
Chapter 343: Want to prostitute the water of life? I've been in retreat for fifty years!

"By the way, Lord Island Master, Liu Lele wants to interview you!"

"Yes!" Xu Chengfeng said, "Tomorrow night, give her ten minutes!"

Liu Lele is already an old acquaintance of Xu Chengfeng.

Interviewing is also a breeze.

Anyway, just chat.

Now that Xu Chengfeng is the vice president of the Island Owners Association, he is even less afraid.

The media certainly did not dare to black him.

Just when Xu Chengfeng was about to devote himself to cultivation, Tong Mu sent him another message.

Tong Mu: "After the delegation returned to Blue Star, the secret plan of the Island Owners Association has been approved by the upper management!"

Xu Chengfeng felt relieved when he saw the news of Tong Mu.

Once the plan is passed, the government will implement it, and there is nothing to do with him.

He just waited for the harvest.

Xu Chengfeng: "Good!"

Tong Mu: "There is one more important thing!"

Xu Chengfeng: "What's the matter?"

Tong Mu: "The upper floors need some water of life. When the delegation came, your tree of life was exposed. It's none of my business!"

Xu Chengfeng: "Do you want the water of life?"

Tong Mu: "The water of life can increase life expectancy!"

increase lifespan?

The water of life can naturally increase lifespan.

Among the many life-enhancing treasures in the Kane world, the water of life is the most effective and has no side effects.

Xu Chengfeng remembered that in the legend, a drop of the emperor-level water of life can also increase his lifespan by five years!

If it is a seriously ill or seriously injured person, the effect of taking the water of life is even greater!

Xu Chengfeng didn't care about his lifespan at all, he was still young.

The longevity-increasing effect of the water of life is also not valued.

But other ordinary people don't think so.

Who doesn't want to live a little longer?

Xu Chengfeng: "Which upper level?"

Tong Mu: "The upper level of the Island Owners Association is higher than the chairman's position. I don't know who it is!"

The upper levels of the Island Owners Association, there are quite a few!

They have little real power, but their position is still above the president of the Island Owners Association.

Of course, they did not dare to give orders to the association at will.

Xu Chengfeng: "How much are they going to ask for?"

Tong Mu: "The more the better!"

Xu Chengfeng: "What price can you give?"

Tong Mu: "President Feng Yu said that they didn't mention the price... They said they wanted you to send it over..."

Want to prostitute?

Xu Chengfeng was not very happy immediately!

He likes prostituting others for free, but that doesn't mean he likes being prostituted for free!

Xu Chengfeng: "Just tell President Feng Yu that you haven't contacted me, understand?"

Tong Mu: "Oh!"

Obviously, Tong Mu also knew that Xu Chengfeng was not happy!

Xu Chengfeng thought for a moment and said, "Just say, I recently worshipped the Goddess of the Night as my teacher, and His Highness Paradis said, as long as I concentrate on my practice for fifty years, I will definitely become a great weapon, and she still has me as her goddess. idea!"

The so-called belonging to God is the subordinate of the Lord God!

The clergy of the gods is most likely related to the main god.

For example, the goddess of the sea used to be a god—the **** of tides!

Of course, the status of God is much higher than that of saints.

Almost like other gods, he can become an immortal existence!

Tong Mu: "Ah really? His Highness Paradis values ​​you so much?"

Xu Chengfeng: "Yes, I am so good!"

Xu Chengfeng: "So, Tong Mu, tell the association that I'm going to retreat for 50 years recently!"

Tong Mu: "President Xu, are you kidding me?"

Xu Chengfeng: "How can I be joking? I have the talent of sss + Heart of Darkness, and I am valued by His Royal Highness Paradis. I am a man who wants to become a god, and now I am going to chase my dream!"

Tong Mu: "Then you don't do business anymore?"

Xu Chengfeng: "Depending on my mood, I might give the island rights to Janna!"

Xu Chengfeng: "Little Tong Mu, I'm going to retreat, so let's talk here first, and we'll see you in fifty years!"

After speaking, Xu Chengfeng decisively turned off the communication channel.


Want to prostitute him?

dream! !

Even if Xu Chengfeng washes his feet with the water of life, he cannot give it away for nothing!

This is not a question of whether to dig or not, it is a matter of principle!

There is still the threat of the abyss in Kane's world, and he doesn't bother to worry about the troubles of Blue Star.

If you want to use the water of life, you must be old and your body will not be able to.

Xu Chengfeng could have been in the Kane world for 50 years, and died.

Who is afraid of who!

Xu Chengfeng summoned Chen Xinping and Janna again to tell them about it.

"It's too much!" Chen Xinping heard this and said angrily, "The island owner is the honorary vice-chairman, and he didn't get too much benefit from the association, so he let us give away the water of life for nothing!"

This belongs to the same hatred!

"The island owner, are we still doing Blue Star's business?"

"Tell those royal-level island owners of the association that I will be in retreat for 50 years!" Xu Chengfeng said with a smile, "Let them hurry up and trade, and the trade will end in three days, and then you should wait for two months before considering returning to Blue. star."

This is Xu Chengfeng's counterattack!

Suspension of business has little impact on him. After harvesting the wave of the association's island owners, they have no money for the time being!

I don't know if the person who wants to prostitute Xu Chengfeng's water of life for free, can resist the anger of others.

There must be more than one person who wants the water of life!

"Also, the interview with Liu Lele, postponed!"


Chen Xinping nodded.

"If someone asks me about my situation, say I'm in retreat now, and Janna is in charge of the island!"

"it is good!"

"If someone wants to buy the water of life within three days, you say that the water of life has been used up by His Highness the Goddess of the Night to wash the feet, and there is no such thing for the time being!"

Xu Chengfeng decided to give the black pot to the goddess of the night.

Her legs are so beautiful that they deserve to be washed with the water of life!

And as a god, she can fully bear this black pot!


The muscles on Chen Xinping's face twitched.

This excuse doesn't seem to be sincere!

After the order was finished, Xu Chengfeng brought up the Sword of Divine Shield and headed to the training ground.

He didn't care about what happened just now.

As long as he doesn't leave the island, no one can do anything to him.

As long as he doesn't leave the island, the real headaches are other people!

As for who has a headache, Xu Chengfeng doesn't care!

He's fine with himself.

After Xu Chengfeng told Tong Mu that he was going to retreat for fifty years, Tong Mu couldn't sit still.

Of course she knew that Xu Chengfeng was really angry.

But she did not expect that Xu Chengfeng, who has always been mild-tempered, would react so violently!

This is going to be a pick and play!

Tong Mu has now realized the seriousness of the matter!

What she is most afraid of is that it will affect Xu Chengfeng's magic metal and water of life transactions!