
Chapter 153: Tong Mu's help! Fu Qingze with an encouraging attitude!

This is absolutely no joke!

In order to fight against the abyss demonized beasts that attack from time to time, the island owners of the island world have been strengthening the island defense all their lives.

Coupled with some powerful island owners who like to loot weak island owners, many island owners will choose to fire directly when they encounter strange forces approaching.

It is not to say that everyone does not want peaceful development.

Most island owners actually want peace.

The problem island world has no legal supervision, and looting can bring faster and higher returns!

Even a good citizen like Xu Chengfeng, a law-abiding citizen in Bluestar, has the urge to rob by his own strength when he arrives in the island world, let alone other people!

Xu Chengfeng warned Tong Mu like this because he wanted to tell her that if they really wanted to get close to his island, they had to say hello to him first...

Let Xu Chengfeng prepare for the exposure of the island movement!

However, Xu Chengfeng estimates that there should be no problems in a few years.

The wind spirits have explored the area of ​​thousands of miles, and the Shangcun is relatively close to him.

After a few years, maybe the fact that Xu Chengfeng's island will run away has already been leaked because of other things!

Tong Mu: "Boss Xu is really ruthless!"

Xu Chengfeng: "Talking about feelings hurts money!"

Tong Mu: "At this stage, what range of coordinates do you need?"

Xu Chengfeng: "Within a radius of 100,000 kilometers!"

Tong Mu: "Don't joke!"

Of course Xu Chengfeng wanted the bigger the better!

He actually wanted to say a million kilometers, but he felt it was too exaggerated.

As a last resort, you can only choose 100,000 kilometers.

Tong Mu: "Do you think you are a senior in the sky?"

Xu Chengfeng: "No kidding!"

Tong Mu hesitated for a moment: "Tomorrow I will report to the vice president and try my best to help you get a wide range of coordinates and get you some good coordinates."

Xu Chengfeng: "Why tomorrow?"

Tong Mu: "Tomorrow, Vice President Fu Qingze will be on duty. He appreciates you more. If you want large-scale data, he has the authority to pass it."

Tong Mu: "He very much encouraged the island owner of Dragon Country to explore these coordinates, saying that these coordinates are in danger of being exposed at any time. Rather than being taken away by island owners of other countries, it is better to rot in the pot of our island owner of Dragon Country... "

Tong Mu: "Vice President Feng Yu seems to be very friendly, but she is not as good as Vice President Fu Qingze!"

Seeing Tong Mu's words, Xu Chengfeng felt warm in his heart.

Xu Chengfeng: "Thank you!"

Tong Mu: "No sincerity! If you really want to thank me, let me see Sktos!"

Xu Chengfeng: "Yes!"

Tong Mu: "Well then, I'll go to your island to see when I'm free!"

Xu Chengfeng: "Good!"

That afternoon, the spirit of the island officially annexed the new island.

Xu Chengfeng's island was originally 23 square kilometers, but after annexing 7 square kilometers of islands, it reached 293 square kilometers.

In order to stabilize the island, another 07 square kilometers was consumed.

Xu Chengfeng's goal is to expand the island to about 35 square kilometers.

Then find a slightly larger island and grab the island area list for the second month.

This is indeed cheating.

But since the island world has no opinion, of course it is not cheating!

35 square kilometers is actually not small.

Some towns in Long Country seem to be only about 30 square kilometers.

The next day, after Tong Mu got up, he walked around the territory wearing plastic boots.

At half past eight, the alarm clock in her pocket rang.

She went back to her residence and changed her shoes.

After saying hello to the deputy island owner, she left the island.

Tong Mu's deputy island owner is different from Xu Chengfeng's deputy island owner.

Chen Xinping mainly manages affairs in the town, as well as farmland.

Tong Mu's deputy island owner was chosen for her by the Dragon Country Island Owners Association, and she has great power.

When she is away, she can fully exercise the power of the island owner.

Back at the Island Owners Association, she came to the door of Fu Qingze's office.

At 8:50, Fu Qingze appeared in the office.

As soon as Fu Qingze saw Tong Mu, he asked curiously, "Tong Mu? Is there anything you are looking for?"

"It's Boss Xu, he wants to buy the coordinates collected by our association!"

"Have you told him the rules?"

"I said, he gave me the coordinates!"

"Oh!" Fu Qingze was slightly surprised, "So simple?"

Tong Mu nodded: "It's quite straightforward!"

Having said that, Tong Mu handed the note to Fu Qingze.

"What range of regional coordinates does he want?"

"A radius of 100,000 kilometers!"

Fu Qingze looked at Tong Mu with a strange expression: "Are you kidding me? A circle around the Blue Star... it's only 40,000 kilometers."

Tong Mu shook his head: "No kidding, Boss Xu said that... And the island world is so big, it's almost endless!"

Fu Qingze rubbed his face: "It's a little exaggerated, does he have this kind of strength now?"

Tong Mu: "I think Boss Xu shouldn't be joking!"

Fu Qingze thought about it for a while and said, "It doesn't matter, as long as he can afford the money, he can sell it to anyone, but because of the huge scope, I can't give him exclusive coordinate information. If he can't find it, it's a waste!"

After speaking, he took out a prepared document from the drawer of his desk, quickly filled in the numbers, signed and sealed it and handed it to Tong Mu: "Go to the big data coordinate library, hand it over to Chen, and let Chen enter Xu Chengfeng in person. coordinates, and inquired about the information Xu Chengfeng wanted."


"Remember to ask Chen Suo to give you the charging standard!"


The big data coordinate database is one of the most secret departments of the Dragon Country Island Owners Association.

Tong Mu went through layers of inspection and finally saw Chen Suo.

Chen Suo is tall, thin and bald with glasses.

His face was a little pale because he had not seen the sun for many years.

He got Fu Qingze's document approval slip and just nodded: "You wait for me here, don't run around, understand?"

"Okay, I also want a fee!"

"it is good!"

Half an hour later, Chen Suo came out and handed Tong Mu a thick stack of lists:

"With a radius of 100,000 kilometers, it is almost a quarter of the area of ​​the newcomer's area. The above marks are all valuable goals. According to President Fu's request, I excluded the core of our Dragon Country Island Owners Association this year. Value coordinates near the island of new members!"

Some value coordinates that are relatively close to the island of Tong Mu and others, Fu Qingze still kept them, and left them to explore. This is written in the document!


After walking out of the big data coordinate library, Tong Mu can finally breathe.

The atmosphere in the big data coordinate library is too depressing!

She glanced at the thick list in her hand and was not surprised.

On the list, there are no coordinates to discuss.

It's just sorted according to the distance of Xu Chengfeng's coordinate distance.

The further the front row is, the closer the island is to Xu Chengfeng.

The potential benefits are stated above, as well as the price to be paid.

The price paid was already marked when the coordinates were recorded.

As for whether there are corresponding resources after arriving at the destination, and whether those resources will be taken away by other island owners, the Dragon Country Association is not responsible!