
QT: Showing off in every world

Wen Ying became the “Unlucky One” chosen by Lord God. No matter which world she appears in, she is not loved. ———— “I heard that you became a sugar baby?” “Stepped on three boats. Ah, the boats probably capsized.” “You are a minister’s wife, but you’re seducing his majesty, why are you such a slag?” Actress-born Wen Ying, displayed the exclusive smile of a white lotus—— So what? In the end, won’t all of you become my ministers.

Tour_Freak · Fantasy
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226 Chs


Liu Xu's words sounded loudly. The other Yuxiaomen disciples who had been sheltered by Wenying on the battlefield or had heard of her deeds did not say anything, but their actions immediately stood behind Wenying, which already represented their attitude.

They looked at the eyes of the disciples who were left behind in the door, and they all had confusion and condemnation.

These are the elite disciples of the martial arts, and the disciples left behind in the gate should call them a brother and sister, and they have not been able to say anything on weekdays.

Now in front of everyone, including Moxiu, they only felt a fiery face on their faces, and they were unable to lift their heads after being trained. They wanted to explain themselves, but they didn't know what to say.

Qing Xuan Daojun's face eased slightly, and he nodded, as if he recognized Liu Catkin's approach.

The movement in front of the mountain gate was too great, and the head of the Yuxiao Gate had arrived in time. He was very surprised when he saw Wen Ying still alive, but he couldn't care about it at the moment. Suddenly he heard Liu Xu's words, and his eyes were on them. : "You said the monster beast battlefield?"

"Not bad."

Zhao Weizhi, who had been holding his sword on the side, never looked at Wen Ying at the moment, and took the lead to nod, "On the battlefield of monsters and monsters, no one knows the rules of the fairy fairy, but there are disciples of Yuxiaomen on the side. , She can be sheltered by her. Therefore, I sent the disciples the least damage in the battle of monsters and beasts. At that time, there were two eighth-order monsters who came to attack the city. It was badly damaged. "

The head looked slightly surprised at Wen Ying.

At the same time, Liu Xu reported to the leader: "Master, these disciples are disrespectful to Master Wen, how should they be punished? The Master Tribulation is in front of them. Uncle Wen, who is closely guarding the portal for Shimen, easily listened to the instigation of believers and demons. "Liu Xu grew more and more angry, unknowingly looking at the disciples who were staying behind the door, sneering. ! "

The disciples were startled, "Sister Liu, we are wrong ..."

"Are you scolding me ?!"

They immediately turned to Wen Ying, with different expressions in their eyes, sincere confession and unwillingness, but all bowed their heads and said, "Uncle Wen, we are wrong."

The catkins were angry and turned to Wen Ying, but they were respected and admired. "Uncle Wen, all of them are disciples, you are not annoying. Let's go to the advanced battle to heal?"

"No need." Wen Ying didn't look at the left disciples in the group of gates, and only said, "From the day I jumped off the cliff, I will no longer be a member of the Yuxiao Gate. This gate is really inconvenient for me."

Everyone present was shocked. Liu Xu looked at the Emperor Xuan Dao of Qing Dynasty, but he saw that the ancestor's eyes were calm, which seemed to be expected, but there were also sentimental colors that passed away.

At this time, the head asked Liu Xu, "You come from the battlefield, can you know where Xie Yi is?"

Liu Xu said busy, "Sister Ding explained that she had a chance, and she wanted to advance to Yuanying, fearing she would not be able to rush back in time."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was stunned.

The head was also angry, "When she can't advance, she must be at this critical moment!"

If you take a long delay when you reach the advanced level, you will be injured, but it will endanger the survival of the division. This damage is nothing. Except for the disciples who stick to the battlefield, most disciples are called back. She is on the grounds of advanced, it is really ridiculous!

At this time, Rao Shi's head was unable to excuse her. Among the disciples, there was no lack of her admirers, and even some who entered the mentor because of her support. At this time, they were somewhat disappointed.

Fang Cai 's Uncle Wen said in his mouth that he had left the school, but he hurried back when the school was in trouble. Compared with the two, Dao Xiu is really better than Mo Xiu?

These disciples only felt that the concepts they had learned had received unprecedented impact.

The contradiction here is at rest, but there is still fierce fighting between swords and swords. There were also several Yuanying monks who had just come down from the treasure ship. They had already fought with the demon army, but the attack that Wen Ying alone could stop was very difficult for them, and it was not long before they were overwhelmed.

The eyebrows of the head were all anxious, trying to get Wen Ying to shoot, but seeing that Xuan Xuan came outside the mountain gate and was treating her. Obviously, she would not let her play again.

However, he knew that only because Wen Ying had the air superiority, the psychic magic weapon was suppressed in the sky, and the other party was caught by surprise. Half of these people's magical skills failed to play, but now they lost or won.

Wen Ying noticed the hesitation of the master, and Fang opened a word of "I", and Qing Xuan Daojun pressed her words, "Don't worry, there is a master schedule, and it's not a problem for the time being." Things are careless, but the words spoken are too short.

The head had to smile bitterly.

But at that moment, the situation suddenly changed. There was a golden Buddha light rising in the battlefield. At random, only one Sanskrit sound was heard from all directions. The line of Buddhas wearing □□ had clear eyebrows. Slowly.

"Famen Temple!" The head of the man was happy, "I didn't expect Famen Temple to come to help."

After all, Daomen and Buddhism are different. Famen Temple is far away. Therefore, most of the help he sent was to Daomen, but he did not think that the Daomen friends had not come, but Famen Temple came.

The leader thanked him, but he saw that the white cloud separated from the crowd by the fate of the fate, and the law urged him to go to the front. He raised his hand with Wen Ying with one hand, and then said to the leader, "Wen Dao You invited me Wait to come and help. "

"Thank you, Master." Wen Ying bent her eyes and finally smiled a little more.

Answering them one by one, the rest of the eyes fell on Wen Ying. The face of the palm was amazed, glancing at Qing Xuan Daojun. Qing Xuan Dao Jun shook his head gently, not knowing when the young apprentice had friendship with the disciples of Famen Temple.

With an additional boost, the situation on the battlefield suddenly reversed.

Although there are not many people in Famen Temple, they are all high-level monks. The forces of the Devil Dao are immense, but most of them are low-level monks. High-level monks can take their lives when they wave their hands. Even if they ignore it, the aftermath of the Yuanying monk 's fight will also make them spiritually shocked. It won't work. Both sides knew what they knew, but they didn't see it.

This is also the reason why Wen Ying can fight thousands of troops with one enemy.

Buddhism is actually a magic nemesis. Many people in the magic cultivation practice magic weapons similar to ghost streamers. They can't bear a blow in front of Buddha cultivation. The Sanskrit understatement often makes the other streamers ruin and die.

Mo Xiu was badly corrupted, even drinking and scolding, but he was invincible. Even the complexion commander's complexion became extremely gloomy.

He glanced at the mountain gate of Yuxiao Gate, and the winning ticket was originally held. When a large array was about to break, a woman with high magical powers and magical powers appeared, and she would be the only one, when the spiritual power would be exhausted sooner or later. , I didn't expect that Yuxiaomen's reinforcements suddenly arrived after this, and then it was broken by a group of dead bald asses!

The treasure is right in front of him, but he is only one line away, really unwilling!

Suddenly, there was a lazy voice in the air, "I'm late?" Although his voice was soft, he spread across the battlefield, and no one heard it.

The commander of the Dao Dao knows each other 's escape light, and he is overjoyed, "It 's not too late, the Chili Demon King is here! This Yuxiaomen Hushan array will be broken, as long as the Demon King drags the people in that Famen Temple, then How do you and I share ?! "Until now, he can't control whether the other side will turn over afterwards. Put the meat in the bowl first!

It was Fengli who came, and the people of Chixiao Palace led by him were looming in the dark cloud, and the number was huge.

The people of Yuxiaomen went from worry to joy, but in a moment, they fell into the bottom again!

The coalition formed by the two Demon Schools has been barely overcome, and there is one more Chixiao Palace, and the three Demon Leaders are all out. How should they deal with it? !

"Shared?" Feng Li sneered, "When did Fengli share things with others?"

The other party was tolerant, "You must not be too arrogant--"

Responding to him was Feng Li's chuckle, and everyone at Chixiao Palace followed the instructions, issued Qi Qiwei drink, and rushed towards the anxious battlefield! I saw that everyone under the Chixiao Palace was like a running water, drowning towards the magical coalition forces, and the black clouds and white clouds in the sky converged. With the sound of the fighting, the people who fell from the clouds were all the people of the magical road forces!

The commander of the Dao Dao was both frightened and angry, and everyone at Yuxiaomen was puzzled. He only listened to the tone of Feng Li's madman and asked lazily, "Who said I came to help you?"

"You help Yuxiaomen ?!" The commander of the Dao Dao is puzzled, and his eyes are full of glory. "Yes, we deceived you first, and did not tell you about the attack on the Yuxiaomen, but since ancient demon Dao did not stand apart, are you crazy, Help them ?! "

Compared with the excited opponent, Feng Li only slowly said, "Did you not see it in the eye, is the red flame Jin Yan she is riding my brother?"


"I sent my brother to play with her, who do you think I will help?"

In response to him, nineteen unhappy growls!

This answer is shameless to the extreme, and everyone in the Demon Dao can't get back to God for a while. Moxiu is mostly a person who can do what he wants, but it is really rare to be able to be a devil.

In front of the mountain gate, after undergoing repeated incidents and emotions, the mood of the ups and downs, the jade Xiaomen's eyes looked at Wen Ying, in addition to being unbelievable, there was a trace of looking up.

Wen Ying felt nineteen comfortably and said to Feng Li: "Let's talk less."

"Following orders." Feng Li chuckled and made a gesture behind him, ordering people to wave their flags.

With the participation of the Chixiao Palace, the Devil's Allied Forces could only flee, and even the Devil's Commanders were not sealed off. They took the lead in escaping, and a crisis instantly became invisible.


The people at Yuxiaomen seemed to have had a dream, woke up in a nightmare, the cloud that had accumulated on their heads for a few days suddenly dispersed, and they were unable to recover for a while.

This time the martial arts crisis, carefully discussed, actually relied entirely on Wen Ying. However, because of her embarrassing identity, the head of the company could not treat her with merits and demerits. If she wanted to be treated as a courteous person, she could not hold her face for a while, and the scene was silent.

Qing Xuan Daojun took the lead and saluted her.

"Master!" Wen Ying shouted, "What are you doing?"

"This catastrophe of the Yuxiao Gate can only be resolved thanks to the fairy's action."

Liu Xu understood the meaning of the ancestor and immediately stood up, swiping at the gatekeeper disciples there, Fang Cheng sincerely said: "Yu Xiaomen and the fairy have no qualities, but the fairy is willing to do his best for the Yuxiao door , Great grace must be reported! "

All the disciples prayed obediently at the moment, and said in unison: "Thank you Fairy, I will reward you when you are gracious."

Along with the echoes of thanksgiving that broadened like Mai Lang, along with the echoes, one after another in the mountains, suddenly a spirit bird flew.

The people looked up and saw that the spirit of the world was like a wind and a cloud, and they gathered from the place where Wenying was. They were like a spirit bird, chirping crisply, and flying around endlessly. Immediately after the dark clouds gathered, there was a faint rumbling of thunder and lightning.

The head was startled, followed by his face, and murmured incredulously: "Thunder Tribulation, will it be impossible ..."

Wen Ying has a number of hearts. The last of the seven emotions is love. This love is not love. It is the great love of the original master, Qingxuan Daojun, and the thousands of disciples of Yuxiaomen to the master. This force is stronger than she expected.

God, spirit world.

Wen Ying's eyes glanced at Master, Feng Li, and Destiny, and smiled slightly. Finally, she patted the head of XIX and suddenly greeted Tian Lei, who was chopping off!

Everyone saw her tossing and turning in the thunder cloud. The power of Thunder was frightening and frightening that day, but she could easily resolve it. Ten thousand troops could also be stopped by themselves. What is the Thunder Tribulation?

At the moment when the Thunder Tribulation had passed and the dark clouds had dispersed, an aura of light fell from above the clouds, covering the semi-hanging Wen Ying in it.

Wen Ying's face also changed. The wounded side face and the scars faded away, revealing the original face. The beautiful facial features of Xiuman, combined with the airy and fascinating posture, were breathtakingly beautiful.

Glass fairy.

The disciples looked up at the sky, and at this moment they suddenly understood why everyone would call her a fairy in the glass.

The author has something to say: Fengli: When it's over, my little spirit snake will turn into a fairy and fly away.

Zhao Weizhi: (Calmly practice)

Nineteen: QAQ Mud Meng has been born! Immediately you can go to the spirit world to find her to play, and the nest will be perfect! ! Anger

Destiny: (Laugh without talking)
