
QT: Showing off in every world

Wen Ying became the “Unlucky One” chosen by Lord God. No matter which world she appears in, she is not loved. ———— “I heard that you became a sugar baby?” “Stepped on three boats. Ah, the boats probably capsized.” “You are a minister’s wife, but you’re seducing his majesty, why are you such a slag?” Actress-born Wen Ying, displayed the exclusive smile of a white lotus—— So what? In the end, won’t all of you become my ministers.

Tour_Freak · Fantasy
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226 Chs


"Impossible!" Ding Jieyi blurted out.

"Why not?"

Wen Ying glanced lazily at her, and learned that the young monk had come to see her. She was in a better mood.

Ding Jieyi frowned, and in the second dream, she saw the face of this female demon, obviously not the person she thought, but the other party's character was even worse.

"He is a Buddhist cultivator, and he can't easily break the ring."

"Then how do you explain the fact that his magic weapon is in my hand?" Wen Ying looked from top to bottom and chuckled, "He can't break the ring for you, it doesn't mean he can't do it for me. Xie Yi fairy is so angry and difficult If you are not successful, you are also interested in Master? "

Ding Jieyi was very angry, "You ... don't know shame!"

Wen Ying's posture of "whatever you say", Feng Li watched the battle for a long time, and suddenly asked: "How come there is no third dream?"

This mysterious realm is worthy of a trial ground for martial arts. Biyan grass in the mysterious realm can improve people's qualifications and help advanced breakthroughs. Therefore, before the disciple gets the spiritual grass, he sets the questioning level first, if the heart knot can be in the same door Unlocked with the help of, no matter it is foundation building or knot formation, it will not be easily affected by the demons, and will fail.

Since it was to help the disciples to sort out their moods, it was impossible for him and the female magician to have their dreams, but they never saw them enter the next one.

The answer to him was not Ding Jieyi, it was actually the female demon.

"Then I have to ask Fairy Yi." Wen Ying's eyes fell on her wrists, and her hands were empty, with no strings or scars, but Wen Ying seemed to see something.

Ding Jieyi jumped in his heart, still maintaining a calm appearance on the surface.

In the space, the man on the tower only felt swept by a sense of consciousness, and immediately separated from the state of recuperation.

But Wen Ying has turned his eyes back and looked at Feng Li Road: "It seems that this is what treasure Xie Yi fairy used, which can block the power of fanatic incense. If Lord Mojun is not going to kill me, I will go first. One step. "

Feng Li did not agree, but did not block. Ding Jieyi was terribly fearful and dared not stop her.

She moved into the next level from the stone gate that had just appeared. This time almost exposed her identity and suffered a great loss. If she can't get Ling Cao, she will be in vain.

Once again, there are three doors for people to choose.

This is the most biting bite of this trial place. After breaking through many levels, the final test turned out to be human chance, that is, luck. So what you can get after the door opens depends on luck. Of course, there are not many items, and the earlier the person who succeeds in crossing the barrier, the greater the chance. Even if there is no spirit grass, other items can be regarded as gains.

To open the door, you need to make calculations based on the graphics on the door, and make attacks according to the principle of five elements. Wen Ying took a shortcut. Before the two arrived, they picked the door that Ding Jieyi would open without looking at it.

She was very curious about whether the person who finally got Bi Yancao would become her.

When she pushed the door in, there was indeed a spirit grass in the room, which exuded a light green light and overflowed with aura.

Wen Ying couldn't believe her eyes, did she really give her? Seeing that the form is indeed Biyancao, she dubiously picked a leaf to eat, and there was a warm current flowing into the limbs and corpses. The aura just consumed became full and very comfortable.

But for a moment, her expression changed, and she felt something was wrong.

Some power came from the body, like it was pressing her to shrink, and she was hard to resist.


When Feng Li entered one of the rooms, he saw a small spirit snake in the middle of the body. The whole body was green, but the size of the bamboo flute. The movement of the door opened it, and the eyes of one snake were opposite.

Spirit grass protection beast?

He thought doubtfully, but it looked harmless, and there was no sign of Lingcao beside him. Or is this what he got? Feng Li thought for a while, but inadvertently tapped the snake's head with his finger. The next second, he was bitten by his mouth!

Feng Li quickly withdrew his hand when he was shocked, but found that there was no tooth mark left on his hand, let alone the poison. Instead, it almost broke its teeth, and was haloing around in a halo.

He is happy.

Taking the Xiaoling snake out, Ding Jieyi also appeared at the door, and the three doors belonged together. Without seeing the shadow of the female demon, Feng Li guessed that she might have left the secret area earlier. In the case of life threatening, he would not rashly stay in exchange.

"This is Bi Yancao?" Feng Li asked Ding Jieyi what he had in his hand, only to see the other party nodded.

The blade of grass is almost the same as what Wenying eats, except that there is a thin spike at the top. If you don't look closely, it is extremely difficult to find.

Ding Jieyi's eyes fell on his hands, "Your hands are ..."

"It's something I got from behind my door. Aura is only fourth-order, it's useless." The voice was bitten again, and this time it was memorable, and the lower mouth was very light, like tickling. Feng Li couldn't help laughing: "But it seems that the spirits are open early, but they can raise a family."

For the monks in the foundation stage, the fourth-order monster is already encounterable and unrequestable, which is equivalent to adding an additional boost, but Fengli is actually a cultivation practice in the Jindan period. In the discourse, only treat it as a pet.

But while they were talking, he was unprepared, and the spirit snake in his hand flashed to Ding Jieyi! Ding Jieyi has not noticed that it has taken a bite and swallowed the leaves of the Lingcao with a very fast speed!

As soon as it bit down on the rhizome, it was sealed off and caught back, and the stalk of the grass was suddenly bitten out of a gap.

At the next moment it was taken away by him, an attack spell came abruptly, splitting in its original position!

Ding Jieyi looked at it, his eyes cold.


Xiaoling Snake ate Biyan grass from others, and Feng Lishao had to give some compensation. Although Biyancao is precious, but he is in the palm of Chixiao Palace, even if there is no spirit grass with the same attribute, there is also a counterfeit. Ding Jieyi was in a bad mood, but Bi Yancao had only been stalks that had been eaten, and she could not cut off her relationship with Fengli because of this matter, so she barely let go of it.

In this way, the two were not able to go together to do other experiences. Feng Li carried the little snake that had been lying down and digested after eating grass.

"You're a good girl, and you know that it's a good thing, so you ate it." He flew in the direction of Chixiao Palace in Feiyun, catching the little snake "lesson".

Xiaoling snake grunted twice in the bottom of his heart and ignored him.

"Is it cheap to sell well?" He raised an eyebrow.

It scratched his palm with the tip of his tail, and Quan responded, very cold. Feng Li didn't care about it. Instead, he fed it a pill. "Biyan herbal medicine is powerful. You don't have a high rank. If you take it directly, there may be damage. Taking this pill can ease the medicine."

This time it was obedient and swallowed happily.

The medicinal properties that burst like in the body finally gradually calmed down.

At this moment, it has the mood to sort out the situation in front of it.

That's right, Xiaoling Snake is not a monster, but Wenying.

The amount of information in a world is too large for her to understand all of it, and it is inevitable that there will be omissions. She only remembers the appearance of Biyancao, but she didn't know that Biyancao also has a kind of associated grass, which looks similar to it and is very confusing. It is a form of grass that can transform people into snakes.

As I think, Ding Jieyi has the power of faith, and when the situation is still biased towards the other party, she is more difficult than luck than the other party.

Fortunately, this shape grass is not without benefits.

In ancient times, Biyan grass was mostly taken by monsters and beasts. The monsters' refining method is different from that of humans. But there can be ten **. After she became a spirit snake, she didn't need to meditate, and the medicine would automatically run in it, but it would take some time for it to be fully refined and used for her own purposes.

At this time, her situation is very dangerous. From human to snake, she does not have a process of adaptation. The means of self-preservation are almost zero. The environment of Xiuxian World is dangerous. She cannot but consider. So she took the opportunity to enter the room where Fengli would open, and threw a section of the divine tree he deserved into the storage space of the monster, pretending to be his customs clearance reward.

——In this way, it seems that all three things have been given to her.

Feng Li's attitude towards Xiaoling Snake is better than her presupposition. She knew that he had a short temper, and she didn't expect that she would **** the spirit grass as soon as she came up, causing trouble for him, and he showed no signs of anger.

Perhaps a grass like Biyancao is nothing to him, and it is a pity to feed the monster.

The only problem at the moment is that the shape-forming grass lasts for up to one year, which is just a blink of an eye for those who cultivate immortals. After all, most people will spend more than ten or twenty years in practice, but Ding Jieyi cannot justify it according to ordinary people. One year is very important for Wenying.

She speculates that, in addition to the time limit, maybe she will be able to return to human form when a large amount of her aura enters the body and breaks into the knotty stage.

So now, Feng Li, the target person in front of her, is very important to her. She can refine herbs and seek opportunities for breakthrough.

Feng Li was inexplicably cold, but could not find the reason.


Chili Demon likes to play the role of pig and eat tiger, and suppresses Xiusu to play the role of low-level and simple casual repair, but when he restores his original identity, the grandness of the show makes Wen Ying breathtaking. Chixiu Palace's up and down Moxiu met in the main hall. He changed into a flamboyant red dress, removed the blindfold method, but changed his eyebrows slightly, and then refined into the painting, which was beautiful and extremely deterrent. He sat at the head and accepted the worship of people.

There is a demon repairer who handles his affairs for him. Now that he is back, he will report to him with no details. Feng Li only picked a few important things to deal with, and then distracted him. He waved his hand and said, "Find something the spirit snake loves to eat."

Mo Xiu had long noticed that there was a small green snake on his shoulders. He looked up slightly, facing the snake's eyes, and quickly lowered his head.

He knew that the devil had always disliked others looking at his belongings.

Feng Li pondered for a moment, remembering the female magician Xiu encountered in the secret realm, and then confessed that he sent someone to search, and then called him back together.

Back to his residence, the same magnificent, unlike the Taoist Buddhist temple, his room is wooden, but it is a high-grade mysterious spirit, the light spirit is overflowing in the room, and the jade brick is laying on the ground Jingying, there is a top-level gathering spirit array below, and the display rack is filled with strange treasures.

He didn't restrain her, Wen Ying wandered among the treasures and opened her eyes.

Feng Li lay on the couch and read a book, letting her play around in a circle, and back to his fingertips. He held the book with one hand. "Yes, I haven't given you a name yet." She crawled up her arm to his chest, coiled a short tail, and read the book he was reading.

It's the practice of Moxiu, and he doesn't shy away. Compared with human monks and high-level monsters, he really has nothing to say about the monsters that have just begun.

"What's it good for you, shock wave, jasper, Xiangling ..." He wondered what he thought, and suddenly said, "It's better to call you Cui Cui, how?"

The little spirit snake walked around his neck, hooked his head and tail, and tightened sharply!

He laughed and coughed, and he took out another medicine. "Bing Xin Dan, if you eat it, you recognize the name" Cui Cui "."

Bing Xin Dan can protect the spirit from being damaged. If there is a disease, the disease can be cured.

After getting along for a long time, she found out that this was actually a horrified hobby of Lord Demon King. He likes to give elixir to the spirit beast, whether it is precious or not. The people at Chixiao Palace spent a lot of time asking him to give medicine, but they seemed to have great enthusiasm for feeding the spirit beast. Even if she was too lazy to take care of others, he would have to give her one or two before giving up, like feeding sugar beans Similar.

Thanks to his blessings, she had a very good qualification, and she took it to a higher level. She suspected that she might not use the flame, so she could enter the knotty stage by knocking medicine alone.

But before this, there was news that Fairy Xieyi of Yuxiaomen had successfully formed a pill and entered the period of pill formation! At the same time, she wants to be an elite disciple, worship Xuan Daojun as a teacher, and become a disciple of Xuanqing Daojun.

Xuanqing Daojun is the master of Wen Ying.

The author has something to say: Wen Ying: (Shen Yin) Bi snake, red clothing.

Feng Li: What do you want to say?

Wen Ying: Red with green, match——

Feng Li: Hm? !

Wen Ying: The scenery is different from autumn to autumn. The sound from the four sides rises, the corners ...
