In the multiverse of Dimension Alpha, 17-year-old Keys is a brilliant yet rebellious high school student, haunted by a troubled past and a disdain for the rigid rules of physics. As he navigates his complex reality, Keys uncovers hidden truths that challenge his understanding of the universe, propelling him into a journey filled with action, adventure, and mystery. His genius mind becomes both a tool and a weapon as he confronts the enigmatic forces that govern the multiverse, leading to a profound quantum awakening.
In expanse of dim light tension hangs thick in the air. It's as if walls are holding their breath. A storm of vibrant chaos is raging outside. Inside is the control room of DEMENTIA Universe 07. An unsettling quiet prevails. Jacob striding through door. His tall frame cuts an imposing figure. He is clad in a tailored black blazer and fitted pants. He exudes undeniable authority. His every step is resonating with purpose.
"Any updates?" His voice slices through the silence. It's sharp and commanding. A ripple of alertness travels through room.
At a monitoring station a young boy looks up. His face is pale marked by anxiety. "We lost variant." His words hang like a heavy fog. Worry shrouds the room.
A storm brewed in Jacob's eyes. Disbelief mingled with irritation. "How?" he pressed. The weight of his question seemed to press down on boy. "We extracted his information from the DNA and blocked dimension. How could this happen?"
The boy swallowed fumbled nervously with his console. "I don't know," he replied. His voice whispering. "He is either faking his location… or he's continuously traveling in sub-levels."
Jacob's expression shifted. It showed grim determination. Sub-levels were notorious. It was a labyrinth that could easily trap unwary. "We can't do much about that," he acknowledged. The responsibility was heavy on his shoulders. "But we must keep searching. He poses some threat."
Jacob flickered into existence once more. His reappearing happened in the Variants History Department. The room hummed with stored knowledge. It was then he approached a girl. This girl seemed to be of no more than twenty years.
"Records on Keys Gamma?" he inquired. This question did not come with any prelude.
Eyes of the girl widened. They widened slightly. "Yes we've fought him numerous times."
Jacob was taken aback and his expression shifted. His brow furrowed. "I've never met him" he admitted.
She responded with confidence. "You weren't appointed back then" she said flatly. The tone of confidence in her voice it made Jacob wonder. Wonder about the things he had missed.
"He's a major concern then?" leaned in Jacob. Curiosity in him began to spike.
The girl laughed lightly. Her sound danced through tension. "When have you seen Sir Ink so worried about a variant?" she asks. "Or leaving dementia to search for one?"
The gravity of her words settled on Jacob like thick shroud. Lost in thought, he murmured. He pondered the question. "What to do?" he asked himself. He said, "I don't know when Sir Ink will return. He did not leave me with specifics."
"You can't find him that easily," she interrupted. Impatience colored her tone. "Just block the sub-levels."
"But that would create chaos," Jacob countered. His brow furrowed.
"True," she replied. "But fake locations disappear. Only the real one remains. Then you can try to catch him."
"What do you mean by 'try'?" Jacob inquired. Intrigue ignited his gaze.
"You'll understand when you meet him," she replied. An enigmatic smile touched her lips.
Jacob hesitated for a brief moment. Storm was brewing ahead. "Do it—block the sub-levels," she urged again.
With thoughtful "Hmm" Jacob vanished from sight.
Jacob stepped into dimly lit control room. Faint hum of machinery surrounded him. It was like comforting blanket. His eyes fell on young boy. Boy stood nervously by control panels.
"Did you join after me?" Jacob's tone was authoritative, curious. The boy looked up. Eyes wide. He stammered, "Y-yes, sir. I joined last year." Jacob chuckled. Mischief in his voice. A hint was there. "Damn, you're too new for this place."
The boy paused a frown crossing his face. He also said "Hmm" getting lost in his thoughts.
Jacob confidently strode into the room. His immediate presence commanded attention. "Start blocking the sub-levels!" he proclaimed. His voice resounded with unwavering determination. His eyes scanned the team members. It was then he saw a peculiar mixture of doubt and apprehension in their gazes.
He lifted a hand to signal for order. "I understand," he kept on speaking. His tone changed to one of gravitas. "Chaos will ensue. This is our last resort. The action is imperative to apprehend him. Sir Ink frequently strategizes similarly. We need to obstruct his moves. Then we can isolate his precise location."
Though many nodded some puzzled faces still remained. They lingered unsure of his command's importance.
Members sprang into activity with a flurry. Fingers began to dance across their consoles. Lines of code flickered on screens. The digital expanse shifted as their program commenced to seal off sub-levels. Each moment ticked away. Each heartbeat echoed with expectation. Then, finally, the status indicator flashed. It illuminated green. It signaled success.
"Sub-levels alpha beta and gamma are now blocked," declared a technician. A note of triumph colored his voice. Timelines began to stabilize. They transfigured in a manner akin to a tape recorder. timelines is now playing as a recording. The chaos of prospects is starting to fade. It was morphing into one conclusive stream.
Suddenly figure at the back of the room rose. Excitement illuminated his features. He projected his screen onto the massive display. "Sir we gained location!" he exclaimed. Everyone's eyes are directed to the glowing map.
Jacob's gaze fastened on the big screen. The bright blue hues twinkled. They brightly illuminated the image of Keys Gamma. The keys nestled deep inside craggy folds. These were found in sub-level 1. This was located on the distant planet of Nitaror.
"NITAROR huh..." Jacob softly articulated. There was a hint of curiosity lacing his voice. He turned to the team. His presence assumed partial control. "Draw a simulator of Nitaror with live time."
The same boy sat at the back. He was eager to impress Jacob. He nodded vigorously. "Yep!" he responded. Then he sprang into action. His fingers danced over the controls. The room inhaled collectively. Within a mere minute, the simulator of Nitaror flickered to life. It appeared on the expansive screen.
Before them, viewers observed a magnificent sight. It was Keys Gamma. It was perched atop a colossal red stone. But something, no someone, was missing. A figure was absent beside the renowned relic. Their presence was supposed to add mystery to the scene.
"Who is he?" Jacob asked his companions. His brow furrowed with intrigue. A wave of recall foreboding washed over the others. They had a collective effort to remember. Despite that, a deafening silence filled the space.
A girl from the front row finally broke that silence. Her voice rang with a steady tone. But it was laced with uncertainty. "We've never met him before," she said. Then she glanced around at her comrades. Each face is a mirror of concern.
Jacob leaned back. He tapped a thoughtful finger against his chin. Gears in his mind whirred as he considered their predicament. "All right. So, lock his DNA," he then continued. "We must uncover his identity." He declared this statement. A determined glint in his eyes showed his resolve.
The same girl with determination in her features met his gaze. "Sir, that's not our job," she replied. Her tone was firm yet respectful. Frustration bubbled within Jacob. He rubbed his face trying to mask his impatience. "Should I just waltz over there and tell them to lock the DNA myself?" he shot back. A hint of desperation seeped into his voice.
"No, Sir," she said swiftly. Her confidence was unwavering. "I will inform them." Jacob's brow furrowed deeper. The clock ticked ominously in the background. "I need that information before the attack," he insisted. His urgency pierced through the tension.
The girl nodded resolutely. Her eyes were sparkling with determination. "Yes Sir."
"Send this simulator to the war center," Jacob instructed. "Yes Sir" a boy responded. Jacob then teleported directly to the war center. There he addressed everyone. His tone was tense. "What's up?" His eyes filled with anticipation.
"A simulator must have come in?" he asked. A hint of excitement was in his voice. A man named Mint stood by a table. He looked to be in his mid-thirties. Mint was adjusting his glasses. He had a thoughtful expression.
"The simulator is here," he replied. His fingers hovered over the control panel. Jacob nodded eagerly. His heart was racing. "Yes, import it."
Mint tapped a series of buttons with a swift motion. The simulator sprang to life. It projected a stunning 3D model. The model was on a big table before them. The intricate details shimmered. Jacob's full attention was captured. "Check the levels," Jacob instructed. His gaze was fixed on the display.
Mint leaned closer. He scrutinized the model. With a calculated nod, he announced "The keys are at level 7. Beside him is level 2."
Jacob stepped back. He absorbed the vast expanse of the simulation. His mind raced. He contemplated the challenges ahead. Turning to Mint he asked, "Can we beat them?"
A playful smile crept across Mint's face. A glimmer of hope was in his eyes. "Maybe, yes" he replied. Jacob was left with a sense of eager uncertainty. He was ready for the adventure that lay ahead.
Jacob said "Okay then. Import the warriors. Let's attack." Mint grinned and raised an eyebrow. He replied "O-Okay! I love doing this every time."
To be continued...