
QT: Showing off in every world

Wen Ying became the “Unlucky One” chosen by Lord God. No matter which world she appears in, she is not loved. ———— “I heard that you became a sugar baby?” “Stepped on three boats. Ah, the boats probably capsized.” “You are a minister’s wife, but you’re seducing his majesty, why are you such a slag?” Actress-born Wen Ying, displayed the exclusive smile of a white lotus—— So what? In the end, won’t all of you become my ministers.

Tour_Freak · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
226 Chs


The next day, Wen Ying woke up and recovered.

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She vaguely knew the tit for tat between them in her room yesterday, but by the time she went out, none of them had been seen.

If at first it was the instinct of the original owner that frightened her, then she pushed the boat with the current and had contact with Lu Ze.

She closed her eyes and gave a command. The light source suddenly appeared in the air. The glowing light that belonged to luzer had approached her pattern.

If we draw a line between the cherry blossom and the rose, then before yesterday, he was closer to the rose.

It can be seen that having a past with each other is not a bad thing. Although the ending is a bit bad, it is still good for her as long as the sweet memory is awakened.

Today's recording was made on the beach. After smelling Sakura washing, she changed into a red two-piece swimsuit and went out wearing a light gauze suspender coat of the same color.

As soon as the door opened, I met Tong Hui.

She is only two years younger than Wen Ying, but her character seems to be ten years younger. She is a lively girl. She looks two years younger in a pink cherry swimsuit.

"Wow." She crossed her hands and looked at Wen Ying enviously! I also want to wear bikini, but I always think it's too mature and inappropriate

She said something in her words. After hearing Ying's move, she touched her head with a smile. She was very gentle: "just grow up a little more, work hard."

She is tall, half a head higher than the other party, so she can't do it more easily. Completely set off a person as a child.

Tong Hui shows the expression of toothache quietly.


At this time, Zhou Pei also opened the door and walked out. She also wore a bikini, pure black, no coat cover, showing a good figure, very sexy.

Tong Hui thinks her teeth are more painful.

Zhou Pei looks at Wen Ying and shows concern: "is it OK? Your reaction yesterday really scared us to death. "

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"Thank you. It's all right."

Tong Hui asked: "did you know Lu Yingdi before?"

Wen Ying understated: "well, we are all students of X drama."

"It's good that people are OK." Zhou Pei smiles and asks, "by the way, have you seen aze? He gave us toast in the morning. I went in and put on some make-up, and then I disappeared. " She was as intimate as ever, as if nothing had happened yesterday.

Wen Ying and she look at each other, each other's smile is perfect.

She picked her eyebrows, took out her sunglasses, put them on, and quietly raised her chin. "I don't know. I just opened the door. I think I've gone to the beach." Sunlight through the glass window in her face shine a yingbai, sunglasses covered her eyes, but more and more red lips charming.

Zhou Pei said quietly, "let's go, too." Also wearing sunglasses.


Tong Hui looks at their diorsoreal and Prada gradients, and then looks at their fancy and lovely Sunglasses with covers. She feels that she has been bullied. Is that an illusion?


the three came to the seaside with their cameraman, and their partner had already arrived first. Three men began to play water skateboard, in addition to Zhao Mingxu is a novice, still trying to stand up, the other two people's competition is much more intense.

As the speedboat pulled ahead, Lu Ze and Fang Xing both grasped the handle and were chopping all the way. A sea breeze blew by and their clothes were hunting. Skateboard ups and downs in the sea, as if the next second people will be photographed into the sea, but will appear in the next wave.

I don't know why, the atmosphere between them is very tense. After a period of stalemate, they fight fiercely. Stepping on the waves, jumping, turning and jumping, the more difficult movements were carried out by them one by one, which made the people on the shore excited!

In the camera, the two people's eyes are full of fierce force, full of action tension, male fighting hormones overflowing the screen, very wonderful!

Tong Hui couldn't turn her eyes. She raised her hand to cheer and scream from time to time. Zhou Pei also put her hand to her mouth to cheer for Lu Ze!

Even Zhao Mingxu has stopped self abuse. Seeing the wonderful action, he can't help whistling.

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Only Wen Ying picked a beach chair set up by the program team and lay there, curling up her long white legs, basking in the sun and drinking juice.

The result of the contest was that luzer won. Fang Xing finally wanted to do a jump in the air with a big wave. He couldn't control his balance and fell down. But still won everyone's cheers!

As soon as he got back to the bank, he appeared under Wen Ying's umbrella without taking a breath. With his back to the sun, his young and handsome face was hidden in the shadow and seemed elusive.

Smell cherry drink juice as usual, even eyebrows don't lift.

"I lost." He said stiffly, obviously still angry.

She put the juice down as if to leave the couch.

He immediately took a step closer and repeated, "I lost!" It's just that I feel a little aggrieved.

She looked at him calmly and suddenly said, "come here."This is the first thing she said to him today.

"Well?" He responded immediately.

She glanced at the height blocking the sun and said, "squat down."

Fang Xing didn't know, so on the one hand, he wanted to make up, on the other hand, he didn't want to do what she said, so he felt aggrieved. He was the one who was slapped and the one who was "hooded" was also him, but he squatted down like a big dog in a dog house. The sun came in, shining like gold in his hair.

Wen Ying raised her hand and touched his head, "good boy, win back next time."

This scene was called "loyal dog and Queen" by fans after it was broadcast. The cute feeling of CP's attribute suddenly broke through their inner defense, which was irresistible!

Fang Xing is still afraid to move. Although her feeling of touching her pet is a little uncomfortable, they have been fighting for several days, and Lu Ze's performance yesterday makes him full of a sense of crisis. He can't help it. "Are you not angry?" he asked tentatively

"Next time you do that, we'll break up."

He blinked and climbed up the pole. "But we're in love."

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She killed him with an eye Then break up. "

He chewed the word "break up" for a while, feeling inexplicably good. He pulled her up, "walk, walk, you just didn't see your boyfriend handsome, I'll show you again!"

Smell cherry light, foot stepping on the beach, a wave rushed, under the feet of the sands quickly passed, as if retrogressive. She watched Fang Xing rush to skateboard surfing, only to be fooled away by the coach of the jet levitator.

Lu Ze won the game, but he didn't look happy.

He refused Zhou Pei's request to teach him skateboarding skills, and watched their interaction not far away, his eyes darkened.


recording has been stopped after night, and all cameras have been turned off to give the stars some private time.

There are many mosquitoes by the sea. Wen Ying has prepared mosquito repellent and antipruritic liquid under the instruction of Hua Jie, and has brought a lot of them. In order to avoid gossiping, she gave one by one, and then took the last one to luzer's room.

Just walk to the corner, suddenly see Zhou Pei come out from Lu Ze's room. She saw Wen Ying, showing a surprised expression, and then actually a smile, that smile a little indescribable meaning.

When Wen Ying and she passed by, she suddenly whispered: "I didn't know before, what kind of relationship are you and Wei Dong?"

"What kind of relationship?" Wen Ying stops and gently raises her eyebrows.

"Do you want me to elaborate?" Zhou Pei was surprised and shook his head again. "Aze is really poor. His girlfriend left him when he had nothing. If it was me, I would not do it."

Wen Ying took a look at Lu Ze's room and said with a smile, "do you mean that Lu Ze told you all this?"

"What do you say?"

Zhou Pei left behind an ambiguous answer.

"Miss Zhou." Wen Ying approached her and said with a smile when the other party subconsciously retreated, "I'll give you a piece of advice. If you have time to dig other people's corner, you'd better see if there's a fire in your backyard first."

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"What do you mean?"

"It's strange that it's been so long since the last recording, and the momentum of stepping on Mr. Zhou on the Internet hasn't faded at all. Isn't Mr. Zhou's public relations team lazy?"

Zhou Pei's face was slightly stiff, and an idea came up in his mind, but it was somewhat inconceivable.

It's impossible. Zou Weidong has been tired of this woman for a long time, otherwise she will not have the chance to take advantage of it!

Wen Ying is too lazy to take charge of her lawsuit. She is the first to leave.

She would not be so stupid to think that Lu Ze would tell another woman about the humiliating past for a man. Zhou Pei just wanted to sow discord. However, as she thought at the beginning, no one mentioned the past, everything is calm, but if someone mentioned it from the side, the future is not so good.

The other party must have dug a hole for her while she was in Luze's room, waiting for her to jump.

The door of the room is open. Wen Ying knocks on the door twice. She doesn't hear the response and opens the door.

Lu Ze is sitting on the sofa, pressing the remote control and switching the radio station quickly. The reflection of the TV picture is reflected on his face, which is expressionless. The whole room was trapped in a low pressure.

Smell cherry light cough a, "here mosquito is much, I took repellent water for you, put cabinet up?"

Luzer found out she was coming. He turned off the TV. "What are you doing here?"


Wen Ying hasn't answered yet. He has got up from the sofa and come to her. Seeing that his expression was not quite right, she subconsciously stepped back. Behind him was the door, which slammed with his long arm, and she was sandwiched between him and the door.


"Come to me so late?" He looked down at her, no longer his gentle side, dark eyes looked at a bit seeping, "you don't think I helped you drive a bug, that is, I still have feelings for you, can you make up with me?"Don't overdo her.

"Well? My cherry has never been so naive. " He put his finger on her neck, then raised her chin, "if you want to get something, you must give it first. You taught me, didn't you? According to my present status, how about Zou Weidong? Are you going to sleep with me for several times

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Smell cherry and he look at each other, easy to feel his frivolous tone of anger.

It seems that the pit Zhou Pei dug is here. She has contact with Zou Weidong. It's very easy for her to mention each other casually.

She didn't know that it was just a light, and the reason that stimulated him most was her intimate behavior with Fang Xing in the daytime. After she reminded them of the past.

Lu Ze saw that she didn't speak and lowered her eyes: "if you don't promise, you'll get out early! Don't get in my way here. "

"How many times do you think it's good?" Smell cherry but suddenly ring his neck, close, intimate and sweet, "and I accompany Zou Weidong the same number of times, OK?"

Gently, her red lips were imprinted on his angular chin.

Luzer threw her away!

The movement range is too fierce, she was hit on the left wall in a flash, head hit not light.

He breathed heavily, just like a nightmare, staring at her.

But she didn't wake up for a long time, like she was badly hit.

Lu Ze clenched his fist and didn't want to take care of her, but when he found out, his body had already lifted her before his consciousness, and even mastered her strength very gently.

This subconscious action undoubtedly made it more difficult for him to calm down. He asked, "what do you want?"

Wen Ying didn't speak. She leaned her forehead against his shoulder and spat out two words before he dodged.


He was nailed in place.

Wen Ying chuckled softly. In her laughter, she fondled her affectionately: "what do I want? Isn't it that Lu Yingdi wants to do with me? Aze - I thought you should be mature after so many years of social struggle. I didn't expect you to be so naive. "

Strange feeling came to luzer's mind, "what do you mean?"