

I think that if an anxious mother's anxiety rate or protection instinct increases, she will reach the level she is in my country.

"You don't think, I think for you!"

You read, do research, I do these for you! You just consume!

While the emphasis was on production in the founding years of the Republic, now the emphasis is on consumption.

However, people are happy with this situation, I think sociologists should stop reading articles and examine this situation. As a society, I guess we got used to earning without making any effort.

The principles and regulations of the polis represent the protective and guiding voice of a mother, a father, a brother, and therefore all citizens. The sole objective of the Polis is to regulate and protect the existence of its citizens, both divinely and humanly; Since the purpose of educating young people as the best citizens and ensuring a happy life for all its citizens was given to the authorized hands of the police system, more than the people of today's modern world, at least in Western democratic societies, the right to interfere with the private life and property relations of the individual was handed over. .

To provide citizens with a happy life!

This is one of the slogans I have heard the most for twenty years, and for this purpose, administrators who see themselves as capable of interfering with private life.

An example of this is the cancellation of the spring festivals, which were held at the end of a tiring academic year for our young people in recent days.

I think it is indisputable how influential the sects were in making this decision.

Perhaps the state that Plato wrote about does not exist anywhere in the world. Who knows, there may be corruption in the welfare countries that I always wanted to reach. It's definitely more common in the country I live in.

While there are women arrested for their clothes in the Middle East, this is not the case in contemporary countries in the West.

This does not mean that welfare countries are perfect. However, in my sleepless nights, I do not lose my enthusiasm to study physics and mathematics, write articles and become a famous academician and work as an academic in western countries.

However, the police citizen did not perceive the demands made on him from these rights as an intervention in his personal space, and he regarded fulfilling what was demanded from him as appropriate and necessary sacrifices for both himself and other citizens. These sacrifices, or even self-sacrifice, were the only way to be effective in the face of that dark, life-destroying death.

When the politeia (state) is understood as a kind of summary of the historically developed rights of all living citizens and their corresponding duties, a living, living unit, a totality derived from the power of general demands and personal rights and wishes, it is the economic, political, legal and of course, with the transformations they experienced in religious and intellectual relations, it was inevitable for the state to make arrangements to respond to these transformations and innovations.

The steps taken by Politeia in this direction became visible in reforms or revolutions, and they began to be of decisive importance where conservative efforts and reform efforts met. Regarding the transformations carried out in Politeia, the names of Lykurgos of Sparta, Dracon, Solon, Pericles, Cleistenes of Athens and other cities (in the polis) come to mind. The reforms that these and similar people demanded or the progressive steps they wanted to take expressed renewal initiatives and new wishes for life, which emerged as the demands of a significant part of the citizens of the city, if not the whole city. Demands for a new order aimed to determine all these reform and renewal requests within the new legal regulations and to fulfill the duty of the police to be the expression of the lifestyles and demands of the citizens from now on. Greek society consisted of both geographically disconnected units and was divided into various local, ethnic communities and cultures; there were several hundred policemen who carried this social structure. Almost nothing is known about the historical and political structures of most of them; therefore, a few police states such as Athens and Sparta are considered as examples. From the geographical point of view, there were large rural areas apart from the polis, which were surrounded by walls. Each polis had a castle built on a high area, in other words, an acropolis and a market place (agora). At the beginning of the 3rd century BC, especially the centrally located Athenian polis (site) or city-state entered a period of increased conservatism as the political-economic balances deteriorated. Socrates' trial also reflected, in a way, a historical tragedy that should be considered in this context. Representing "a kind of enlightenment" against Athens and influential in centers outside Athens, the Sophists subject "human" as a criterion in their philosophy and subject the truth and validity of things; individual b

The fact that his mind and perceptions became unreliable in the face of the objective world actually meant a distrust of the regulatory principles and laws of the police state we mentioned above, and a rebellion against the generally accepted rules. When sophistic thinking began to place the individual as a problem at the center of all existence and desire, this understanding, which shook all the orders that had existed until then, brought the "universe" of the police face to face with brand new problems, concerns, doubts and demands. Indeed, the 4th century BC meant that all the seemingly solid foundations of life up to that time were shaken. For example, gods or the understanding of divinity constitute the most fundamental and oldest measure of existence, and while all human actions and behaviors are, in the final analysis, weighed against the order of god, with the spread of "sophistical skepticism", not only the divine regulative principles but also the relationship and behavior that find their legitimacy in line with them. Institutions also tended to be shaken. For example, until the beginning of the 4th century BC, administration in Athens was generally the responsibility of those who would be deemed "noble", but now everyone thought they had the right to be a civil servant. Although this "new era" demanded a new education quality from the children of the police citizens more than the children of the wealthy sections of the city, which we call the nobility, it also necessitated the development of a brand new type of teacher. This development is of particular importance for our text. These teachers also emerged from the Sophists. One of the most famous of these was Protagoras of Abdera, who, as the goal of his lecture, taught "areta polity," that is, developing city-specific talents and skills, and keeping up with practical life, both at home and in the city. This understanding marked the birth of political theory, and no teacher who tried to educate the Greek youth could do without addressing the question of what is the best form of government, as long as he was training for the police. I think this should be the main purpose of education.

Before factoring or solving equations, a teenager must grasp what the right form of government is for the society in which he lives. There is only one way for this gain: reading a book.

We have a leader who buys books with his pocket money in his childhood and reads until the mornings throughout his life, in other words, we are a very lucky society. Then the main question is:

If I live in such a fortunate society, why do I want to go to welfare countries?

I think our only goal in life should be to buy new vehicles and live in more comfortable flats. Our head of government stated that such requests are commonplace. Someone who has this idea should have a lifestyle that values ​​reading and enlightenment more than material things and avoids showing off.

Sometimes I feel guilty. I try to save my life financially by working mechanically and dynamically instead of reading books at night – the most productive hours of the day, in my opinion - in order to fulfill my ordinary wishes.

Quantum mechanics is not just a book I read for this purpose, people have a keen interest in it. However, they are not books to be read in the room without accumulation, like a Russian classic on quantum physics or classical mechanics.

In fact, what quantum theory tells us to believe in reality at the sub-microscopic levels of atoms or elementary particles is so far from our ordinary classical pictures that we should simply give up on quantum-level pictures altogether. Many physicists even seem to doubt the existence of real reality at quantum scales and instead rely solely on quantum-mechanical mathematical formalism to derive answers. Yet despite all this, it is very remarkable how much of the comprehensive but purely classical scheme Lagrangian Hamiltonian procedures collection developed from 17th century Newtonian mechanics provides the basic background of quantum-mechanical theory.

For a single particle, it turns out that there is a clear relativistic symmetry between the time component t and its spatial components x, y and z. We will soon see how this plays an important role in describing the real-time evolution of quantum mechanics. However, because many particles are involved, they provide a non-relativistic procedure in which the treatments of the spatial and temporal aspects of physics are very different.

I think how right I am in trying to understand quantum mechanics. Is my goal to learn science or escape from the country I live in?

When I'm alone and when I'm writing or trying to write an article, I try to find out why I think, despite my advanced age, whether Maxwell's equations can be written in high-dimensional spaces. If I find these equations, will I be serving science or am I freeing myself and my family from this country?

The country I live in is draining my life energy, because corrupt people are not prosecuted. People have the mentality that the government works even if there is corruption, and this point of view does not exist in the west, at least I think it is not. Insomnia

In recent days, I started to be a problem, I started to sleep between the lesson and I got it at the desk. When I opened my eyes, only five minutes left. My colleagues didn't wake me up thinking that my lesson was empty. This time there was no problem, but if I continue this way, I will surely get the administration. In those welfare countries that I praised since the beginning of my writing, this movement would not be unpunished. I think this is the real problem. It has become commonplace that people who do their job without doing their job are left with impunity. In my country, the minister of commerce can devolve his own ministry without being held accountable. Children are harassed in the dormitories of the sect and nobody assumes responsibility. Institutions providing religious education are protected by an armor that is invisible but felt in all areas. Institutions providing religious education in welfare countries do not infiltrate all levels of the state.

At this point, I can say that living in a western country is not just about driving quality cars and spending a lot of money. It means living in a country where human rights are valued with high living standards where the sects do not have a say in the country's administration. That's why refugees in our country want to take shelter in the west, risking drowning in the Mediterranean.

Instead of progressing in the novel I wrote for adolescents, I think of how the ideal state should be and I take a cigarette break after each paragraph. I need to solve my sleep problem. This lifestyle hurts students in the first place. Sleepless nights working on high-dimensional or abstract manifolds cause me to be unproductive in classes. It would be more appropriate to read Plato's perfect state over the weekend.

From the first pages, the definition of the ideal state is made. I don't know how long this description will last, but for the rest of the night I must focus on mechanical problems.

Plato was one of those who grew up with the effects of sophisticated thought due to the understanding of education and the intellectual climate of the period. In terms of family origin and kinship relations, the possibility of serving the police (site) state as a statesman was so mindful that neither his mother and his father would be famous after his birth (428/427 BC), and he would be famous for his sons and fame beyond the statesmanship. He should not even pass by the edge. Plato came from the noble group of Athens. The philosophy of life of this layer of society was like mental and physical mobility, elegance in movements, courtesy and proportionality in human relations, but also a subtle sarcasticness and humor. The information we have allows us to get down to Plato's basics of kinship, neither on the maternal nor paternal side. Although Baba Ariston's Kodros family, the last king of Athens, and the mother Perikton's relative with the famous Athens law maker Solon, there is no opportunity to verify this information. Critias, one of his cousins ​​by his mother, is a rich relative who will be among the famous Athens "thirty" administration or "tyrants ;; Kritias, an aristocrat, despises and despises the "lower class" to use today's language; he is a person who has developed intellectual abilities and combines the identities of a philosopher, poet and statesman in his personality. Plato's brothers Adeimantos and Glaukon, both bigger than him, owe his younger brothers Plato to his younger brothers Plato in the state dialogue, taking part in the state dialogue. Plato saw that Speusippos, the son of his sister's son, lacked the material income to survive and appointed his nephew as the ruler of the Academy after him. In short, the generation of Plato preferred a quiet life completely away from active politics. It is evident that Plato cannot easily decide to stay away from political life and has suffered a lot of indecision and could not get rid of internal reckoning. This "way of fate" that he draws to himself can perhaps be understood as the reason why philosophy has not reconciled or united with politics to the present day. In fact, to understand this decision, it means to fulfill a certain part of the compulsory mental effort for us to understand Politeia. In other words, it is possible to say that Plato is the best guidance on the way to understanding Politeia by explaining why Plato has not chosen the policy path. A letter that Plato wrote in 354 BC when he was 73 or 74 years old and sent to Sicily has the function of looking back to his own life and evaluating his life.

"Once when I was young, I thought like most people: I had in mind to turn to politics as soon as I became my own master. However, this experience in public life has an obstacle: Our order (our constitution) was worthless, despised in a wide environment and finally collapsed. There were 51 men at the top of the new order… However, 30 of them took over the whole government (management) with unlimited power. Among them were several relatives and acquaintances, and this

They got up and tried to draw me (among them) right away… The experiences I had in my youth proved me right. I had hoped that they would turn the state administration from an unjust way and put it on the path of justice. Therefore, with great curiosity, I began to watch carefully what they were going to do, and soon I saw that these men could not find a place to put the old constitution. Among many other things (mistakes), they commissioned an elderly man who was my friend, Socrates, who I would not hesitate to call the most honest and honorable man of the time, with others to put a citizen to death; so they intended to make him an accomplice. However, Socrates did not give in and preferred to risk everything rather than participate in their murderous actions. Seeing this and similar things that were not so trivial, I was disgusted, and I turned away from this murderous administration. Before long those 'Thirty' were overthrown and the constitution was abolished. Then again, the desire to be active on the political plane, albeit very slowly, began to surround me… However, some of those power holders called our friend to court with the worst accusations that could be attributed to Socrates. As you can see, they took him to court by accusing him of godlessness and convicted him and ensured the execution of the sentence… When I saw this and the people who manage the government, laws and customs, and as I got older, I grasped the whole of this wheel and came to the right conclusion and realized how difficult it is to make a policy. Because without friends and reliable "party" comrades, nothing could be done… Moreover, in the legislative and moral realms, corruption and decay were increasing astonishingly. Thus, although I was very keen on politics at the beginning, as I saw these events and studied all this unplanned, aimless drift, I was beginning to get confused. Although I did not stop thinking about how all this and the state existence could be better, and I always looked for an opportunity for action, but in the end I realized that the existing states were in a terrible state. Because if a perfect new organization did not come to the rescue by offering favorable conditions, the state-law relations would remain in an almost incurable condition. Thereupon, I felt compelled to acknowledge that true philosophy can only give an opportunity to look at justice in all public and private life, and that the unhappiness of the human race will not end until true and genuine philosophers come to power or the power and power holders of states turn into true philosophers as a result of divine will. "

This letter, in which Plato, in his mid-seventies, presents a summary of his relationship with the police and his life-long experiences, gives us an adequate idea despite the short section included here. Sounds like a variation on the chapter "Philosopher kings" in the Politeia (473d). Although Plato's feeling of being compelled to do politics seems to be an inevitable consequence of his personal character, the same character trait prevents him from taking a step into politics as he places demands on himself that he cannot fulfill. The only person Socrates, whom he says "he comes to the world only once", is the person who left his mark on his life path and the decisions he made.

If there are negativities in the country you live in, should the right behavior be to join politics or try to reach large masses? Today, people are "taking followers" ​​to achieve this goal.

Novels were written in the past, and as a man living in the past, I still think that writing novels is a way of connecting with society. I don't know how far I achieved this goal, but today, when a student of mine came to me during class at school and said that he liked my book very much, I was very happy. Even if it's just one person, touching his heart with my poems made me feel satisfied.

The problem is that I don't feel like Plato, so I don't think it's an obligation to participate in politics. Instead of chasing votes in my spare time, I go over the adventures of the man who read the "Black Book" and chases after his missing wife. Instead of working on the Şirodinger equation, I reviewed my novel for adolescents. A middle-aged man miraculously turns younger and returns to his high school years. While this man, who is a family man, goes to work and raises his children, he will go back to his school desk in the parallel universe and sit next to his friend P. and explain that he has special feelings for him.

We are aware of this that you have not achieved the purpose you have aimed for in your life right now.

I agree that these results broke the connection with life. I have been appointed as your good angel because the failures you encounter should not tear you away from life, you must struggle!

Success is not presented to anyone on a gold plate. I'm trying to understand you, you want to leave a mark after you leave this world, you want to be read centuries later like Montaigne.

-your truth

I'm having a hard time figuring out if it is, it must be a dream.

-believe me it's as real as life, I came to your aid when you were five years old when you hung excessively from the balcony. Do you remember that day?

In the first grade of primary school, while working on the syllable book, he came to the teacher, holding a book with a thick blue paperback, he gave this book to you in the class and you did not forget the first line for the rest of your life.

Why did the good angel do this favor to this old man? The reader will be curious about the answer to this question. In the following pages, the main boy remembers his old loves.

My father says he is proud of me while the principal congratulates me. There is a point I forgot, it is our mistakes that make us who we are, whereas I have no chance to make mistakes. Did my good angel really do me a favor?

People mature by making mistakes and reach the truth. At first glance, this talent seemed like a great blessing. We are playing football in the garden of the dilapidated mansion on our street, I know that I will fight with Mehmet in real life and he will break my nose when I try to talk to him. The moment I was waiting for came, Mehmet threw the ball and came running towards me, but I dealt the first blow, the poor boy's lip started to bleed. I felt like a cheating player. Mehmet went home crying. My cousin said my move was very wrong and it was just a game. He stated that I was taking this game too seriously and that I was unnecessarily heartbroken and went home. I have never forgotten this word. In real life, I was the one whose lips were supposed to bleed. I did not expect Mehmet to hit me and I was in front of him.

While I was waiting naively, I suddenly felt his fist on my nose, that's what it was supposed to be!

Being constantly appreciated by mom and dad

It started to tire me. No need to study at this alternate time, I already know that the area of ​​a rectangle is equal to the product of the short side and the long side. I can speak English and German. My peers have to write many times to learn new words. Ayşe is happy with her life. He thinks he is very lucky to be the top of the line benchmate, but this happiness will be short-lived. Ayşe will leave our school in the second grade. They will move because his father is a civil servant. She'll think I'm crazy if I tell her the truth.

"Ayşe, I am actually a fifty-year-old amateur writer. At the age of thirty, I learned the organic chemistry course, which I could not learn in my high school years, by studying like a student on hot summer days. I don't know why I'm doing this."

What will he think of me? I love her white buckles. How nice it is to play hide and seek with him in the courtyard of the school! I miss being a kid so much!

Everything is fine , there is no room for failure in my life . Ayşe does not leave my side, but I am not happy. I don't know what is bothering me. I feel like a cheating student. I'm starting to think I've been unfair to my classmates. Thanks to my experience, I have no difficulty in reinforcing the geometric terms they heard for the first time with their tiny brains.

I thought you were a benefactor.

-I did you a favor, thanks to me, you will become a young professor at the age of twenty, your name will be written in international journals and you will attend seminars in different countries.

You said I only had one month. I would easily solve the questions that I could not do in the university entrance exam that I failed and start a new life with my new profession!

-There has been a change in the accounts, Necip.

-The kid's lip bleed because of me, I feel guilty.

If you hadn't hit him, he would have hit you, so you don't have to feel guilty, you just defended yourself.

-I used violence on him, it was wrong. A child should not hit his friend, even if he is sure that he will hit him!

-So when someone hits you, will you show the other cheek and say hit here too? Be careful when you ask God, Necip, some wishes are granted by him. In real life, after graduating from college, you failed the jury to study in the summer heat and become a lecturer, and when you left the hall you thought you didn't deserve it. God heard you and your wish has come true, what more do you want?

-This is not the real world, good angel, I live in the virtual world. Let me tell you the story of gauss. When Gauss was ten, the math teacher didn't want to teach that day, but the students had to be busy. For this purpose, he asks everyone to find the sum of the numbers from one to one hundred. Gauss sums up the first number, one, and the last number, the face, and writes one hundred and one in the corner of his notebook. Add the second number, two, and the penultimate number, ninety-nine, to find one hundred and one. In this way, when he realizes that there are exactly fifty hundred and one, and multiplies, he finds the answer 5050. Finding the answer

It took a few minutes. The teacher, who imagined that he would read his newspaper at the teacher's desk for two lessons, is shocked when he realizes that the answer is correct and realizes that the child in front of him is a genius.

they He succeeded because he was a born genius. I'm not gifted, that's deceiving people. It is thanks to my experience that I am writing articles at a young age, I can never be a Newton or a Gaussian!

I agree with you on Gauss, but I cannot agree with you on Newton. Newton had no god-given intelligence. He owed his success to his disciplined work. He worked so hard on optics that he was in danger of blindness due to his experiments with his own eyes. He was born prematurely in Woolsthorpe, near the city of Grantham, England. He lost his father before he was born.

He grew up with his mother until he was four years old, then his mother married someone else and he was taken care of by his grandmother for seven years.

Newton's universal gravitation and three laws of motion dominated the scientific world for the next three centuries. Newton showed that the motions of objects on earth and objects in the sky are governed by the same natural laws, with the consistency between his law of gravitation and the law of planetary motions of the German astronomer Johannes Kepler. Newton also developed the first reflecting telescope, and created a color theory as a result of the observation that white light produces a spectrum of different colors when held through a prism.

Isaac Newton is considered by scientists to be one of the most influential people in the history of science. In late 1999, in the millennium voting held with 100 prominent physicists, Isaac Newton was ranked 2nd after Albert Einstein among the best physicists of all time. In the book "100 Most Influential People Who Shaped the World" published in 1978 by the American astrophysicist and writer Michael H. Hart, Newton was held at the top of all scientists, including Albert Einstein. Famous science fiction writer Isaac Asimov also referred to Newton as "the greatest scientist in history".

The reason why we give you a privilege is because it is one of the most important and exciting journeys of discovery that humanity has embarked on.

It is your involvement in the study of the fundamental principles that govern the behavior of our universe.

After a journey that took more than two and a half thousand years, people made significant progress. With this

This journey proved to be extremely difficult, and the truth was often slowly revealed.

Yet the twenty-first century has given us extraordinary new insights, some so impressive that many scientists have expressed the view that the basic principles of science can come close to an understanding.

The understanding that we have principles that underpin our world's behavior actually depends on an appreciation of its mathematics.

Some people may take this as a cause for despair, as they will form the belief that they do not have elementary level math capacity.

Many people's nightmares remind us of the multiplication tables, simple fractions, compound fractions, and integer fractions we memorized in elementary school.

At this point, the following question comes to mind: People

If they can't master the manipulation of fractions, how can they argue well so that they can grasp the ongoing research at the cutting edge of physical theory?

I want to be optimistic about this, I argue that people who cannot perform four operations on fractions are actually people who do not realize their potential.

While studying with a geography teacher who completed his first year in his profession, I do not forget his observation.

They became two friends who got along well with the teacher he was talking about. After school, they sit in a cafe and gossip about conservative groups as two left-wing individuals, and they worry together, thinking that secularism is gone. Their friendship turns into love when they least expect it. The main boy always wants to hug and smell our main girl. When they were alone in the teachers' room during breaks, pure kisses began to sit hand in hand. After all, the best moments of the relationship are the first days! He always has the same question in his mind in his happy life. Why did he do this favor to me? In a parallel universe, family man Necip continues his monotonous life while preparing his children for written exams on weekends. The only pastime in his life is reading. He re-reads Sofi's world and becomes curious about the philosophy of enlightenment. He wonders about the life story of Socrates, who walks barefoot.

The Man whose Death Brought a New Generation of Philosophers: Socrates

Son of (father) Sophronisbos and (mother) Phainarte, Socrates was one of the ordinary citizens of Athens. Being a member of the sculptors' guild, he did not belong to the Athenian aristocracy, which still maintains its nobility, but it was as if he had spontaneously been born into this noble stratum and took his place there. Scholars of Socrates have long struggled to clarify his social position, yet they have not been able to come up with definitive conclusions that could dispel all doubts; however, Plato, who keeps Socrates alive as his indispensable teacher in his "dialogues", has no share in this indecision. as little as additional. As a talented, intelligent, ten-fingered aristocrat boy, Plato tried to follow the path of his relative Kritias and first tried tragedies. However, as soon as he met Socrates, he would instantly sacrifice them as his writings seemed worthless in the light of the new principles and understandings he had acquired. It was not a thoughtless, enthusiastic youthful step; Socrates will be Plato's guide for an entire lifetime; The philosopher would fulfill his debt of gratitude to his teacher or the duty he thought he should fulfill, by reflecting almost all his philosophical thoughts from the mouth of Socrates. However, while doing this, Socrates has so "Platonized" his character and type and idealized it so much that the possibility of separating Socrates and Plato from each other has almost disappeared today. The Defense of Socrates can be counted as one of the first biographies, even monographs, in the history of literature. Drawing a radical but not surprising conclusion from this relationship, O. Gigon points out the impossibility of reaching a reliable and historically valid picture based on the legend of Socrates. So, we can inevitably grasp the phenomenon of Socrates from the effects it has had on other people and life, or rather, from the outwardly reflected results. These effects spread so horizontally among the youth of Athens, but of course, especially among the youth of the noble class that the Athenian police community felt its presence in the polis under threat and had to take precautions. The remedy was to remove the cause of the curse, that is, to kill Socrates. Socrates turned his defense into a kind of "indictment" and closed all the doors of salvation that opened for him with his own hands. We will return to this subject once more in a moment, but the point that should be pointed out is the fact that this trial and judgment, and then the execution of Socrates, led to an unprecedented development in the history of world thought (philosophy): Because Plato After this incident, not only did he give up active involvement in politics in order to keep the problem of the relationship between philosophy and the state in mind for life, but as a result of this decision, he became a "philosopher" who would guide world philosophy; more than that, this trial and its results shaped the whole of Greek philosophy from now on, determined the basic principles of philosophy, and in the first place determined the place of philosophy vis-à-vis the state; on the other hand, all the new philosophers would become "Socrates"; From the Athenian Antishenedes, who purged the human from all his worldly needs, limited man to the most basic needs, and whose doctrine was changed and continued within a whole Stoic doctrine, the doctrine of hedonism was changed by the Athenian Epicurus, who continued to live in the Epicurean School, and to enjoy life at all times. Until Aristippos of Cyrene, who deems it paramount, and Xenophon, a police citizen who dedicates an important part of his literary work to his beloved teacher and tries to justify his thoughts, Socrates' death became the land of new births. Plato, on the other hand, presents a portrait of his teacher, which he has confirmed by Socrates himself, outside of the philosophical dialogues. The famous statesman of Athens and the student of Socrates, the tragic writer of Alcibiades, Agathon, gave us this portrait at a feast. Of course, this speech is also an invention of Plato, and there is no doubt that the portrait of Socrates in this speech is idealized; because it should not be hard to think that Plato, who wrote the speech, lost his objectivity under the influence of his love for his teacher. However, it is also evident that the great thinker, while describing his teacher, took care to reflect the real, permanent and essential thing behind the daily, temporary, and not decisive. Socrates has all the characteristics of a compelling personality that drives people in a certain direction. He is the representative of a rare humanity. To him, life means living, making humble contributions in the service of the great daimon Eros. Eros, which is the other name of both mental-intellectual and physical-bodily reproduction (creation) impulse, invites the philosopher to illuminate the path of youth in a very turbulent period when all traditional values ​​have become controversial, shaken and new values ​​are sought. Here, we need to open a short parenthesis and once again look at Socrates' position in this turbulence from a historical-philosophical perspective. Sophists were putting forward teachings that shook the generally valid norms on the philosophical-epistomological plane. When the measure was human, not only could anyone be sure that perceptions represented a general, common truth, but also objections were raised against the existence of religious-political and moral generally valid norms or rules required for the police-states, especially Athens, to governThe collapse of society meant chaos to dominate the social order. From this point of view, the Sophists taught a progressive, shocking, enlightened way of thinking and lifestyle. Socrates, like the Sophists, was left alone with the charges of lecturing rich children with money; (see Socrates' Defense) but it is difficult to say that their views coincide with those of the Sophists. On the contrary, he thinks that the individual cannot be the measure; In this stormy sea where the old and traditional is in danger of sinking, a man, Socrates, who is actually an ordinary citizen, stood against this chaos, defending a supra-individual, universally valid moral unity, universally binding and unshakable principles in both social and political life. . Dialectics At this point, we encounter an interesting situation regarding method: One of the steps that made it possible for Socrates to reach beyond the narrow circle in which he was actually effective was his realization that it was possible to use the question-answer (dialectic) of the Sophists as a method to adopt his own views. Okay, the Sophists did not accept any universally valid principles and regarded man as the measure of everything, but in their attempts, they were hitting every level of the outdated system the blow it deserved. Socrates realized that with this method he could shake off the admired greats of science, the mighty men of politics, and refute the ideas and principles they had up until then. Socrates should have tried to achieve a return to the "original state of life, where there is no knowledge", a kind of "tabula rasa" in the minds of scientists and politicians, by the method of the Sophists. Starting off on the principle that "I know is what I know" certainly provided sufficient reason for a deep hatred for all those "greats", powerful politicians. However, Socrates, who tried to develop thought from this point of view, by imposing this initial state of knowing nothing at first glance, definitely differed from the Sophists on a second plane, with his unshakable will, his compliance with general legal regularities, his adherence to principles until his death; Determined to stick to this electoral creed and principles (Socrates, who is also certain that he was commissioned according to the oracle of Delphi), he will not follow the advice of his friends to abolish the death penalty. We might think that the judges who made the decision were sure that Socrates would somehow find a way to escape; therefore, they should not have expected that the matter would reach their death while making their decisions; however, Socrates perceived the possibility of escape opened up before him as a betrayal of his principles and the ideas he represented throughout his life, because the verdict, right or wrong, came from the pen of the judges representing the law; he was determined to abide by these laws to the end. The order of the whole should never be disturbed by the minor concerns or needs of the individual members of the society, which are unimportant to the whole. All was well, but there was still one truth for his students: They had lost their teacher. That was the deciding factor. Socrates, who occasionally acted ridiculously and had himself used as the object of comedy, was ultimately idealized in the eyes of those who knew him, and was recreated as a hero who represented all wisdom in his identity, went to death in line with his principles, and was presented to the history of philosophy and humanity. Plato, on the other hand, shows both sides of Socrates' personality. In Book I, Plato introduces us to Socrates, the human being in life, and a searching eristician, that is, a master of words. II. He is the enlightening teacher since The Book and the guide of the youth of Athens represented by Adeimantos and Glaucon. Socrates carries out his awakening activity in the streets, agoras, guesthouses of the nobility, and army headquarters of Athens. A whole "police" is like the scene of his "political" activity. His farewell to these places meant farewell to the "public sphere" in today's common saying. From that moment on, squares and streets are no longer suitable for Socrates to carry out any activity. On the other hand, after the death of his beloved teacher, Plato retreated to the Heros Academy in the northwest of the city and started teaching there. The dilemma between the willingness to engage in active politics and the harsh realities that political experience teaches and makes politics impossible, despite everything, does not drag him into the darkness of despair and despair. Before long, many people, young and old, coming from far and near, and even women dressed as men, as described, begin to attend Plato's lectures. This is an education center far from representing the relations that today's concept of school evokes in us. There is a unity of life between the learner and the teacher. This is an education that lasts for years, even as in the example of Aristotle, it is an education process that

The goal of the mentioned life is the knowledge of what is true, true and good, VI. What we will read at the end of the Book is to reach the "sun of the eternal realm of Ideas"; however, political aims were included in the goal of reaching these Ideas from the very beginning. VII tells us what the audience should be. The book says: The goal is not solitary pedantry, trapped in four walls, but to be men who, as philosophers, can guide the state. Therefore, it is understandable that academics and academy students also participated in Dion's Syracuse expedition against the tyrant Dionysios, and Plato not only wished Dion a good journey and success, but also accompanied him. Plato's participation in an expedition to a place far from Athens shows us something else. Plato's mind was directed not only to his hometown, the Athenian polis, but also to all Greek cities, to the world of the Hellenes and barbarians[35]. At this point, Plato left his teacher, his master Socrates, far behind. It is known that Plato, who saw a large part of the world in question with his own eyes, went to Egypt and Asia, but it is known that he was in Italy and even went to Sicily three times. There, Plato not only established philosophical relations with the Pythagoreans, especially Archhytas of Tarent, but also recognized the dimensions of an oppressive policy in the palace of the tyrant of Syracuse, and gathered data to develop his own political views. By comparing the democracy of his homeland with the tyranny in Sicily, he was able to identify some of the weaknesses of democracy, as well as to see the positive and negative sides of the tyranny and the tyrant (tyrant) as a state and human/administrative type. was able to observe the behavior and mannerisms of his subjects; These conditions allowed him to see everything with all his nakedness, without being embellished or posing as in the theatre, with his weaknesses and strengths. According to Plato's observations, the power of the tyrant was due to the fact that there was no counter-power to oppose the will of the owner of power. only ceases with the death of the teacher, the master.