
Chapter 395: I'm curious! The story of Dill, Bishop of the Church of Stormwind!

When Master Dill said this, his voice was trembling.

He was really reluctant to answer Xu Chengfeng's words.

"Can you tell me why you chose to betray?" Xu Chengfeng asked softly, "I heard that if you had chosen to cooperate with the Ocean Church at that time, the result would not have been so miserable!"

"Does the island owner really want to know?"

"I'm curious!"

Xu Chengfeng's tone was very flat.

But with a strong oppression!

Xu Chengfeng is not really satisfying curiosity.

It's helping Dill!

Mage Dill gritted his teeth, and his breathing became rapid.

He shivered as he picked up the teacup and drank the rest of the tea.

He closed his eyes, as if returning to the **** storm a hundred years ago.

"I just want to keep the Seven-Star City-State Alliance going!"

"Be specific!"

If other people forced him like this, he would definitely choose to turn his face on 07.

Even the first powerhouse of the Seven-Star City-State Alliance, Sara, he dared not!

But the problem is, sitting in front of him is Xu Chengfeng!

In this mysterious island owner, he is nothing.

Moreover, he also asked Xu Chengfeng.

"At that time, the Seven-Star City-State Alliance was besieged by the abyss demonized beasts, the major islands were in emergency, and several islands were directly captured. Those demonized beasts who broke into the city seemed to have wisdom, and they chose the church as their main target. …"

"There is another one that has not been attacked, just because there is no Church of the Storm and the Church of the Sea!"

"Some professionals who escaped believe that the targets of those abyss demonized beasts are churches and believers!"

"Later, I confirmed with Mage Sarah and Skarna that there are commanders behind those abyss demonized beasts, and they are indeed coming for the church and believers."

"Those of us who have a complete inheritance know about the abyss and the gods."

"At that time, many professionals thought that if they wanted to keep the Seven-Star City-State Alliance, they had to destroy the church and make believers give up their faith!"

"Mage Sarah consulted me and Skarna, and we didn't agree at the time!"

"How did Mage Sarah convince you?"

Xu Chengfeng suddenly interjected.

Dill whispered: "She secretly destroyed the two churches on Crab Island and took all the believers away..."

"Then Crab Island is safe?"

Dill nodded: "The abyss demonized beast has withdrawn..."

"So, you agree?"

"I have no way to disagree. At that time, we all knew that if we continue, our island will be destroyed. The abyss demonized beasts in the South Star Sea continue to gather and join the team attacking our island!" Dill lowered his head, " Either choose the church, or... die together!"

"I heard that a lot of people died?"

"I didn't think so many people would die at the time!" Dill whispered, "We already realized that there must be something monitoring the island, but we didn't have any clues. My idea was to destroy the church and burn the teachings. Announced the abolition of the Church of Stormwind and the Church of the Ocean, it is illegal to choose to preach, and everyone can no longer mention the two gods..."

"Only in name!"

Dill emphasized.

"I consulted with Skarna. She was unwilling to carry out the plan. She was too stubborn, and said that I betrayed the Goddess of Storms... But the plan still has to be carried out!"

"There was a conflict?"

Xu Chengfeng asked.

"Yes!" Dill nodded. "We started. I joined forces with Sarah to destroy the headquarters of the Church of Stormwind and the Church of the Sea, and kill Skarna... I really didn't want to kill her!"

"My negotiation with Scana dragged on for too long, and Sarah was too impatient, so she sent someone to notify the major islands!"

"So everyone knows that it is the terrifying abyss demonized beast that the church attracted. Driven by fear, those ordinary people and ordinary professionals are also crazy... Things have completely developed to the other extreme!"

"I didn't react until I dealt with the Seven Star Island Stormwind Church and the Ocean Church headquarters, but it's too late!"

Dill looked at the teacup, his eyes gradually losing focus.

"In the entire Seven-Star City-State Alliance, there are only a few believers on Seven-Star Island... Many people died!"

"The Seven-Star City-State Alliance is fine. Those abyss demonized beasts then changed their goals and entered the territory of the mad shark family..."

A temporarily recruited little mermaid maid refills Dill's teacup.

Dill nodded and drank the hot water again.

The little mermaid froze for a while, and then filled it with water.

"Lord Island Master, the situation back then was roughly like this."


Xu Chengfeng nodded.

"Your beliefs shouldn't be very firm, right?"

"I also hope that the Goddess of Storms can return, but I may be really unsteady in my faith!" Dill nodded, "It was impossible for a person like me to become a bishop ten thousand years ago, and it is even difficult to become a clergyman. I only grew up in the church from a young age, with outstanding talent in the wind element, and a bishop teacher, so I was selected as the bishop of the Storm Church."

Storm Goddess has fallen for thousands of years, and the clergy of Storm Church have long lost their divine support!

After ten thousand years of evolution, they also got rid of their dependence on divine power and began to turn to orthodox magicians... a group of magicians with faith!

227 "The island owner should go to Qixing Island, right?"

"will go!"

"Then I'll follow you on Seven Star Island!" said Mage Dill, "Those believers are all on Seven Star Island."


"In any case, thank the island owner for your stay!"

When Mage Dill left, Janna, Gamir, Thea, and Scana walked out of Xu Chengfeng's villa hall.

"Have you heard everything?"

"heard it!"

Jana nodded.

"It's probably like this!" Xu Chengfeng said, "How Dill handles it is up to you to decide."

Xu Chengfeng is an intellectual neutral.

He felt that Master Dill's decision was actually not a big problem.

From the results, it is also correct.

If the mess was not cut quickly at that time, the seven-star city-state alliance's major island regions might have been completely captured.

It's just that while processing, some uncontrollable events occurred.

For the Church of Stormwind and the Church of the Sea, Dill is indeed a traitor!

Believers are to use their lives to maintain their beliefs!

Sacrifice for Faith!

There's nothing wrong with calling someone like Dill a traitor.

But Xu Chengfeng was surrounded by people from the church, so he couldn't help protect Mage Dier!