
Chapter 194: The highest praise for beauty! Excited Angel!

"By the way, Lord Islander, that fine gold statue..."

Angel pointed to the statue in the corner and asked.

"You moved it in your castle, I didn't find you at the time, I thought it was an unowned thing, I think it's very beautiful, I like it very much, so I moved it to my villa!" Xu Chengfeng said with a smile, "There is also a mithril statue. It hangs in my hallway too."

"Can you take a look?"

"Angel of Tears, take her to see!"

Not long after, Angel went to the living room again.

Xu Chengfeng smiled and said, "You can take them back."

"It is indeed Angel's favorite gift, but if the island owner likes it, I will give it to the island owner!" Angel smiled, "These two small gifts are not worth the kindness of the island owner for saving me. one."

"Then I'll take it!"

Xu Chengfeng had no plans to pay it back at all.

Angel must know that too.

If Xu Chengfeng wanted to pay it back, he would have paid it back long ago.

Angel asked in a low voice, "Lord Island Master, I want to ask, am I beautiful or the statue is beautiful?"

Xu Chengfeng glanced at the gold statue: "You are beautiful!"

This is a fact.

A statue is a statue after all.

Even if Angel was mutated by the blood of the spider queen Rose, she was still a stunning beauty.

In terms of appearance, she is even more beautiful than Stia, the goddess of the storm.

This is already an exaggeration!

370 After all, people are gods!

Moreover, Angel's natural charm is exaggerated.

Even turned into a spider, still very attractive.

Xu Chengfeng turned around and glanced at the fish tank: "In terms of appearance, you should not be inferior to the Goddess of the Night!"


Angel raised her head, her big eyes staring at Xu Chengfeng.

This is definitely the most lofty evaluation of her appearance that Angel has heard since she was born.

Because in Kane Continent, even believers of the God of Light would not dare to say that Angel was more beautiful than the Goddess of the Night.

That's a god!

Only an island owner from Blue Star like Xu Chengfeng could compare Angel with the Goddess of the Night.

"Really...really?" An Qi'er opened her mouth and asked stammeringly, "Lord Island Master, do you really think so? Really?"

Since being plotted against by Rose, Angel has not dared to look in the mirror again.

Every time she saw the eight black marks on her face and her spider body, she felt a burst of despair!

Xu Chengfeng walked in front of Angel, Angel raised her head and looked at Xu Chengfeng.

A pair of rough hands grabbed her chin.

Xu Chengfeng suddenly approached and gently kissed her forehead.

That long-lost, warm, cool feeling.

Reminds her of her father.

There were tears in Angel's eyes.

Make her more attractive.

No matter how much you talk about it, it is not as good as actual actions.

She knew that Xu Chengfeng really thought she was beautiful.

I don't think she's disgusting!

Otherwise, with Xu Chengfeng's character, he would never touch her.

Seeing the goddess of the night fluttering in the fish tank, she knew how bold and rebellious Xu Chengfeng was!

His compliments, his actions, were absolutely sincere.

Because, such a big person, doesn't bother to flatter her at all.

"Don't cry!" Xu Chengfeng took out a tissue and wiped away her tears. "You have to cheer up. Actually, I really want to see what it is like to cheer up that Pearl of the Shining Empire."


Angel nodded.

Angel, can become the most beautiful in the mainland, but not only rely on family background and beauty.

I don't know when, Jana was already standing at the door of the villa.

"Let's go back!"


When Angel left, all eight legs became light and cheerful.

She greeted Janna and left the villa.

"Master, that monster wanted to blow himself up and was killed by me!" Janna said, "If he blows himself up, our island may not be able to keep it."

"Should kill!"

Xu Chengfeng nodded.

Nothing can happen to his island.

It's been in business for so long.

"Master, this is the conch you want!" Janna handed the abyss conch to Xu Chengfeng, and took out five black, blue, fire red, blue, and white, "This is the crystal of divine power found from that monster. ."

[Goddess of the Evernight divine power detection crystal (s): A trace of the divine power of the goddess of the night is sealed, and the power of thousands of miles can detect the fluctuations of the divine power of the goddess of the night, Paradis, and sense the approximate location of Paradis. ]

Xu Chengfeng looked at the other four crystals respectively.

They correspond to the Goddess of Storm, God of Fire, Goddess of Water, and God of Light.

The goddess of the night in the fish tank became quiet when she saw the detection crystal.

In her golden eyes, a sudden color flashed.

Perhaps, she never thought that the messenger of the abyss was following her like this.

Xu Chengfeng accepted the crystal and contacted Tong Mu directly.

Xu Chengfeng: "Are you there?"

Tong Mu: "Boss Xu, did you kill the pirates?"

Xu Chengfeng smiled: "Why do you ask that?"

Tong Mu: "If the veteran island owner didn't make a move, I can't think of anyone else with such strength on our new island owner's side!"

If it is really solved by the new island owner.

Tong Mu could only guess that Xu Chengfeng did it.

Because only Xu Chengfeng could have such strength.

She still remembered the tree of life on Xu Chengfeng's island.

That majestic power of life is a beacon in the sea that constantly attracts powerful abyss demonized beasts!

If there is no strong strength, Xu Chengfeng can't protect the tree of life.

Xu Chengfeng did not answer Tong Mu directly, but said, "Tell you a very important piece of information."

Tong Mu: "What information?"

Xu Chengfeng: "The group of pirates are indeed the subordinates of the abyss messenger. Their goal is not only the divinity of the goddess of the night, but also the goddess of the storm, the **** of fire, the goddess of water, and the **** of light. They have the ability to detect these three. Equipment of the divine spirit!"

Tong Mu: "Really?"

Xu Chengfeng: "Of course it's true, if I remember correctly, one of our island masters in Dragon Country seems to be cultivating followers of the God of Fire, right? If he has a relic of the God of Fire, let him be careful, maybe the enemy is very powerful , get him ready."

Tong Mu: "Thank you, Boss Xu, I'll report to the vice president first!"

Xu Chengfeng: "Go!"

In fact, Xu Chengfeng was quite embarrassed.

On the one hand, he is not interested in Pretty Country and Sakura Country.

But on the other hand, he didn't want Blue Star Island to lose.

If the Blue Star Island Lord is defeated, the divinity of those gods will be taken away.

The ghost knows if those gods have a chance to be resurrected again!