
Chapter 150: The core secret of the Island Owners Association! Saint or God-killer!

"Giggle...Master, I caught you!"

The laughter of the Holy Spring Spirit rang in his ears.

At some point, her arms had lightly wrapped around Xu Chengfeng's neck.

"Master, now it's your turn to catch me!"

The spirit of the holy spring wrapped around Xu Chengfeng and brought his face close to his.

The face of the Spirit of the Holy Spring has gradually become anthropomorphic.

Some are similar to Janna!

Xu Chengfeng could clearly see that the Spirit of the Holy Spring had exquisite and beautiful facial features and long hair...a bit illusory, but a bit real.

However, its body is still a silhouette.

Occasionally, like water, it has no shape.

"Master, come and catch me!"

"don't want!"

Xu Chengfeng refused directly!


He is only a low-grade bronze, but the Spirit of the Holy Spring is already a high-grade platinum.

Still in the artificial lake, how did he catch it?

Grab a yarn!


Xu Chengfeng's non-cooperation made the Spirit of the Holy Spring a little dull.

She thought for a while and then said, "Then I will let the master swim for an hour first, and then I will catch you again?"

"Alas!" Xu Chengfeng glanced at the artificial lake and rolled his eyes, "Why don't you let me swim for three days first, I'm exhausted, you'll pick up dead fish again?"

"Didn't you say you want to swim with me?"

"Isn't it now?"


So, Xu Chengfeng dragged the spirit of the holy spring to swim in the artificial lake.

But it was a little hard to swim.

After half an hour, Xu Chengfeng dragged the Spirit of the Holy Spring and climbed to the shore with difficulty.

"I'm tired, come down!"


The Spirit of the Holy Spring slipped off Xu Chengfeng's back and slipped into the artificial lake.

Xu Chengfeng gasped heavily, stood for a while, and sat down on the reclining chair.

"Lord Islander, drink honey water!"

Wendini came out and carefully brought out the honey water that had been prepared for a long time.


With a cup of honey in the stomach, Xu Chengfeng was refreshed.

He suddenly realized that he was too obsessed.

In fact, even if others knew that Sktos was on his island, it wouldn't be a big problem.

Anyway, his islands are wandering around.

Maybe, other people's islands also have spectacle buildings.

Why should he think too much and make himself uncomfortable.

After thinking about everything, Xu Chengfeng found his friend Tong Mu at random: "Tong Mu, I want to ask about the wonders. The teacher didn't seem to talk about it last time, nor in the textbook!"

Tong Mu: "Have you met?"

Xu Chengfeng: "Yeah!"

Tong Mu: "Don't you want to say that similar buildings are near your sea area!"

Xu Chengfeng: "You really know me!"

Tong Mu: "…"

Xu Chengfeng: "Speak!"

Tong Mu: "Boss Xu, I'll just mess with you!"

Xu Chengfeng: "Don't!"

Tong Mu: "Hey..."

Xu Chengfeng: "Speak well!"

Tong Mu: "There are architectural wonders!"

Tong Mu: "Among the architectural wonders, the most precious is the brilliant civilization of Kane's world formations and buildings ten thousand years ago. Some formations in these architectural wonders can barely function, which may give the island a huge bonus! "

Tong Mu: "A spectacle that is not blessed by the formation, or the formation fails, can be called a cultural wonder. It has no practical use. sky!"

Xu Chengfeng: "So it is!"

Tong Mu: "Boss Xu, what did you find?"

Xu Chengfeng: "Can you tell?"

Tong Mu: "Of course I can say... I won't rob you!"

Xu Chengfeng thought for a while, and finally decided to tell Tong Mu.

He suspected that the island owner of the Dragon Country might have a wonder similar to the Holy Land!

Get the wonders of the Holy Land, and there will be hints to help the resurrection of the gods.

This is the guide!

In other words, the island world wants to resurrect the gods!

Xu Chengfeng: "The Temple of the Wind!"

Tong Mu: "Scottos?!!"

Xu Chengfeng: "Yes!"

Tong Mu: "It turned out to be a wonder of the Holy Land! Do you want to cultivate followers of the Goddess of Storms?"

Xu Chengfeng: "You know?"

Tong Mu: "I know, I am now the core figure of the Dragon Country Island Owners Association!"

Xu Chengfeng: "Can you tell me something about the intelligence?"

Tong Mu: "If you want to know, I have to ask the deputy island owner for instructions. After all, I signed a non-disclosure agreement, but when I ask for instructions, I will reveal your affairs... Is that okay?"

Tong Mu: "Of course, if you don't want to, I will help you keep it a secret!"

Xu Chengfeng hesitated for a moment: "Will there be trouble?"

Tong Mu: "As far as I know, there is no trouble. The other temples of the Goddess of Storms have not yet been found by the Dragon Country Islander in the records. Even if they are found, we will definitely help the strongest!"


It's real!

Xu Chengfeng thought for a while: "I'm sorry to trouble you!"

Tong Mu: "It's okay!"

Twenty minutes later, Tong Mu reappeared: "Senior Fu is here, he allows me to reveal some of the core secrets of the Dragon Country Island Owners Association to you, but he asks you, without the permission of the vice-chairman of the association, not to share with others. Anyone leaking this."

Xu Chengfeng: "Yes!"

It seems that there are no substantive constraints, and it all depends on self-consciousness.

And it's not too much to ask for!

Tong Mu: "The island owner of the Dragon Country discovered and reported two wonders of the Holy Land, the Fire Temple of Tanda, the God of Fire, and the Temple of Kobolds, the God of Kobolds, Kurtumark!"

The God of Fire, Tanda, is still somewhat famous in the world of Kane.

However, the **** of kobolds, Kurtumark, seems to be pulling his hips a bit!

If Xu Chengfeng remembers correctly, Kurtumark, the **** of kobolds, should be a very weak god.

Xu Chengfeng: "Have they cultivated believers?"

Tong Mu: "All!"

Xu Chengfeng: "Want to be a saint?"

Tong Mu: "Not necessarily!"

Xu Chengfeng: "How do you say it?"

Tong Mu: "There is another option!"

Xu Chengfeng: "What is it?"

Tong Mu: "May kill a god!"

Xu Chengfeng: "This is a good idea!"

Tong Mu: "Senior Fu, let me tell you that you choose your own path!"

Xu Chengfeng: "Okay!"

Tong Mu: "By the way, there is still some information to tell you!"

Xu Chengfeng: "Tell me about it!"

Tong Mu: "The beautiful country Joseph, the number one in the heaven list, is cultivating believers of the God of Light, Yoshida, the 39th place in the heaven list, is cultivating the believers of the water god, and Isabella, the Gaul country, the 87th place in the heaven list, is cultivating love. Believers of God!"

Tong Mu: "This is relatively clear information. There should be more island owners hidden, and no news has been revealed."

To be honest, Xu Chengfeng was shocked when he heard the news.

He didn't expect that Blue Star's group of island owners are quite powerful!