
Queen Dragon: The destiny of Alvarr

The seers have foretold about the birth of the queen dragon which will be of the evil Queen's flesh and blood. But the queen is not happy as the child has been said to be her doom and bring her reign of hardship and suffering to an end. She does everything in her power to stop the prophecy from coming true. Dragons have not been seen and the dragon queen disappeared after being betrayed by her lover but the signs say that she will be born again after the blood of a royal mixes with that of a commoner.

Umagbome · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Chapter 29

In the dark forest

At night

The loud cry of a child pierces through the night amidst the thunder rumbling and the lightening flashes. There is a heavy downpour, the storm is not friendly. The man but with red hair and green eyes stands beside his horse and carriage as he gazes at the distance with a blank face. In his arms, he cradles a child at his breast. It is evident that he choose the child over his wife. He looks at the child and opens his carriage, there he places the child gently in the carriage and proceeds to resume his journey. He leads his horse by the reins and trudges forward. A lot goes through his mind, his thoughts are mostly on his wife, he stops and turns back to look into the distance but the cries of the baby are louder than his thoughts and he decides to forget about her and focus on his child; his male child.


Meanwhile in another part of the dark forest, the slaves masters and their Master leads the slaves to Roban. The master has a troubled look on his face, he hopes he reaches their in the nick of time to sell the slaves off to Roban. He knows too well that Roban telling him that he has until the evening of the next day to deliver a hundred and one slaves to him is a lie. He would need to give them to Roban this night if he still wanted to be known as the master of the slave market.

After a long while, he arrives at Roban's. The archers there immediately aim their crossbows at the Master and his men.

"Identify yourself"

The master raises a hand to halt his slave masters who are following him behind and he yells back so that he can be clearly in the beast of a rain.

"The Master is here. I bring Roban gifts"

" Very well. Wait"

The master said nothing in return because he knew that no matter what he replied, he will still have to wait. He looked behind him and sees that the slaves are shivering in the rain. He hopes that it will just stop at the shivering and they would not catch a cold. He couldn't risk it. He had placed the two women in the carriage with one of the slave women who was well versed in the art of medicine.

"Well, well, well, what gifts do you bring?"

The master was snapped out of his thoughts as he heard the voice of Roban. Quickly he dismounted his horse and he said, "Two women caught in the forest, in the carriage."

" Good, let me see them."

Roban follows the master to the carriage and it is opened. Roban takes a lantern from one of his men who were following him to see properly. He smirks but it is quickly replaced by a scowl.

"Why do they look weak? Especially the one with the milk skin."

" She was stolen from her baby."

" Why didn't you bring the baby too? Do you know how much it would cost for Meschan to pay?", Roban asked with gritted teeth.

" I wanted to Roban but..."

"But what?", Thundered Roban. "BUT. WHAT."

" I couldn't risk it for you?", The master said softly. " She had just birthed a new born child and I couldn't say to myself that a new born would survive a ships journey that would last for more than twenty days, so I decided to take the mother instead while my men hunted for another, they caught the one with the brown skin and knocked her out."

Roban listened and even though he hated to admit it, the Master was right, he couldn't gamble with a child's life with gold and Meschan couldn't be reasoned with easily, he was not a nice soul.

"Very well", he said to Roban and to his men he told, "bring the gold."

His men brought the gold and he said to the master, "One hundred gold pieces, nothing less. I would call my men who are skilled in the art of magic and medicine to heal the slaves for your sake not mine."

The master collected the gold from Roban and said to him, " Thank you Roban."

" You may go."

Roban watched as the Master rode away with his slave masters and after barking some orders to his men concerning the slaves, he went inside the inn, the inn were all the doings of Roban and his men took place. He entered his room and shut the door. He poured himself some wine and drank it. He heard a faint noise and turned sharply, there he saw a harlot sitting half naked on his bed. He said nothing, he knew that his second must have sent her to help him relieve some stress and it was his favorite harlot named Hura.

Hura stood and as she did, the remaining garments on her body fell to the floor and she walked quietly to Roban. Roban gazed at her intently and nodded, Hura who was trained as a sex slave knew that it was a sign from him to carry on. She undressed Roban till he was bare before her. She caressed his naked body and moaned softly but Roban kept drinking from his wine cup. The cup became empty and as he stretched his hand to pour himself more, Hura stopped him.

Roban looked at her, let the cup fall from his hands, he grasped the harlot's neck, raises her up from the ground and slammed her to the wall.

He said angrily to her, "You dare stop me harlot from taking wine, for this, you will be punished"

He hit her with his hand and she falls to the floor, he picks up his belt from the floor and he hits her with it and she groans in pain and somewhat pleasure. Roban stops, flings the belt aside and picks her up like she weighed nothing and flings her to the bed. She groans as she hits the bed. Roban climbs the bed, turns her forcefully to face him and she looks at him panting. Roban spreads her legs apart and looks at the area, that area where Hura would have used to forth new life to their world but will be impossible as she had been rendered unable to conceive by Roban and his men.

Roban looked at Hura and with an evil smile, he pushed his manhood into Hura without warning causing the woman to yelp. She received a slap for that from Roban who warned her, "Do not make a sound." Hura nodded and while grasping the sheets of the bed kept quiet as possible as Roban rammed into her. He stopped abruptly, looking at Hura, he brought his manhood out, held it up to Hura's face and released on her face.

"Get up", he commanded.

Hura got up from the bed immediately and watched as Roban yelled for slaves. Two sex slaves entered and Roban looked at them saying, "Take her away and clean her up."

He then turned, picked up his cup from the floor and helped himself with more wine as the door shut close behind him.