
12. Observation

Happy Halloween, everybody. I know it's early and not really a spooky chapter, but it's a different approach. This chapter is about the mysterious traveler. I haven't written this type of chapter before, so constructive criticism is appreciated. I'm trying to keep this rate T but probably upgrade to M later on.

Also, trigger warning.

QOTD: A simple one. Who's your favorite Loud sister? Lisa is really speaking to me for what I have planned. For shipping … I've been feeling Luan and Leni

NiteOwl18: It's my longest chapter to date with over 12k words. It's a plot I had in mind for a while. Imagine you've been an expert in your field or task for years, coming in first place in all competitions. Then someone who's the opposite of you as Lynn is an athlete while Bumper Jr. is academic. She bested him after studying at a common tutoring center for over a month. That's gotta sting. I used that reference to summarize what Cristina has been doing off-screen for the last few chapters. Cristina and Haiku haven't appeared in a while. They're a part of another group that's vying for Lincoln's affection. No, they don't have a united name like QT or are aware of each other's feelings towards him. Haiku knows. That's why she's not telling them. Don't worry about the traveler. You'll find out in this chapter.

ZexyZane: That comic strip worked so well for what I had planned in this chapter.

Zle: Glad that you think so. Oh, she definitely does. I've seen that anime, and there's one piece of fanart that shows Cookie QT doing that.

LH-Teller9999: And it's only going to get better

Guest: Whenever I make an adaptation of an episode. I use time skips because what they do is way too much to be a single day. All they did was 3 days in the show's time. Maybe the Loud House universe operates on a completely different day and night cycle, making it longer or simply the months are longer than ours. I mean, they had multiple April fools day episodes. Lincoln doesn't hate anyone plus what Cristina did was minor compared to what his sisters had done.

Hey, if Lynn is good enough to be a coach and be in the state math bowl, then she's good enough to tutor her best friend. We haven't seen Polly in a while, plus I don't think she's been a significant part of stories before besides one shot, so I'll be using her more in the future. Polly likes Lincoln, according to the wiki. Margo won't do much in that regard besides messing with Lynn, but I've seen stranger ships.

That's another reason why I do time skips with these adaptations. It helps speed things up. Also, people have been asking when Stella will appear. "White Hare" happened in early season 3 only for her to physically appear in the middle of the season. I always had the feeling that Mollie was that type of character. Bumper Jr. having a breakdown makes sense, but it's also a cliche. All of his other siblings have an outlet with Beatrix doing soccer, Belle and her music, and Beau reading comics and creating art. Plus, he got beat by someone whose brain has ample room, according to Lisa.

It's time that I wrapped up season two and concluded some plotlines. Season 3 is where the fun begins and with that new story arcs. Now that I'm giving more characters a spotlight. I can do more expansions or funny moments. Lincoln will change the most throughout the story. Polly and Haiku have the most potential out of the SHD's, in my opinion. Giggles did appear in Friendzy, leaving only Tabby. Bumper Jr being an antagonist, is going to be huge later on. It's something that I wanted to do. The rest of the Yates is going to be okay. Bumper Jr will be the sole bad guy. Albert will help Lincoln confront him.

Is Cristina your favorite because I actually gave her a personality? Others do, but the majority of the time, she's an antagonist or hates Lincoln. I'm not trying to do that. Plus, we got nothing on her. Furthermore, they look too similar. Also, yes, Polly and Haiku are going to be more involved in the story.

Wolvenstrom: I'll keep him as tall but not skinny. I'm more on the lines of lean and toned. Lincoln does have several traits that would make him attractive to females. His sisters were able to get him dates for the dance. Wow, thanks, man. The moments with his sisters are simply comedy. The kid got five older sisters. He should know some of the tricks and tactics that they use.

Jpd11/Tristen/Nicky/Jacob5395: Glad to hear that :)

Nobody245: I like to give variety. I enjoy writing Haiku and Lincoln moments, but I don't want that to be the main focus. That's why Girl Jordan & Stella and Leni, Luna & Lucy are among the most positively favored ships. Leni, Luna & Lucy have the overall best relationship with Lincoln. In contrast, Girl Jordan & Stella has a healthy basis for future relationships with Lincoln. Ronnie Anne, too since she went under some development. Ronnie Anne, Girl Jordan, and Stella are the big three among the non-Loudcest ships for Lincoln. I'm on the lines of both due to the sheer popularity of Lynncoln. Don't worry, I'm not going to anything with that ship besides some giggles.

Mr. Haziq: I know, man. I know. I made a huge mistake when I wrote that scene while hungry. If Lincoln was a Robin. I think he'll be a Tim Drake as they're both the best Detectives amongst their peers. We don't know Lincoln's full name, plus it serves a later plot point. It was the inspiration for this scene. I don't why, but it just fits. Oh, Mollie is definitely the thirstiest.

He continued to stare at the stars basking in their beauty. The man had never seen them before in his life. Decades to centuries of the worth of light pollution made them rare, leaving only the ultra-wealthy to enjoy them. He tightened his fist. They had functionally destroyed the world! And for what?! A couple extra zeros and commas in their bank accounts! Everyone has to suffer for their hubris and incompetence. He barely had the chance to enjoy life while people had to clean up their mess. They got to live in luxury in their pleasure dome fortresses with clean air and abundant food and water. What did he and the rest of the world get? Nothing but struggle, squalor, and occasional slaughter.

"Breathe. Breathe," An electronic female called to him after taking a biometric scan. The man glanced at the device attached to his wrist. He obeyed by taking a deep breath of clean air. There's no need for rage right now as he recalled his lessons. Control your wrath but don't let your wrath control you. Let it give you focus and purpose. He regained focus. A familiar rumble in his belly quaked. The man gave a sad, soft chuckle remembering the countless nights of enduring them before being assigned.

Now he doesn't have to worry about that. The man pondered on what to eat. He had limited options for most of his life, dreaming about exotic foods like pizza, chocolate, french fries, and ice cream. Now that he's in a place and time where those meals are commonplace. He can't decide. The man settled on a sophisticated meal called a burger with bacon and onions and, hopefully, a milkshake.

He had the journey to Burping Burger while glancing at the condition of Royal Woods. This was his home, yet it's not his home. It unnerved him.

No abandoned buildings with scores of people using them as a base or a place to sleep. No one was scavenging through refuse in search of valuables. It's a wonder what people take out nowadays. People were walking up and down the street without a care in the world. They were no marauders or horrid biological abominations roaming around the streets looking for prey. He scanned some bystanders with his glasses. He chose the square framed eyewear to read upon social and fashion taboos of his era. Never wear shades at night.

A message appeared on the screen. "No weapons located." He stopped and looked around. The people were … happy. They felt safe? But what if...no. No. This is what he's trying to keep—the safety and contentment. The traveler continued his way, walking past an irate man yelling into his cellphone. He tapped his shoulder.

"HEY! What's the big fucking idea" The belligerent man shouted. Our traveler ignored him. "You think you're some type of comedian or some shit" The man took a few steps forward with the cellphone still in his hand. "Huh?! Huh?!" A massive air conditioner unit from an upper-level apartment window landed deep into the sidewalk, where he stood a few seconds prior. "Holy shit. I could've died," He whispered in terror at what occurred. His parents were right. He needed to work on his temper; otherwise, he won't be as lucky. The startled man searched for anger management courses. The owner of the unit, a slim brunette woman in her mid-twenties, rushed down to apologize.

The traveler watched this scene and grinned. "Crisis averted," The automatic voice replied. He waited at the stoplight and pressed the walk button. Thinking about how easy that was. There was no need for deep covert operations lasting for years or assassinations, at least for now—a simple tap on the shoulder. Deliberately waiting a few extra seconds at a traffic light. People were annoyed at him, but it worked. The lights turned red, allowing him to walk across the street.

He entered Burping Burger. It was a slow night as closing time drew near, with a few patrons eating their meals at their tables. He waited in line, searching on the menu for what to eat. The man never knew that there were such options. A pasty-skinned, moderately overweight middle-aged woman was in front of him. She wore expensive designer wear such as rings, purse, bracelets, nails, and earrings were berating a young olive-skinned cashier for something beyond her control. He analyzed the style of her dyed, bleached blonde hair with shades of her natural brown. She uttered the infamous phrase in a shrill voice. I would like to see the manager. Oh no. He thought to himself.

The dreaded Karen. This woman was a nightmare for countless service industry workers. He was debriefed upon the numerous outdated terms and phrases of this era to better assimilate and be another face in the crowd. Thankfully words change, but the meanings remain. She fit the description as he begrudgingly listened to her tirade, growing annoyed each passing second. This feeling was mutual among the other patrons.

'Karen' kept going on and on despite the manager who had a backbone telling her that she can't do that and leave the premises. This sour crone refused now, making derogatory, racist, and baseless accusations to the manager and cashier.

"Lady, would you please shut the fuck up" The Traveler spoke, bringing everyone to a pause. Karen snarled; how dare he talk to her like that. "It's late at night, and I'm trying to get a burger. Not to your idiotic rant to an innocent girl who's just trying to do her job."

"Excuse me, do you know who I am?" Karen claimed in a haughty voice as if that's supposed to scare, let alone intimidate him. He killed, dominated, and conquered hundreds to even thousands of mooks like her during his adolescence. She's not even an afterthought. His glasses completed their diagnosis of her—no one of real importance.

"I'm nowhere that bored or desperate to know someone like you," He scoffed. The workers and patrons snickered at her shocked expression. That tactic usually works. "However," He pushed his glasses up with the edges of his palm. "I already figured you out by listening to your astatine rant."

"Okay, Sherlock, let's hear it," She snarled with folded arms. His sapphire eyes shone with glee.

"Gladly'' He smirked before clearing his throat. "You came from a wealthy family or what was considered wealthy in your small childhood town. I believe it was conservative, right?" Her eyes broaden. "You were a 'preppy' and pretty girl during adolescence and a bit of high school. However, it made you the generic snobby, spoiled brat in countless shows and movies. You bullied and belittled anyone you can to feel superior" The workers in the back slowed down to him. The woman kept folding her arms. "This was your peak as expected once you reached college as nobody cared who you are." Her frown grew sharper. "However, high school never ends for you. You feebly attempted to regain your queen but failed as you dropped out of college when your parents refused to support your subpar grades and worked" She looked down at her shoes. How does he know all of this? "Fast forward a few years to your high school reunion where you again tried to flex on those you used to belittle. It again failed as they and your posse' outgrew that role and mindset and became better while you're still the same." He glanced at the menu behind her. "Now the present. Your husband divorced you while you maintained custody of the kids due to how the court system works, who's probably in high school by now. They prefer him and his new wife, thanks to your toxic and controlling behavior. You try to appear affluent in public, but you're broke. You held strong to your conservative views along with any anti-science rhetorics because you want to feel superior to others despite in truth you're not" He finished. The sizzling of the fries echoed in the establishment. He checked his watch. "I'm done here. Can you get your order and go, please" She did just that, feeling humiliated.

"Thank you," The olived skinned emerald eye cashier spoke softly with a smile.

"No problem" He glanced at her name tag. "Cassandra" He smiled back. That woman was insufferable. Someone would've put several holes in her skull to get her to shut up.

"Can I get a name, please" Cassandra replied.

"Michael" He gave her his alias. It wasn't as generic as John but widespread enough to avoid suspicion. She took peeks at her angel while taking his order. In his early twenties, he was well built but more suited for mobility instead of power and had some height on him. The leather coat fits comfortably on him. His eyes offered comfort and safety, with his ebony hair refracting the overhead lights. She took the money from his hand. It felt warm. Maybe there was a reason to continue living in this world. He took his order and left.

"You don't have to do that," The A.I stated as it wasn't a part of his mission

"You're right, I didn't have to, but I wanted to," Michael declared. He couldn't watch and let it happen. "Besides the smallest act and have the greatest impact."

"I understand your logic" She smiled at her user. It's one of the things that baffles her yet admires about him. He takes a seat at one of the tables in Ketchum park. No guards were stationed. He didn't see a toll gate anywhere as he waltzed right in. It was open and free to the public. Michael let out a sad chuckle at how ironic the situation was. Something was free in this era, but it is now an exquisite rented location in his time. He took out his fries and burgers.

"These are huge," Michael acknowledged. Did they place in the extra-large variants as thanks? No, these were the standard according to the statistics. "No wonder obesity is a major problem in America" He scrolled through his watch to find a small knife to cut it. Michael paused. What was he doing? He doesn't have to ration his food. It's all to himself. Michael took small bites of double cheeseburger and fries and sips of Coca Cola to savor it. He can taste the salt and crunch of the fries and the warmth of the patties. This was significantly better than the bland recycled ration bars made out of heavily processed human bodies and waste that had all of his caloric intake for the day. Also, the pools of soups and vegetables were the other available options. They fulfilled their purpose in those desperate times, but he wanted to enjoy this moment.

He looked into the bag for any spare fries but found another sandwich. Okay, now this was the gift. Michael reached for it. "Hey, you want this McBr-." He stopped and sighed, "Oh right" The sullen Traveler unwrapped it. It was a chicken club with extra bacon. He took a bite out of it. He missed his friends, team, and family. This was a surreal experience. He was home but not home. He left but hasn't left. Michael has been gone for some time. How long has it been? Months? Years? At least for him, while everyone back home believed he left a few seconds when he stepped into the portal.

He gazed at a loving couple walking hand in hand. His lover was chosen by an algorithm to maintain genetic diversity. They didn't hate each other but aren't initially happy about it. Soon grew to tolerate, respect, admire, and even loved one another. He clutched his orange pendant in memory of her. Michael disposed of his trash and sat under a nearby tree. There was an imprint where it used to be. His hand glided over the soft grass, only knowing the hard stone and cold metal of bunkers and facilities. He closed his eyes, taking in the serene atmosphere. His other hand swiftly moved, stabbing something with his knife.

"Oh no," Michael whispered, seeing his blade piercing through an innocent pigeon. He smoothly removed it as crimson dripped from it. Straight through the heart. Just how he was taught. "I'm sorry" He picked up the bird and buried it with shaking hands. If this was any other time. He would've been executed for killing such a rare creature.

How many fell to his hand? Too many to count as looking upon his hands with empty eyes. Choking smog filled the air as the ground rumbled. Bloodstained palms only hearing the roars of explosions and armored vehicles. Orders were being shouted as people took cover among the debris. His breathing grew heavy, reaching for his weapon as a sin of human experimentation charged in turning civilians into a chunky paste under its hefty girth

"Michael," His artificial companion called to him in concern. He was brought back to reality with her voice. "It's okay. You're safe now" Her master pushed his hair back slightly to regain stability. She longed to hold him and comfort him in these moments but couldn't at this time. She had her directive. "Target is on the move" A limousine drove past the park. His eyes grew colder at who's in the backseat. That overweight rotten egg. Lord Tetherby

Target: Lord Tobias Tetherby

ID: 20XEF23-2343GA-2RN4MD0

Recommendation: Imprison. If not possible. Termination.

He had his mission. Clouds cloaked the sky covering the moon. Michael placed out his hand. A droplet of water landed on it, soon followed by many more. "Locating...Locating...Locating. Target arrived at his destination. Would you like to transport?" He tapped yes as his body glowed, taking him to the outside perimeter of the Tetherball estate as if he was never at the park.

Michael viewed the massive mansion, deeming it a waste of space and resources to serve this man's ego and show off his wealth. He hacked into the computer system. Money was the password. How ingenious. The numbers and reports don't add up. Never way tetherball is a lucrative business. Michael searched deeper, breaking through firewalls with minimal ease. Of course, offshore bank accounts and under the table deal. His eyes narrowed at some files. The Philippines. North Korea. Syria. Russia. Venezuela.

"Michael, take a look at this" His A. I noted by checking the security system. She landed on camera in Tetherby's private quarters. A young woman of Hispanic descent was on her knees with her face roughly placed between his legs as he drooled like a mangy mutt. His bulbous body shook.

"That was a nice interview" He wiped the sweat off his face with his handkerchief. "Now get out," He rudely demanded as she glared at him with tight fists. She did what she was told to do. Fellow maids and butlers had sullen sympathy expressions as she spat out a white substance in a bucket handed to her, wiping angry tears from her face. They wanted to do more to assist her but didn't have the means too. Michael's blood boiled, wanting to burn this estate to the ground but held by cold discipline. The camera switched to the kitchen as the humiliated maid chopped vegetables and meats along with the chefs as she cursed him in her native tongue. He picked up the words: Pigs, disgusting, kill, and vengeance. She peered into the large knife in her hand.

Michael bided his time after dinner. The mansion was silent besides a few people working the night shift. Tetherby thought he was safe. What a fool. He entered a code as his body was coated in shimmering silver. He slipped past the guard entering the building walking through the lavish halls like an apparition as nobody acknowledged his presence. Michael stopped in front of the master bedroom. The same woman was there too, clutching the knife, ready to end the man's life who caused her and many others pain. She reached for the handle.

"Don't," Michael said, using his translator, startling her. Her mother warned her about spirits and demons. Has he come for her? She couldn't make out his features as silver ebbed and flowed throughout as if he was made of water. "You want revenge" She nodded. "Let me handle it. Don't waste your life over someone like him" She hesitated before turning back to the kitchen room.

"Make him suffer," She pleaded as she went back into her room. Don't worry, he plans to do just as he phased through the double doors.

The morning came as Lord Tetherby slowly opened his eyes and rubbed the crust from him. He yawned and needed a pick-me-up. Maybe he should call on his servants for an early morning interview. Tobias clapped his hands to summon his butlers. Nothing. He tried again. Nobody answered. He growled at their incompetence, wanting to call immigration on the first one he sees.

"Good morning Lord Tetherby or whatever you call yourself now," A silvery voice called out to him at the foot of his bed. The socialite's heart plummeted to his stomach at the sight

"Silver specter," The round man whispered in fear as cold sweat emerged on his brow. "Why are you here."

"You know why I'm here," Michael claimed. "And you're not supposed to be here either '' He glared as Tetherby shifted in his king-sized bed. Michael listed the man's crimes: Tax fraud and evasion. Embezzlement. Being violated with human and drug trafficking. Murder of his father and causing his second cousin's near-death to gain a hold of the inheritance. Finally, unauthorized time travel.

"So what up of it" Tobias scoffed, feeling proud of his actions. "I wanted to make a fortune that'll last me throughout the ages. Those fools wanted to use it to help the riff-raff and peasants" Michael stood there and listened to the rant. "Yes, I went back in time and paid someone to remove the breaks, and it was among the best money I've spent."

"It also had a hand in destroying America and the world," Michael declared.

"You honestly think I care," Tetherby shouted, gripping his satin sheets. "I saw that my fortune made Rockefeller some meager peon in years to come."

"You're either going to this the easy way or the hard way," Michael demanded. Lord Tetherby shot him several times in the head with his gold plated Desert Eagle BFR. He smirked and spat on his body, wondering where the bloody hell is his servants opening the curtains, grossed that he has to do it himself. The moon is lovely this morning. Moon?! He swiftly turned his neck. Tetherby checked his gold Rolex. It's after seven. "Looks like you're doing it the hard way then," Michael touched his shoulders, unaffected by his assault.

"HELP! HELP! HELP!" Tobias screamed, smacking Michael's hand off before dashing out of his bedroom. He feverishly demanded the mannequins he called servants to do something.

"Time has stopped," Michael clarified. He gestured towards the antique grandfather clock reading 11:24pm from the previous night. Tobias shook his head in disbelief. He reloaded fired another shot. It now dented on his forehead. He tried again and again and again and again as Michael slowly stepped towards him as the reaper deeming him guilty for his sins. Each bullet sparked off of him, leaving no damage. The specter grabbed and crushed the revolver in his palm like paper. Tobias fell to his knees with an agape jaw. A foul scent of urine and feces plagued the air "Initiating containment." A small device appeared in his hand, tossing to this feeble. It expanded and encased Tobias in a cyan concrete dome. He slammed his fists, attempting to break it. "Containment completed."

Time has resumed. Re-stabilizing in progress." The world bends, twists, and turns. Molecules and atoms were destroyed and reformed.

"No, No, No," Tobias continued to slam his fists, observing what's occurring. His servants vanished one by one leading newer and happier lives. The murals and portraits that he paid hundreds and thousands for were gone. His eyes widened even further. A 'Sold' sign. Those blasted fools sold the estate confirming his worst fears. He watched as the materials to create his mansion to construct another building. "A community center?!" Tobias begged and pleaded for Michael to stop this madness. Something fell out of the former aristocrat's mouth. A tooth? Several more soon followed as they landed at his feet. His body maintained its shape but now reeked and covered in grime. The sophisticated clothes were filthy rags. Tobias's memories altered as well, recalling being kicked out of his family and living the remainder of his days as a disgrace. "Please don't! How about I give you 35% of the shares so you can help your ancestors. That sounds good, right?" Michael was undeterred, not interested in the prattle of a coward who values himself over others. He sent Tobias away.

The sun comes. It's done. He feels the strength and warmth from it. Michael let out a sigh of relief. He double-checked, making everything where it needs to be before cracking a smile. Michael walked away, looking at an old photograph releasing his disguise revealing his natural hair color for a brief moment. He rubbed a hand through his snow-white hair. "It was tough, but it's a start. What did you always say, progenitor? Always have a plan."

Damn, it's getting spicy up in here. What do you guys think of the style of this chapter? I hope you guys enjoyed it, and thanks for reading. Follow and Favorite if you like the story. Leave a review for any questions, concerns, or queries, or it's just to show your support. Have an awesome day. :)

Meaning of the names. Today we're looking at Lincoln's group and some of his classmates.

Clyde: A name for people who lived by the banks of the River Clyde. This explains their friendship.

Liam: It comes from William, meaning Desire, Guardian, Helmet, Protector, Boss. That's dope.

Zach: God Has Remembered

Rusty: Red-Headed.

Mollie: "sea of bitterness," "drop of the sea," "Star of the sea," "rebelliousness," "exalted one," "beloved," and "wished for a child."

Jordan: Descend. The Earth. Daring.

Chandler: a maker and seller of candles

Penelope: Weaver.

Agnes: "pure, lamb, holy."