
Queen Manikarnika

"Marry you?" She asked clearly astonished. "It's not by will." He said to his defense. "Then who's forcing you?" The princess inquired. "Nobody." "Am confused." "Am doing this to protect you." "How?" Queen Manikarnika is an adopted daughter of the king Darsh pranav jai and Queen Poti pranav jai. When King Darsh pranav Jai passed away, Ira could be sent to exile as she no longer has any relationship with the royal family. Where as King Arnav pranav jai had only one goal and only one love that never seem to be possible. Read on to find out the trials, deception, loyalty, betrayal and love story in this thrilling series, Queen Manikarnika

DaoistbjLii7 · History
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11 Chs






In the grand palace of king Darsh pranav jai, princess manikarnika, six to be precise, ran everywhere in the palace filled with life and happiness.

Behind her was her Entourage, calling out 'your Majesty' while trying to catch this happy princess but manikarnika couldn't care less as she has tried for long to escape them and run around.

'I should go to mother.'

The princess thought.

But first she has to finally lose the people following her.


The princess kept running as they followed, then she sees a court, it was very beautiful as it was decorated beautifully with gold, silver, emeralds. And this was only the entrance.

It caught the attention of the young princess as she wanted to explore and run from the people following her and besides, she thought, 'this could be mother's court.'

"what are you doing here"

Queen Adhira yelled, her Amber brown eyes clearly held anger.


Manikarnika stuttered as she was frightened.

"I asked, what are you doing here?"

She repeated but this time, the anger was reduced but it till held irritation.


"Do I look like your mother?"

More Fury was added, it's clear that this woman detests her.

"No, I was looking for my own mother."

There was some voice heard outside this scenario, a quarrel?

Then suddenly, the woman grabbed the young princess by her shoulder very harshly, so harsh that the child began crying.

"It's clear your mother isn't here so never return here again."

Then she let go of her, "it's like your stupid mother didn't teach you to respect your superiors, such a disgrace." She spat.

If possible, the princess could be drowning in her pool of tears.

Then a young lady, much younger than Queen Adhira, entered the court. Queen Pohti.

She ran to the princess and wrapped her hands over the princess and pulled her into a hug. After, she cleaned her tears,

"Com'on my baby, don't cry. Am here."

"Oh please take your stupid child elsewhere and comfort her."

Queen Adhira intervened.

Hearing this, Queen Pohti turned to her,

"Queen Adhira, she's a child."

"Oh shut up, Pohti and leave."

"Don't touch my child again. Not ever."

Queen Pohti threatened.

"Your child?" Queen Adhira gestured to the princess sobbing continuously. "I see no resemblance." She gave a small laugh.

"Not in front of the child, Adhira."

"You started it and respect me for am superior."

"I shall take your leave but you have been warned."

With that being said, Queen Pohti turned to leave, taking princess Manikarnika hand in hers and left as her bangles, earrings and other jewelries bounced creating a graceful sound, intimidating anyone below her class.


Now, Queen Pohti and young princess Manikarnika are now in another room, till richly adorned with gold's but compared to queen Adhira's, she's from a lower rank.

She's with her daughter on her bed, it's way up and the child can't climb without being helped.

She hugs the princess tightly but till gives her enough room to breath.

"Don't ever return there again."

"Ok." The princess answer while till sobbing.

"It's okay now, am here with you now," she pause and cradles the princess, "Queen Adhira is a very wicked woman, never forget that okay."

Then the waters took over, drowning the princess, Queen Pohti is nowhere to be found,

"Help, help help"

The princess cried but.....