
Queen's Royal Blood

Asteria Robertson, heiress of the Serian dynasty throne lives the normal princess life until her father dies and becomes the queen of the kingdom but all the responsibilities are uncontrollable so she escapes her kingdom leaving her obligations behind. She meets Gavriel in the woods while escaping her reality and falls inlove with his charms not knowing his pasts. Will she fulfill her duties or create her own fairytail?

riestell · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Prolouge: She's the heiress

"Princess!" the court lady shouted while chasing me down the stairs.

Being a princess is exhausting. Princess duties, manners and even rules but fun because of the privileges like ball gowns, tiaras and carriages which is every girls dream. It's been 16 years of my life running away from my court lady, I guess it's time for another book reading down the castle library and another 8 hours of my life spent on something futuristic.

"Princess Asteria" I bumped into my mother "Why are you running again?"

"Queen.." I stuttered and curtsied.

"Princess" the court lady said still catching her breath then did a curtsy for the queen.

"How despicable can you be? my daughter, why are you skipping reading again? do you still want to be queen?" my mother scolded me elegantly.

When I was 7 I used to say that my dream was to rule the kingdom and my parents quickly made me the descendant of the throne which I have no control of because I'm an only child. Why would you even trust the throne to a 7 year old?

I was forced again to read political books get me ready for my coronation. I feel like I've read this before and it's like this is the fifth time reading it. I'm just groaning in annoyance which is against princess rules but I still do it even though my court lady stops me.

Dinner, the most exciting part of the day except the unreasonable table etiquettes but father is exciting. I changed into some long satin dress to make me more comfortable. I sat across mother and sat there waiting for the king to start the meal.

When dinner was served I smiled at father and it felt like I was comfortable with my own family, being with mother is quite scary because she's strict unlike father. The maids arranged the table napkins and I picked up the soup spoon in the table to start my meal.

"How's today? my princess" father always say this during dinner but it's what makes me excited because we get to talk about normal stuffs instead of political ones.

"It was normal, your highness" I placed the spoon on the table again "but why do I keep reading the same books over and over again?" I questioned.

"I've been there, so as your mother, look what she become" he held mother's hand above the table and smiled at her, to be honest I don't want to be like mother, she's too her and I'm me, that's two different rulers.

"When I become queen, I'm going to be different" I said.

"Every ruler is the same, princess, the rules, the responsibilities but the legacy they leave is what makes them exceptional" father advised, he always makes me inspired to be the next one.

After dinner, I was escorted to the room and I wanted tea before bed so my court lady left me to get some while I change into my nightgown. I was brushing my hair when a tap from my window caught my attention but when I looked at it, it was still no one for the past 10 years, I learned to ignore it but it's louder now.

The tea was delivered into my room so I drank it and got to bed.

The next morning when I was going down the stairs for breakfast I saw a doctor enter the palace gates and that made me so worried about father. I knew he is doing bad for the past months and his heart is getting weak and I think that is what made my enthronement faster because of the thought of father passing away.

I went back inside my room to just take in all of my thoughts and to arrange myself. When I finally went outside I walked pass father's room and I saw him in bed, looking so weak and pale, he was just okay last night but I guess the breeze changed paths. I walked towards him slowly while my eyes water, trying hard not to show I'm weak but I failed when he held my hand and I felt the coldness of his touch.

"My daughter" father weakly whispered.

"Your highness" A tear streamed down my cheek as I gave him a convincing smile.

"You will soon be queen" father exclaimed then coughed lightly clearing his throat.

"But father don't leave me" I cried but still maintaining my poise "I don't want to be queen"

"I will not leave you forever my princess" he gave me a weak smile and squeezed my hands "You are the only hope of the Serian Dynasty, I entrust the throne to you" he said like it was his last words.

"I will make you proud, father, I promise" I caressed his cheeks.

He was ruling the Serian Dynasty for six decades, it must be tiring with all of that work and I'm the only descendant so I have no other choice to be crowned. I've been having second thoughts but seeing my father this weak and trusting the peace of the kingdom to me makes me so passionate to rule it.

I was walking down the garden, thinking about my plans and just zoning out, a small stone was thrown to me which made me angry at some point.

"What do you want?!" I shouted in annoyance then continued to walk down the aisle of chrysanthemums then another rock was thrown at me but it has a word engraved into it. 'Forest now!' I'm not sure what it says but I approached the forest when suddenly my court lady called me. "Coming" A retreated and went inside.

Mother called for me so I went into the garden patio. I sat across her while pastries and tea are served.

"I called you because the king's condition is worsening" she said without looking straight into my eyes, i know she's sad too "So I expect you to never run away from your duties again" she took a sip of her tea and looked at me "understand?"

"Yes, your majesty" I simply replied then she stood up and left me alone.

I was staring at the pastry when suddenly someone hissed so my eyes suddenly looked back up but I saw no one so I just went inside the palace to rest.

Hello readers, this is my first time writing in webnovel so please go easy on me. This first chapter will be the start of all adventures!!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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