Taking what belongs to you is not revenge but simply taking back what BELONGS TO YOU. When a journal falls into the hand of a teenager, she realizes she was never ill-fated to begin with but someone was behind it. Now she'll stop at no cost to take her rightful place as the heiress of the biggest business company in her country.
It was the middle of October.
A loud gunshot could be heard, you would also be able to hear the screams of terrified people.
It was a huge mansion, blood was everywhere, body parts, broken glasses, torn apart furniture.
A total horrible nightmare, a young ginger girl stood in a corner with her mother and an old maid.
"Where are they? Find them!" A loud scary voice said and some enthusiastic voices followed.
"It is only a matter of time till they find us down here, mistress. We have to call for help or we are going to die here" the maid said hugging the young girl who was scared, crying and shaky.
"Wait, I have to protect my daughter. I have to." The woman said pacing to and fro in the slightly bright room, in other words it was dim but enough to see a vague silhouette of themselves.
After some minutes, they could not hear the sound of the killers, that's when she decided.
She must save her daughter, her daughter must live at all cost. Right there, she made a decision and whispered into the maid's ear handing over a piece of paper and locket to the maid.
"Keep her safe for me, make sure she gets out of here alive" The young woman said.
"Hm" The old maid said nodding.
"Mother, what are we going to do?" The young girl whispered as if scared that she'll be heard.
"Mrs Thomas will get you out of here, I promise, you'll be safe. Listen to me and listen to her okay?"
After taking a deep breath, they broke open the door that was above that led to the house.
They realized there was no one there except blood, chaos and smoke.
It clicked.
They couldn't find them to kill them so they decided to burn them.
The fire was spreading fast, the young woman covered her daughter with a bloody blanket.
"Mother!!" The young girl screamed, scared as a big wood fell in front of them.
They made it to the front door but it was already ambushed by the hoodlums.
The young woman guessed the same about the back door so she realized, a sacrifice needed to be made.
'A life for a life' she thought.
"I'm going to go out and distract them misleading them you're on your way to the airport so when they're gone you can use that chance to escape" the woman told her maid.
"Okay that works but how will you get out?"
"I'll find a way, you just make sure to get my daughter out of here" She repeated.
She didn't care about anything, not even about her life, she just had to save one person.
We know obviously who that is.
Taking a deep breath, she opened the front door and the men smiled, happy that their plan worked.
Half of the house was now burning.
"Where's your daughter, mistress?" The robust man who seemed to be the leader asked.
"If I tell you, would you let me go? I have to save myself too" She said trying to look desperate to survive.
But she didn't try hard enough because she was desperate for her daughter.
While they engaged in the negotiation and the distraction plan was going well, the maid and the young girl climbed the ventilator that led outside.
It was another escape route her husband had come up with just in case. It looked like a ventilator but it was not, it however led to the forest that was behind their house.
Yes, the ventilator was underground.
The woman would have gone with them but by then if they didn't see anyone come out, they will find the ventilator door open and find out they went to the forest and hunt them down.
"Do we have a deal or not?" She shouted.
"Deal then. I don't have a choice do I?" The leader smirked.
"Exactly! You don't."
"So tell me where she is?"
"Probably on her way to the nearest airport with my right hand man" She lied.
"Good, thank you"
"The information"
"We have a deal, no need to thank me"
"We did"
9 gunshots were heard.
And like the rain wanted to mourn, a loud thunder was heard and a heavy storm began.
The hoodlums and their leader left for the airport immediately.
They had to finish the job no matter what.
Inside the ventilator, the rain had began to block the air that enabled them to breathe and since it was about 15 minutes crawl to the forest, the young girl was beginning to suffocate.
The girl collapsed about few steps to the blocked opening.
The old maid was hardly holding well either, shock and anxiety.
She must save this child.
Another thunder sounded.
The rain was beginning to blind the glasses and it was harder for the drivers to see.
The only cars that were on the road was that of the hoodlums, what mad men would dare drive in a storm if not them.
One of the five cars hit a bump and went flying, somersaulting several times before it went up into a blast.
The other four cars stopped immediately.
"Why did you stop?, they mustn't escape. We have to get to the airport as soon as possible! " The leader shouted after getting down.
They were drenched.
"One of the cars just capsized, we can't see the road at all. We might not be able to finish the job if we don't stop now. We will all die. The cars too are overheating, they can't handle it" one of the men explained.
"But they are..." The leader tried to argue.
"No mad airplane would fly in this kind of storm, obviously they will have to wait "
"Okay then, let's wait up in the car"
Three hours passed and the storm decided to come to an end.
"Now it's time to finish the job..." The leader sat upright and smirked.
coming soon