thoughts to the Etherbrain, and it will install a further extension on your soul." Lothair coughed a little bit, her voice becoming even more shriveled and raspier than before. "All I can say from now on is merely a word of encouragement.

"We, humanity as a whole, spoke many unspoken things.

"We rode on broken wings. We wrote symphony with broken bows and broken strings.

"We harmonized to bring each other simple hope from hymns.

"We broke the mold and showed a whole new world of what persistency can bring.

"But a pin that's soaked in ink and poked in skin can only sting.

"Like broken bones, broken oaths, and broken wings...

"And so I, Lothair, as the King of Excrusia from 40,000 years on the future, shall bestow you a fate that is crueler than the Roko's Basilisk. For the only way to live in this heinous hell is to adapt to the spontaneous calamity, where the future always schemes for those who are wise in the way of destruction.

"To survive this ride, this heaven, this hell, this neverending vagabond—this anamnesis.

"At the end of it all, I shall be there, waiting for salvation at the very sad fire corner of the earth.

"While I can't see your face, nor hear your voice, I hope that you can still live the best of your life."

Without a moment of thought, Hosua immediately replied with a smile.

"I will."

The seven minutes audio file ended.

The neighbors would soon question what's with all the shouting

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