
QT: Showing off in every world

Wen Ying became the “Unlucky One” chosen by Lord God. No matter which world she appears in, she is not loved. ———— “I heard that you became a sugar baby?” “Stepped on three boats. Ah, the boats probably capsized.” “You are a minister’s wife, but you’re seducing his majesty, why are you such a slag?” Actress-born Wen Ying, displayed the exclusive smile of a white lotus—— So what? In the end, won’t all of you become my ministers.

Tour_Freak · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
226 Chs


Wen Ying didn't arrange a date in the end.

A fool also knows what will happen if she provocatively says "alright" in that atmosphere, even if he says "at least I can guarantee your safety", this kind of reason is like seeing a ghost, a woman will not believe it, but it makes people feel dangerous. It can only be said that her brother is good at playing while advancing by retreating.

Against the pressure of her "good brother"'s pressing gaze, she called Gong Xuan to cancel the appointment in front of him. Hearing Gong Xuan asking her why, Wen Ying subconsciously glanced at her brother. Shan Yao smiled rather than smiled and made formed a"dance practice" with his mouth.

"Just... you know that our school is going to hold an anniversary. I have to attend dance programs. I may be busy practicing dancing recently."

"Are you coming?"

"It's not impossible, there will be a lot of school sisters and seniors coming back for the anniversary, if you want to mix in, you can still mix in ..."

I don't know what Gong Xuan said over there. She fluttered and laughed, her body turned sideways, like a conditioned reflex, unwilling to let him continue listening.

Shan Yao listened silently for a while. The road in front of the school gate was wide and without any obstructions. The wind blew her hair. He reached out and stroked her, and said abruptly: "Now, it's time to go back."

The voice of a young adult boy has a deep voice that a teenager does not have, and is less sophisticated than a mature man. It seems easy and free, very magnetic and pleasing.

Gong Xuan over there heard about it, because after Wen Ying glared at him, he began to compile lies that are not lies, "It 's my brother, he and I have a school. Yes, I also think he 's annoying. Well, obviously it is only 2 years older than me ... "

Shan Yao expressed her dissatisfaction when she complained to the people on the other side, and she couldn't help but hooked her lips.

He knew it was dangerous.

Since seeing her changes and understanding the reasons for her changes, many things have exceeded his expectations. He seemed to feel that he was walking on a dangerous track, with a deep black tunnel in front of him, and he couldn't stop.

Their relationship is very special. When he can't sleep, he thinks that if she doesn't become his sister, maybe the two will break up someday. After he was admitted to high school, their interaction and contact have gradually diminished. She has her troubles. He also has his studies. The adolescent hormones can only be maintained for such a short period of time, memorable and short. Maybe after he graduated from high school and left the land, they would break up peacefully.

And if the sister brought by the stepmother is any other person, he will not put too much affection and responsibility on her, and will only get along with her politely and alienated until he can move out of the house independently.

Both of them are hers.

Wen Ying walked on the phone while walking, as if childishly trying to get rid of him. He calmly picked up the bag that she threw on the ground when she had just lost her temper, passed it through her harness and carried it to one shoulder, and her long legs strode after her.

She had already hung up the phone and looked at him slightly, asking, "Do you block me every day, do you still have time with Sister Lu Xue?"

The answer is naturally no.

People's energy is always limited. If it was not Lu Jiamei who came to talk to him, Shan Yao failed to remember. On this day, Yu Guang found that she was standing in front of her, and pushed the completed exercise book aside, facing her, "What's wrong?"

"What are you doing lately? I always can't see your people." She held the textbook in her hand and seemed to ask inadvertently, "Someone said that I saw you reviewing with the first-year school girl in the library."

"Well, something has happened recently."

He took it lightly and said, "If you have a problem, you can find it. Ye, you are just the weak subject."

Rao is the generous and natural nature of Lu Jiamei's performance. At this time, his expression is not very beautiful.

Even when she first approached him, the purpose was not simple, but as she accumulated over time, she still had complex emotions that he could not explain clearly. If she had just met for a while, she could calmly laugh at the news, anyway, she didn't really like him, but now, she can't do it.

She knew that the timing of her intervention was very coincident. At that time, he was still talking about another relationship. At the same time, he was troubled by family and academic factors. The pressure was very great. It happened to be that she ran into the picture of him learning to smoke after the person. Calm and self-sustained top student, coughed up by the smoke, abnormally embarrassed. However, it seemed that his bones were so calm and indifferent. He noticed that someone was watching him, and he wasn't in a hurry. He leaned against the wall and pulled out a new one from the cigarette case. "Lu Jiamei?" He confirmed her name. After she nodded, she pressed the lighter to light the cigarette and lightly raised her lips and asked, "Do you want to try it?"

Lenglan's flame leaped, reflecting his cold jaw arc, and his smile actually gave a sense of ghostly charm, bewitching her approaching.

Since that day, there have been more intersections between the two, perhaps because she learned of his unknown secrets, and they are not familiar with them. He is willing to confide some thoughts with her "stranger", although More often than not, she speculates on his emotions, giving him comfort and help. He rarely mentions his little girlfriend. His feelings when he was young were like a thin piece of paper. He couldn't bear much weight, and it all depended on hormones.

She forgot how they came together. She did not mention it, nor did he mention it. It was the coaxing of the people around them who saw them approaching. He was not sure. She looked at him and did not shake her head. By default. That seemed to be his most difficult period. Something happened in his family. His grades fell so badly that he almost fell out of a hundred. She didn't know what it was, and she felt very happy for a time, even expecting him to taste the same as herself.

But he was always so calm and sensible, knew exactly what he wanted, and quickly adjusted his emotions.

Probably because they are different from ordinary people regardless of the beginning or the process. After they are together, they are completely unlike ordinary couples. It seems that they are not in love, there is no sweet interaction, and there is no romantic love. The most dating place is the library. After she helped him, he would also say "thank you" politely. Sometimes she feels like a warning line, a road sign, blocked in the middle of the road, reminding him not to go any further.

She didn't care before, she was different from those girls, not for the favor of the so-called campus male god.

But now, she can't do it.

He has also become different.


"I just heard from the class leader that Jiamei had a fever. The person is in the infirmary, don't you go and see?"

Shan Yao was working on tidying up the table, and suddenly realized that his shoulders were sinking, and a hand came up, and Zhang Kou said so to him.

"Got it," he said. "I'll go back to the bedroom and get something. I'll pass by later and bring her a bowl of porridge."

The person who came was to open the bottle cap for Wen Ying and also discussed the senior of the mineral water bottle. The name was Cheng Ye. The phrase was often said, "Successors are not inconspicuous." , And has a good relationship with Shan Yao.

He looked at Shan Yao, and the other party was orderly putting the exercise book into the book stand, and spoke lightly.

He could hear what Shan Yao thought very carefully, but he could find it carefully. His eyes were calm and there was no anxiety or worry. It was not like the performance of his girlfriend. He could not help rubbing his temples, "You are in love, the emperor is not in a hurry and eunuchs, I don't know why you want to talk. But since they are together, you can take care of Jiamei's emotions anyway. I see her recently Not in good condition. "

"what happened?"

"What's the matter, of course, your elementary school girl." Cheng Ye whispered, "I thought she was unrequited love, I want to **** you, I did not expect the falling flowers intentionally, the water is not ruthless ... You have too many clues, so blind people ca n't see! "

After all, even the school card of the elementary school girl, he saw that Shan Yao took it and filled it up. The girl posted pink y and small diamonds on the card. It was really impossible for him to open his eyes and talk nonsense. Yao 's own campus card.

He never saw him do this for Lu Jiamei.

However, he saw that Shan Yao shook his head, "I and her are impossible."

"..." Cheng Ye didn't believe it.

"Okay, I know." He said, "I will see her now."

Cheng Ye couldn't help crying and laughing, "Hey, are you in love or am I in love?" As if he forced him.

Kung fu talking, the two had already descended the stairs.

From this point of view, the distance to the infirmary is closer and closer. From this angle, the playground on the opposite side can be seen far away. After school, many boys gather under the basket, run and jump, and sweat.

Suddenly, someone seemed to be injured on the red plastic runway, the crowd gathered around, and some people ran from the playground, shouting to the people in front of the infirmary, "Someone on the playground fainted,"

"Which class?"

"Grade 1 and Grade 4!"

The first four grades? The class of elementary school girls.

As soon as Cheng Ye turned his head, he saw that Shan Yao's expression had changed suddenly, flustered, anxious, worried ... Just now he tried to find the emotion from his face, and now he has found it.

The two were about to step into the infirmary with one foot, and Cheng Ye glanced at the patient lounge inside, across the curtain, not knowing which bed Lu Jiamei was in. He leaned his head and said, "It's not necessarily her." He didn't say it. He saw that Shan Yao took out his phone sometime, and then squeezed tightly, and he gave him a cold expression: "You take care of her first." Ting Ye Without listening to him, he ran back to the playground.

After the person left, he heard the faint conversation floating in the air.

"... men and women?"

"... it's a boy, a stronger person ..."

Cheng Ye broke a swear word, crying and laughing, "What's this called?"


When Shan Yao ran to the playground, he saw the fainted boy being lifted out by someone.

After he was stunned, he unbuttoned the top of the collar of his school uniform, gasping for breath, and it was a little funny again. He took out his mobile phone, and there was a new message on it that said, "It's broken." He was too anxious at the time and didn't think about the time difference. Now he only reacted. He called her a dance teacher before. At this time, she should be in Dance in the dance room.

He replied, "Don't move there," and was ready to rush to the dance studio.

But suddenly, he heard a girl's coquettish voice not far away, which was too familiar, and he could hear it every day.

He turned his head sharply.

Across the flowers on the first floor and the stone bench in the corridor, he saw the boy named Gong Xuan squatted down, caught Wen Ying and looked at it with one foot. It 's better to do a simple treatment in the room. "After making a judgment, he turned around and let her lie on his back, carrying the person up.

Wen Ying screwed his ears as soon as he went up, "Is there a lot of fights with people? Long-term illness becomes a good doctor, Dr. Gong."

He stooped and reached out to pick up her two shoes. After he heard his words, he said "overwhelmingly overwhelmingly", and was immediately screamed by her.

Shan Yao kept watching the two go away until they turned a corner at the end of the corridor and disappeared in front of them.

The cell phone in his pocket suddenly shook, and he took it out to see her reply.

"No need for you."