
Quantum Leap - Vol. 7 Fausto Japan Kabushikigaisha

PaperbackWriter · Fantasy
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4. Giving It Back To The Community

As soon as we stepped down, cheers of 'God Bless Fasuto Japan' and 'Long Live Senior and Young Masters' were heard. Hiko-sama, I and the 4 managers plus the storekeeper and delivery boys helped to carry the sacks of rice for the residents to collect.

The residents were surprised to see us helping out and not just using our tongue to give and point directions and instructions but showed the way as well. The residents noted that even though we lived in the innermost cluster but we treat everyone with humanity and compassion.

We had clears all 440 odd residents from the outermost District and we still have some 20 odd sacks of rice that we donated for the consumption of the monastery. The High Monk approached me and said, "You are truly the Light, Chosen One. Thank you for your contribution and we will share it with the western monastery too. Be seeing you again, my friend. Amitabha."

We were surprised that everything went smoothly and not even anyone had come forward and had tried to cheat in order to take more rations. There was no quarrels, fights, pushover and everything went along quietly and orderly.

The 4 managers looked at me in wonder that I was able to command 400 odd people from the outermost district that was once made up of unscrupulous immigrants when Kitakata was first formed.

Well, it would be easier to COMMAND RESPECT than to DEMAND RESPECT. Yup, many years serving in the military taught one to be disciplined and to respect others in order to gain respect in return.

We completed the tasks at hand and return to our house and as we walked back the residents of the outermost District mentioned their appreciation and bowed deeply as we made our way back.

Just this act of giving back to the community earns a lot of trust from the outermost District.

The two cooks had prepared lunch that consisted of garlic fried rice with shreds of chicken meat on it complete with garnishing and a sunny side up egg. A bowl of mixed vegetables with deep-fried shallots was sprinkled in it and served with lotus root, carrots and potato soup.

It was our 1st lunch on the 1st day of the lunch, even if it was a simple meal, but it was delicious as everyone gathered to eat together as one big family. There were enough for seconds and we had seconds and completed the lunch by finishing up the steamed bananas and tea which was prepared for breakfast.

Izumi came and sat beside me and mentioned thank you and planted a kiss on my cheek. Soon all the other 5 girls followed the same while Riko added an embrace at the end. Well, if this continues with the hugs and kisses, Jiyu Resident would soon be named Fasuto Harem Clubbee. Hahahahaha Charlie Chikadee!!

After lunch, the employees resumed their work while Hiko-sama, I and the 4 managers sat at the garden and discussed our plan for tomorrow.



Fasuto Japan Branch Office

Karada Soap 290 crates

Hae Shanpu 100 crates

Kurin Lemon Detergent Powder 10 crates

Feroa Kurina Pine Scent 10 crates

Feroa Kurina Eucalyptus Scent 10 crates

Soapdish 10 crates of 1,450 pcs each


Refined Iron Plates

100 crates


STM x1


Sales to be collected 68,000 gold coins


Soft Launch of Branch Office

Deployment of sales staff

Live Demonstration of STM functions

Collect orders from the public based on 24 months instalment scheme


Deployment of up to 6 horse-drawn wagons


After we had planned for tomorrow, we would be moving at 8 am and Hiko-sama, I and the 4 ambassadors would be on horseback.

We checked with the storekeeper and he reported that all items had been ready for loading on the wagons tonight and the horses would be taken from Kayu-San on first light tomorrow.

As we speak, the delivery boys had collected the wagons and had lined them up in the courtyard while the goods had been slowly loaded and covered with a tarpaulin sheet.

The 2nd shift guards would be on overtime and to guard the premise while the girls remained to complete their tasks at hand.

Kayu-Sam and some of his workers had sent the basic building materials over and had marked the foundations of the warehouses first. They would resume the work right after we had returned from the Aizuwakamatsu.

We busied ourselves in checking over the checklist of the goods to ensure that we did not miss any of it and once we are confirmed, we covered the wagons back with the sheet.

After that, we called Eko and Fei who used to be herbalist before they became part of Jiyu Residence. We asked them about certain herbs that could affect or help alleviate someone's mood or even their wellbeing when it was burnt or being applied as part of aromatherapy like essential oils and perfumes.

The girls mentioned that the current smells of the products that we used so far had a very positive effect on those in the production line. They are more focused and are happy with the working environment. However, they have a better comprehensive explanation that we would continue in the next chapter.


Eko and Fei explained to us in detail of the type of herbs that could alleviate mood, heals the spiritual being and also soothes body aches and pain while some also induce peaceful sleep.

They included in the current scents such as flowers and resins too and what type of smells it affects and exudes when burning. They heard it from Hanna and Gin who used to collect these resins to make joss sticks as well as burning them on hot coals.


This scent promotes concentration and has calming and clarifying properties that are helpful when you're feeling angry, anxious or run down.

Lemon also has antiviral and antibacterial properties and can help fight sore throats and colds by boosting the body's immune system and improving circulation.


Has calming properties that help control emotional stress. It has a soothing effect on nerves and can relieve nervous tension and depression as well as treat headaches and migraines.


It is also used to calm nerves, but this scent is also commonly used as an anti-depressant because of its uplifting capabilities that produce a feeling of confidence, optimism and revitalized energy.


This improves memory retention, has stimulating properties that fight physical exhaustion, headaches and mental fatigue.


The stimulating properties in cinnamon can help fight mental fatigue and improve concentration and focus.


It is an energy booster and this scent invigorates the mind, promotes concentration and stimulates clear thinking.


Makes one feels relaxed and reduces hostility


It makes one feel well-rested and have wonderful dreams.


When used as an oil or aromatherapy, it helps to soothe aches and pains in the body.


Improves one's alertness and productivity




Helps the mood to feel the romance and reduce anxiety







Relieves stress and reduces mild depression

Hiko-sama wrote down the items and their properties and opted a few of the scents that are not in our collection which are Rosemary, Vanilla, Chamomile, Clary Sage, Honeysuckle, Sandalwood, Patchouli, Ylang Ylang and Almonds.

The items noted may not be available, or be hard to find and also quite rare. However, they might need to ask around where to procure the items.

The scents that are available on hand are Lemon, Lavender, Jasmine, Cinnamon, Peppermint, Pine, Roses, Citrus, Orange and Frankincense.

These first 10 scents should make a great start-up in the new collection of Kaori No Kyandoru.

I nodded in acknowledgement after what Hiko-sama had written in the sketchpad and was amazed that his organisation in preparing notes have improved tremendously.

We dismissed the girls back to their tasks at hand and we discussed that Kaori No Kyandoru would commence once the warehouse had been set up and the line is running.

We dismissed the 4 managers since they would need to report here in the next morning and get 6 mounts altogether from the stable boys in the shogunate. As a precautionary measure, Hiko-sama suggested we be bearing weapons tomorrow.

The 4 men saluted and sat down again after concluding the meeting as they would like to stay back for some sake and dinner made by the cooks. The 4 men were still hungry and went over to the cooks and asked what's for supper and they replied that they would be frying garlic rice with saba fish and sunny side up eggs.

The 4 men asked the cook to prepare additional portions because the fried garlic rice they had for lunch was very delicious and they don't mind eating the same fried rice prepared by the cook.

I discussed with Hiko-sama that we would be taking a 1,000 gold coins to place them in the petty cash box, and deposit the rest of the sales proceeding of 67,000 and Hiko-sama nodded in acknowledgement. The both of us regarded gold coins like as if they're coppers.

+-==The next morning==-+

The storekeeper, delivery boys and the 1st shift guards came in early by 7 am to ensure that the goods on the wagon had been secured properly. The 2nd shift guards were doing double shift and wouldn't mind since their meals had been properly taken care. The 6 men proceeded to their former boss and loaned 6 horses to pull their wagons.

The 4 ambassadors arrived with the 6 mounts and tied them near the trough and sat down at the garden for us. Everyone was excited to be moving as a convoy and Hiko-sama and I would be taking the lead, while 2 will flank the convoy and another 2 would be the rear guard.

I was looking at their katana and discovered that I promised to Hiko-sama that I would be forging them as a gift. It would be the first katana forged by Fasuto Japan and I would be using steel blades for them in the Realm of Mind when we have received the batch of iron ores and coal.

I held my Odachi at the side of my obi and was satisfied with it even though it was forged using Refined Iron but had my blood Essense running in its blade.

I asked the 4 ambassadors about their katana and 4 of them replied that it was either bought, given as a gift or taken from enemies hands. They asked me why I asked and I replied casually that I had made a promise to Hiko-sama and just remembered them.

We had a hearty breakfast of steamed sweet corn but with a dab of butter on it with a sprinkle of grated coconut. The cooks really know how to whip up a variety of dishes when they arrived and the 4 men were thankful to the cooks. Even if at a glance it may be simple, but the presentation and savour were at another level.

"Time! Let's go." Hiko-sama commanded as it was a short and sharp order to move out. We quickly finished our meals and drink and mounted the horse. The 6 men had already secured the horses to the wagon and awaiting the orders as well.

"PROGRESS!" the 4 ambassadors cheered as they saluted, the enchanting word pierced through the crispy morning as the 4 ambassadors would lead the convoy first before heading the main road after the guarded gates of Kitakata.

From there Hiko-sama and I would be leading the convoy and everything should be going as planned. Soon we led the convoy through the trail and reached Aizuwakamatsu slightly over 1 hr and 15 mins and had arrived safely without any hitch. The 4 ambassadors led us to Fasuto Japan Branch Office and dismounted.

We looked at the office and there was a veil across the glass and covered the interior from view. Our delivery boys then took down the STM and placed in inside the showroom. The veil remained as we called several messengers to pass a message that to the cosmetic owners that we had arrived and could pick up their goods.

Follow the rest of the story here:


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