
QT: Scum Gong System: I Became the Male Leads I Hated!?

Zhe Chouhen had been a hater of Daoist Panda's work since the start. Not because they were bad, but because the male leads are just the worst scums to their MCs. And these MCs just let these toxic gongs step all over them like a doormat! Daoist Panda became so annoyed by Zhe Chouhen's bashing that he turned into a system, and he transported his hater into his novels as the characters he hated. Zhe Chouhen cannot act OOC and must be scummy to survive! -------------- Panda: If you can make the MC or the readers fall in love with you without being a scum, I will let you go. Chouhen: How is that possible without getting OOC??? Panda: Figure it out yourself! ----------------- 1v1 Gong/Seme MC (Zhe Chouhen is the top) The system and Zhe Chouhen have a..... complicated relationship Smut, Angst, and Fluff.... you name it, we have it. And some very dark shit. I'm not kidding, there's some twisted stuff in here that might or might not give you nightmares, so trigger warnings applies. If you're a classic literature geek like me who loves gothic horrors like Jekyll and Hyde, Frankenstein, Dracula... This is for you. All the stories here a reimagined from classic literature. You know what? Lemme give you the list and what Zhe Chouhen's role would be in them: 1. Dante's Inferno (Supernatural)- A sorcerer obsessed with his stepbrother that he dragged him to hell with him (literally) 2. Picture of Dorian Gray (Modern Showbiz)- A mere painter with a friend who is a struggling actor that he painted and suddenly got famous.... but at what cost? 3. Frank and Stein (Historical Scifi)- A scientist that had created his own lover from the bodies of dead men.... and he seems to have other skeletons in his closet than literal ones. 4. Dracula (School Mystery)- A vampire who had come to conquer a school, taking back his prey that escaped from him. 5.Hamlet (Anthropomorphic)- A black-haired lion that plans to seduce the princess to take over the throne that is rightfully his, yet he took interest on the king's son and..... has a change of plans. 6. Phantom of the Opera (Paranormal)- A ghost had fallen in love with the star of the show, and plans to take control of his mind to become his and stay with him in the old theater forever. 7. The Great Gatsby (Omegaverse)- An Alpha CEO who was involved in a murder and was now being investigated by an Omega reporter that is too curious for his own good. 8. Jekyll and Hyde (Modern Sci-Fi)- A clone of the student campus' perfect prince, who had come to show him his hidden darkest desires. 9. King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table (Fantasy)- A 'loyal servant' who had always been following Lancelot and helping him in exploits.... Or does he really? 10. Journey to the West (Cultivation)- ??? 11. ??????? 12. ??????? Please consider voting with power stones so I can win the contest! -------------------- Updates at least 3 chapters a weak, time inconsistent as I have other books to write Please support my other books too! Top MC BLs: -QT: No to Bad Boys! Transmigrated as an Otome Side Character (World hopping, funny and sassy confused top x power bottom, mix of angst and fluff and of course, smut) - The Mafia Boy's Contract Marriage (crime drama, love-hate relationship, spicy) -Two Omegas Destroy the Worlds of Alphas (World hopping, face-slapping and revenge, formidable couple) Non-BL: Stone Mage: Revenge of the Villain System (Fantasy, manipulative and cunning villain MC that doesn't just murder everyone for no reason, mystery)

Aries_Monx · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
145 Chs

[Mild Smut] What Are You Waiting For?

This extra chapter is dedicated to DaoistRj9vMF. I really like your review, it's a shame that I have to screenshot it again because of the glitch.


"Naming the painting that way..... Caring for me all these years..... Keeping our secret." Ashton grinned. "Only someone who loved someone to the ends of the Earth could do that. "

'Henry' adjusted his glasses, his expression firm as he was pushing Ashton gently but firmly away. "I don't know what you mean....."

"You are too secretive. That's what I love about you. It seems that I could guess and guess what you are thinking, but I also know that I will never know."

(What I'm thinking is how I can get you to think straight! This isn't how Ashton should act, I need to change this ending written for you!)

"I can see the jealousy in your eyes whenever I brag about my exploits with women... and occasionally, men. Truly messed up stuff, and yet you only listened to it, looking like you were dying inside. It was exhilarating, but at the same time...."

In a sudden turn of events, Ashton started to tear up!

"Why.... Why wouldn't you say anything!? What are you waiting for!? No matter how many Sidneys... and fucking 'friends' I met... I come back to you, don't I!?"

"So what are you waiting for!!?" Ashton was now crying. "I thought..... I thought that even if the world turns its back on me once they learned what I truly am... You would still be there. You would want me. But you're not doing anything, that's why I wanted to wrong you as many ways as possible!!! To make you notice how much I truly..... want..... you to be my greatest fan! For me to be the greatest star in your eyes!"

Zhe Chouhen was struck by this, eyes wide. What he's saying is exactly.....

Those words he said when he was sleeping.

He heard buzzing on his phone, possibly notifications from the Meter Reminder.

"I don't like any of them..... I don't like it at all. It makes me feel happy, but it makes me feel empty without you, Henry. My line of thinking is the same as yours years back.... My body may not have aged, but I feel so, so old..." Ashton sobbed, hugging him. "I feel like I'm losing a big part of myself whenever I give my body to someone else besides you..."

Zhe Chouhen found himself hugging back, no longer alarmed by the closeness and the position they are in.

"I feel so ugly.... Henry. They all make me feel like that. But with you, I feel so beautiful... Only with you..." All the lethargy and madness from the substances left his body, showing him what he truly was: a man who made so many wrong choices. "The night you made me pancakes, the times you comforted me and smile at me, saying I'm the embodiment of youth... I held all of those precious in my heart."

All of those weren't 'Henry', they were all Zhe Chouhen. And the transmigrated hater doesn't know what to feel about it.

"Everyone else is greedy. They love me, and so they are greedy to take me. But you aren't like that. You aren't like that at all." Ashton placed both hands on his face, his tears looking like beautiful crystals over his tired eyes. "Don't you want me, Henry?"

"I..... Of course, I do." Zhe Chouhen answered this honestly.

He wanted to keep this boy safe and escape from this fate written for him and the bastard he's inhabiting.

"Then take me! Take my everything, I'm allowing you to do so! Henry..... You are not just my friend, you are my home, the only home I have in this world. I want to return everything you've given me, you are the one who made me the person I am today." Ashton moved closer, nuzzling his head on the crevice of 'Henry's' neck. "Take me..... Take me however you want....."

(No. I won't.) Zhe Chouhen said firmly, but.....

His hands traveled to the small of Ashton's back, bringing him closer.

"You don't owe me anything.... Ash..." His mouth said.....

But his body is already taking full ownership of this beautiful man in front of him.

(Why am I like this?) Zhe Chouhen reprimanded himself. (I need to stop.....)

"No, you're wrong. I owe you my everything. " Ashton said, his breath hitching from Henry's touches. "You don't have to be scared anymore. Dare to say the name of your love. Say it, and I'll give it to you."

"I shouldn't....." Zhe Chouhen looked away.....

But only to have his lips press deeply against Ashton's!

"Mpfh!" The boy's sky blue eyes widened a little, but he also fell deep into the kiss. "Mmmm.... Henry...."

This is what he wants. Henry's attention, Henry's love..... It's all he wants. Nothing else.

Zhe Chouhen was also getting confused. Is this what he wants? Deep down?

It feels so sickening, gaining the boy's love from tricks and manipulation..... But his lips are so hot he felt like he would be burned by them. His pretty face, he wants to mark as his property. His slender, smooth and baby soft body... He wanted to unwrap it like a present and use it until it's fully worn down.

Yes, Ashton is giving himself voluntarily to him, right? Just like a gift, and it's rude to deny gifts. He's not forcing himself on him, there's nothing wrong about it....

There's absolutely nothing wrong. He can indulge in this scene a bit, right? What else could he do, since he have to avoid being OOC?

He can swim in this river for a bit, climb this mountain a little, fly closer to the sun a little more. A little wouldn't hurt, right?

Besides, Ashton is probably used to less gentle partners. His body is experienced, unlike Daniele's. There's a little sorrow in knowing he lost his virginity to someone else, but so what? He's all his now.

"You'd leave me again, Ashton."

'Henry' slowly unbuttoned his shirt, putting down his glasses. His vision was dim, but if he could make himself believe it enough, he could see Ashton perfectly clear because of his love for him. "I know you'd leave me."

"No..... No, I won't." Ashton kissed him more with yearning, clinging to him tight. "I'm all yours, Henry....."

Zhe Chouhen smiled giddily. "All mine?"

"Yes, all yours."

All his life, Zhe Chouhen only wanted for someone to be all his. Reading and reading about love stories he'll never have, he had gained a bitter perception in a world where cheating is prevalent, and one-night stands are even more common.

Someone laying down his life to you and you only is just fiction. There's no such person in the real world.

There was a time when he would purposely read fluffy stories, no toxicity, just perfect happy fairytales. But instead of filling him with hope, it filled him with dread.

What forever? Forever is just a concept of the human mind, to make itself feel settled about things like legacy, when in truth, the only reality is there is always an end.

Nothing lasts forever, because forever is not real.

So he did not even realize that he slowly moved to toxic stories on purpose, to gloat on both the MCs and the MLs alike. "Hah, I may be single, but at least I don't have a relationship like that. If only I had one..."

That is when he would realize the problem with himself. He doesn't want to bother trying anymore. He is fully convinced that all he could do is fantasize to have one, but any effort in trying to actually have it will be useless.

He himself set his own fate as a single man in stone.

But now it's so close. It's right in front of him. It's begging him to take it, to be one with him, to finally supply everything that fiction had promised. He was lucky. He was lucky!

To be transmigrated into books, experiencing what it's like having a lover.

"Ashton... I love you.... I love that you love me too...." Zhe Chouhen kissed him again and again, in places he absolutely shouldn't, yet feeling a thrill in such guilt for doing something wrong.

"I love you too... ah..... Henry..... I love you..."

Henry nodded, hooking his leg over his shoulder. "I love you so much.... Ashton, you're only mine....."

The clothes were already on the floor. There is nothing else to wait for. All they need is to do it...

"I thank my luck for bringing me to you, Ashton." Zhe Chouhen mumbled. "I thank my fate..... I thank....."

A silhouette came to his mind. It just started as a round shape, like a ball, bouncing up and down.

"Mm?" Ashton nibbled on his neck. "Henry?"

"Nothing." Henry continued running a trail of kisses on his neck. "Kiss me more...."

The ball bounced so loud, it's ringing in his ears now. Zhe Chouhen covered his ears. "Wait..... uggh....."

The ball's bouncing turned into high-pitched tones, making Henry lose concentration. He roughly bit on Ashton's thigh to regain control.

"Ahhh~ Oh, Henry..... I can't wait already....." Ashton wrapped his legs around him. "Just do it...."

The ball became white, and grew two new circles as ears. Then, a single eye, like a Cyclops.

Zhe Chouhen blinked. "What the fuck.....?"


Henry continued rubbing against Ashton. "Focus on me, Ashton."

"But I am focused.... Nggh...." Ashton put his hand on his crotch. "H-Henry.... oh...."

The single eyes became two, and a small, button nose....

Zhe Chouhen felt a stroke of pleasure, losing focus on that strange thing in his head. "Ha.... yes.... wait.... no..... Ha...."

The two round eyes had black circles around them, and a snout also grew, with a mouth scowling. It tried to speak, but it has no tongue yet, looking pretty freaky.

But Zhe Chouhen is being enchanted by this activity in front of him, and Henry's lust also helped to make him ignore this strange floating head. "Yeah.... Like that.... Ashton..."

Henry was a little annoyed by this, but did not mind, eyes on the prize.

He is the kind of person who doesn't mind sharing his beloved person with someone else when it comes to something carnal. He actually takes pleasure in the fact that his beloved person may be enjoying physical relationships with others, but he is still the best and the only one in his heart.

A twisted sense of superiority.

He had always been here, but he will not make himself known to Zhe Chouhen, acting like a 'conscience'. 'I am your true self you have hidden all along.'

He also doesn't mind playing into the Teacher's hands. He doesn't know why he was approached with such a wager, but Zhe Chouhen did make things interesting.

Made things faster. His plan was meant to stretch out a bit more than this, but thanks to his help, he can harvest it all this early.

He doesn't mind living under Zhe Chouhen's shadow forever either. 'Let him think he's being loved. Let him think it was him Ashton wants...'

'When in truth, it's actually me!'

"Oh... yes.... Ashton, my beautiful lover....." Henry fondled the blond locks, observing them as he would observe the things he painted. "Why don't we take things..... a bit further?"


Ashton bent down to the thing he was holding, about to put it in his mouth...

[Zhe Chouhen!!!!!]

Both boys sharing one body was alarmed by this, like they were just running late to school and suddenly heard the thunderous school bell!

[Zhe Chouhen!!!!! I've always known you were a pervert!!!!!]

The transmigrated hater blinked stupidly. (Daoist Panda???)

The floating head's image was clear now. An angry panda head wearing a green hat, so angry that his eyes were like lightning strikes, and he was surrounded by cartoonish fire!

Henry cursed internally, but kept his voice in the headspace down.

(You're back!) Zhe Chouhen chuckled in surprise. (How---)

[Listen carefully. We're going to end this book now, I won't last long in this form. Find a way to reach another ending, something that will separate Henry and Ashton. I'm counting on you, let's meet on the other side of the door!]

(Daoist Panda, wait!)

He was gone. But at least, Zhe Chouhen had broken out of the trance Henry has made for him!

He sneered. "So you're in my body all along, aren't you? Of course you are, you silent devil."

Henry the silent devil really was silent. Ashton who was about to give him a blowjob stopped midway, very confused.

Zhe Chouhen looked at him. "Ashton. Before we do this..... I have something to show you."



Ok, I'm getting desperate and pathetic so now I'm willing to accept bribes. I get jealous easily of other books that have a huge following and get sad everytime, thinking what's the point of writing if I feel like no one's reading/appreciate it.

1 NEW 5 star review with genuine feedback (emojis and just saying compliments doesn't count) - 1 extra chapter

100 comments in a week (only those with TEXT count) - 1 extra chapter

5 NEW people voting for my other books- (so invite your friends haha) -1 extra chapter dedicated to them

100+ votes in a week in any of my books - 1 extra chapter for all of them

Magic Castle and up - Burst update

If you love my stories and would want to read more of them, please show your support through one of these bribes. Thank you!