
QT: Slutaholic Villainess

Michelle Dy was the epitome of a perfect lady. Beautiful, pure, chaste, modest, and refined. All her life, she lived in conformance to what society demanded of her. Well, at least that’s the image she has projected to everyone. Behind closed doors though. She was a real pervert. Every night, she either read smut novels, or watched porn. It became her nightly ritual that she would not be able to sleep if she doesn’t do that and masturbate while doing so. Then one night, she read a novel with such godly smut scenes that for every chapter that has smut she would be so horny that she felt much obliged to make herself orgasm over and over. Short to say, she overdid it, and her soul left her body literally. She was pronounced dead at 24, single since birth, and to her utter horror, a virgin, unless you count the rather small dildo she has been using. So, what happened after? Her soul went for judgement to the Assessors of Maat. However, her soul can’t go to heaven, but they also don’t want to send her to hell. Since the Assessors found her interesting, they gave her a chance to go to heaven. -- Archangel Samael has sinned and was judged by the heavens to repent. His punishment? He will have to live 3 lifetimes living a celibate life. He will be given 5 chances and if he fails, his wings will be taken away from him and he shall never enter the gates of heaven again. Since the gods wanted some entertainment, unknown to him, they sent him to be reborn as a fictional character in R-18 novels. -- Telling her that since Transmigration was the trend, they will be sending her soul to 5 worlds of novels she read. Her mission in each was to find Archangel Samael, seduce him and make him fall in love with her, whichever comes first. She will be given 5 chances and she must succeed in at least 3. If she succeeds, her soul will go to heaven, if she fails, her soul will go to hell. Seems easy? Hell no. Problem was, she was always being transmigrated as the villainess without any clue who the Archangel was except that he was lofty and has angelic aura! In addition, the novels were all reverse harems making it so that there were too many males to consider! Still, she was excited. This was her chance! Her chance to enjoy R-18 experience!

champilyn · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
24 Chs

12. Morning after

Lili's tears fell from her eyes. Unlike her imagination, it was painful when he pushed inside her. Thankfully, Zhang Zuo paused to give her time to adjust.

"Don't cry. You wanted this." Zhang Zuo said as he licked her tears, then he started to move.

Lili wanted to say, 'man I just gave you my V card and that is what you tell me? I just didn't know that this body would react like this the first time.' Of course, that's not what she said. "Husband, you're so big. It hurts so much. But this is the embodiment of our love, so it's ok."

Zhang Zuo doesn't really care if she thinks that way, he just liked the pleasure he was getting. Inside her, it was tight and wet. The feeling was incomparable to his own hand and only her mouth came in a distant second. He began to move faster.

"Zhang Zuo, it's starting to feel so good. You're so good. I love you. Please, make love to me more." Lili encouraged as she wrapped her arms around his neck. What? Although she read so many CN novels with smut and the FL only ever says it hurts, and lay down like some cold fish, she doesn't want to lie. She wanted to feel good too and tell him how she wants it.

Zhang Zuo was surprised with her encouragement but didn't dislike it. In fact, he liked it very much. It was his first time too and knowing that he was able to give her pleasure stroked his manly pride.

"You want this? Tell me how much you want this." He said as he lifted her legs and imitated the one he saw in the illustration where the man has the behind of the woman's knees on his arms.

With the change in position, Lili felt him penetrate her deeper and it was so good. "Husband, I like it so much. Your manhood is so big and it's stretching my drenched pussy. Please, pound me more. Ah! Ah! Ah!!!!!!" Then, she reached an orgasm that she never felt before in any of her toys. Her eyes rolled back, and she saw stars.

Zhang Zuo continued pounding and felt her clench him so tight that he's afraid that his dick might be cut off. When he felt that he too was about to reach climax. He pulled out of her and sprayed his seeds on her stomach.

"Even though we did this, don't think that I changed my mind. Don't blame me in the future. Remember, it's you who mixed aphrodisiac on my tea."

Lili just smiled at him and nodded her head. She was too far gone to even care. 'Ah! My lifelong dream has been accomplished this night.'


The next day, Zhang Zuo woke up first before Lili. He did not know he fell asleep next to her. She looked so peaceful sleeping and although he hated what she did, his body could not lie to himself. His cock was hard, and he wanted to fuck her again.

He stood up from the bed so that he can start dressing himself and leave.

Lili felt some movement and lazily peeked at Zhang Zuo. He stood up from the bed and was starting to get dressed even with a hard wood.

Lili wanted to laugh but pretended to sob. "Husband ah, where are you going? After last night, you're still just going to leave me like this?"

"Lili, I already told you. It's you who wanted that to happen. So don't start using your tears to make me feel guilty"

'haha! It's ok, I already got what I want from you, so I don't care, but my mission is not yet over. Be thankful you 2D man!'

"Husband, we're already one and I just did my duty as your wife. This is what we should be doing every night until I get pregnant. Why should I use this to make you guilty? It's not like you're going to divorce me, right?"

Zhang Zuo remembered that he never told her his plan and suddenly felt a little guilty. Wanting to escape, he said, "I'm leaving, I have to work. You stay here, be good and rest. Don't wait for me tonight."

Lili nodded and gave him a smile, "Then, husband you take care and work hard for our future. I love you!" she said. 'As if I will just stay here and wait for you. Stupid Zhang Zuo. Soon, you will be wearing a green hat and then I will place all the blame on you why I did it. HAHAHAHAA!!!!'

Zhang Zuo looked at Lili one more time, her sweet innocent smile only making her face more seductive, tempting him to do what they did again last night. He shook his head. "Goodbye."
