
Queen Manikarnika

"Marry you?" She asked clearly astonished. "It's not by will." He said to his defense. "Then who's forcing you?" The princess inquired. "Nobody." "Am confused." "Am doing this to protect you." "How?" Queen Manikarnika is an adopted daughter of the king Darsh pranav jai and Queen Poti pranav jai. When King Darsh pranav Jai passed away, Ira could be sent to exile as she no longer has any relationship with the royal family. Where as King Arnav pranav jai had only one goal and only one love that never seem to be possible. Read on to find out the trials, deception, loyalty, betrayal and love story in this thrilling series, Queen Manikarnika

DaoistbjLii7 · History
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11 Chs





Once again, am riding on Priya, heading to the palace as the fresh air breezed passed me causing my hair to raise behind me.

I passed through the trees as I found my way out of the forests, turning back to look at where I was before one more time. The event that occurred there flashed in my mind as I took in the beauty of the forest. Such beautiful tall trees and lovely flowers the forest produce.

The air again buzzed through me as I turned to look ahead.

The air calmed my tensed and stiffened heart but not for long as I remembered the cause.



Everywhere was either grass, flower or trees. They were tall and beautiful trees as well as the flowers.

Birds chirped and flew around, squirrels going about, doing their business.

Three corpse's lay lifelessly on the bushes wet by the morning dew.

The crown prince Arnav was conversing with princess manikarnika and some words has been said as the air tensed for the princess.

"Marry you?"

She asked clearly astonished

"It's not by will."

He said to his defense.

"Then whose forcing you?"

The princess inquired.


"Am confused."

"Am doing this to protect you."

But that only confused her the more. "How?" She asked.

After a long sigh he began, "You and my mother are far from being ok..."


She Interpurted.

"Just listen, the only person keeping you in the palace and protecting you is father and now he's gone so am afraid that you might be sent to exile by my mother."

"And your suggestion is for me to get married to you, my brother?"

She yelled.

"Oh come on, you know we are not related, not even through father and besides you never treated me like a brother."

"Exactly, now why are you helping me?"

"Non of your business for now, just think of the more important thing."

"It's a no. Never."

"Ohhhh, stop being a brat and think. This is the only way I can protect you."

"First of all and most importantly, I don't need your protection and secondly isn't there another way?"

"Manu, there's no other way, it's either this or exile and you do need my help. You were almost killed just now."

"I was just not thinking well, it won't happen again. I can protect myself."

"No you can't."

"Yes I can."

"Just accept it, you can't."

"You want me to show you?"

"I know you know archery but that won't protect you for long and that only shows that you are till immature."

"How dare you. If you want to help, why not tell your mother to back off, after all you're the crown prince instead asking me to marry you." Princess Manikarnika, growled.

"Explaining won't help at all in your case. You'll see what am talking about before my coronation and you have only till then to accept."