

**{WARNING: This is Mature content.}** The tension in the air was clear, matching the fiery gaze of Zephyros as he loomed over the quivering prince, his breath scorching against Owen's exposed skin. Every word that fell from his lips carried a weight that seemed to press down on them, each syllable dripping with fierce determination that sent a delicious shiver down Owen's spine. "I will claim you as my own, my bride and my soul, Prince Owen Rykhard, no matter the cost. Heaven and Hell themselves will not stand in my way..." Owen's heart raced in his chest, his body thrumming from the sheer power of Zephyros's words. There was a primal, ancient allure in his eyes, a force that pulled at Owen's very core, beckoning him closer even as his instincts screamed for him to resist. The magnetic pull between them was undeniable, drawing them together in a dance of lust. Escape was impossible. Neil (Owen) was bound to a mission to locate the twelve shattered shards of the Demon King's soul and reforge them to prevent a cataclysmic end. The stakes were unimaginably high, as the universe would cease to exist if the shards became unstable. Neil navigated through perilous worlds with his fairy system, carrying the weight of his burden and the ache in his heart from memories of the Demon King he once loved. Would he find peace with his beloved in this world, or be left alone with the ghost of his past? Owen felt a spark ignite within him as Zephyros's touch brushed against his cheek, signaling a battle of hearts and worlds with an uncertain outcome. Love and fate intertwined in a world where heaven and hell blurred, and the greatest victory lay in winning the heart of the one destined to be protected.

Seastar_222 · LGBT+
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23 Chs

Grand ball 2 ( Hello Stranger)

"What do you think, Nyx? Getting a bride while I'm not ready to have one," he asked, smiling mischievously.

"Then, my Lord, it's best you keep rejecting them," Nyx replied boldly, and Owen smiled sincerely.

"I like honest and bold people around me. Thank you for being honest," Owen expressed his gratitude sincerely.

"Now, you are ready for the grand ball, Your Highness. I take my leave," Nyx bowed and waited for Owen to wave his hand, permitting her to leave.

"Be my eyes and ears while I'm away, don't disappoint me," he ordered, waving his hand for her to leave.

"Yes, Your Highness," she replied and left.

Prince Owen stared at the mirror before him and smirked, "I can't deny I look so handsome," he playfully said.

"Your Highness, may I come in?" Eryn asked outside the bathroom door.

"Yes, you can," Owen responded.

Eryn entered, bowed her head with respect, and spoke. "Your Highness, the carriage is ready for you and Lady Lyra."

Owen shifted his gaze to Eryn and let out a sigh. What was his sister getting into now, he wondered.

"Prepare another carriage for me. I want to ride alone," Prince Owen instructed with a frown.

"But... you and Lady Lyra always share a carriage. She won't be pleased if she finds out," Eryn replied, bowing his head.

"I don't care. Please arrange a separate carriage for me," Owen requested politely.

"Yes, my Lord. It will take us about ten minutes to prepare it," Eryn said before leaving Owen to his thoughts.

Sighing to himself, Owen thought, "I wonder what's going on back on Earth. Did those two suffer? I hope they did. It's hard to move on, but lately, surprisingly, I'm doing great, I guess." He chuckled to himself.

Owen felt a bit nervous about attending the grand ball, knowing he would encounter many royal families and others. One thing he despised the most was crowded places.

After what felt like ten minutes, Eryn arrived and escorted Prince Owen to his carriage waiting outside the palace.

Eryn held the door open for Owen to enter the carriage, but before he could close it, Lady stopped him.

"Brother, it seems you've been avoiding me lately," Lyra remarked as she settled into the carriage, taking a seat on the left side facing Owen.

"Damn, why is she here?" Owen muttered to himself, meeting his sister's gaze.

"I wasn't avoiding you, I just wanted some time alone. Why are you here?" Owen replied casually.

"I wanted to share a carriage with you, but I'm really upset with you," she said, frowning.

"Yesterday, I distinctly remember you promising to be there when the king came to discuss my marriage. I was counting on your support, but you were nowhere to be found," she said, folding her arms and glaring at Owen.

"To make matters worse, the king didn't even show up himself. He sent someone, in his place. It was quite comical, but the wedding plans are moving forward," she said, pouting.

"So, what's your plan? Run away with your lover?" Owen asked, grinning at her.

Lyra chuckled and grinned. "It's true what they say about twins understanding each other, but I can never quite figure out what's going on in your head. Yet, you always seem to know what's on my mind," she teased.

"Lyra, you've always been a pampered princess. Do yourself a favor and tell the King you don't want to marry him. You already have a lover, so don't leave the groom hanging on your wedding day and expect me to clean up your mess," Owen's voice dripped with anger and disgust, causing Lyra to shiver in fear.

She had never seen her brother like this or heard him speak at such length.

She knew her brother to be a man of few words, always willing to do whatever she asked, cleaning up her messes and helping her out of trouble.

"You've changed a lot, brother. I'm surprised. I suppose you must be tired of how our father treated you. Now you seem like a slippery stone, ready to slip away if we're not careful," she said with a smile.

"Whatever," he replied, staring out of the carriage as it rolled along.

"I never knew this side of you existed. But I'm glad. I do have a question, though," she blurted out.

"Go ahead, ask me anything. I didn't stop you before," Owen replied.

"If I tell the King that I don't want to marry him, will you support me, brother? Will you stand by me and prevent father from punishing me? Will you?" She asked, her eyes filled with tears.

Prince Owen looked at her, sensing her pain. He smiled, thinking, 'Here is the honest Lyra, and not the mischievous, cunning girl.' He mentally cheered.

"I will, I promise. Now, use this to wipe your tears," he said, handing her his handkerchief. She took it and wiped her tears, smiling genuinely.

'Having gained a trusted ally in my sister Lyra was a stroke of luck.'

"How much longer until we reach the Tenebrous Empire?" he wondered aloud, stifling a yawn.

"You might arrive by noon, or perhaps sooner. Why the rush to get there?" Indigo inquired.

'Your constant questioning is starting to annoy me.'

"As always, you'll appreciate it later on," Indigo replied with a grin.



As they arrived at Kingdom Tenebrous and pulled up to the palace, darkness had already fallen. The carriage came to a halt, and Prince Owen peered out the window to see a line of carriages ahead of them, all waiting to enter the grand ball. He let out a sigh, knowing they would have to wait their turn.

After a brief moment, the carriage door swung open, and a liveried servant bowed respectfully. "Your Highnesses," he greeted, extending his hand to assist them.

Prince Owen emerged first, his regal attire glistening in the dimming light. He turned to offer his hand to his sister, who beamed as she took it.

As they descended, the servant closed the carriage door behind them, and the driver urged the horses forward, moving the carriage away to make room for the next in line.

Prince Owen and Princess Lyra joined the queue, patiently waiting for their turn. The line slowly moved forward until they reached the grand entrance to the ball.

A herald, dressed in striking black and red attire, announced their arrival with a powerful voice that echoed through the courtyard. "Presenting Their Royal Highnesses, King Rykhard, Queen Lucia, Princess Lyra, Princess Luna, and Prince Owen of the Kingdom of 'ONITREE'!"

As the herald finished speaking, the royal family stepped forward, graciously waving to the assembled crowd. King Rykhard and Queen Lucia smiled warmly, while Princess Lyra and Princess Luna waved with bright smiles. Prince Owen nodded, his face devoid of expression.

With a final wave, the family turned and entered the grand ball, their names echoing off the stone walls as they disappeared into the throng of guests.

The doors closed behind them, and the herald's voice rang out once more, calling the next guests to enter.

The grand ball was a breathtaking event, with golden floors stretching wide and polished to a mirror-like finish. Patterns of silver and diamond sparkled in the light, creating a dazzling display.

The room was illuminated by crystal chandeliers, casting colorful patterns and creating a warm glow.

Guests, elegantly dressed, chatted and laughed, their faces filled with anticipation. However, beneath the surface, there was a hidden enchantment, as not all were as they seemed – some were demons in human guise.

The Kingdom of Tenebrous Empire is renowned as a demon realm. Following the demise of the previous demon King, the new ruler ushered in a more civilized era where humans and demons could freely interact.

King Zephyris reigns over the other kingdoms, holding them under his control like puppets.

Servants, elegantly attired in black and red uniforms, glided through the gathering, presenting guests with glasses of wine and dainty appetizers.

The ambiance was alive with chatter, the fragrance of perfume, and the gentle melodies of an orchestra hidden behind plush velvet drapes.

As the evening progressed, the setting grew enchanting, with shadows growing deeper and lights twinkling, creating a dreamlike atmosphere.

It seemed as though the real world had morphed into a realm where enchantment and intrigue mingled like the tendrils of a vine.

In the magical setting, Prince Owen stood out with his shimmering ancient outfit that glowed like moonlight, his eyes filled with a quiet intensity.

A savant approached Owen, offering him a drink, "Your Highness."

Owen nodded and accepted the glass of wine, sipping it quickly before a group of girls approached him.

"Prince Owen, may we have the pleasure of conversing with you?" A lady with a blue veil asked, smiling.

"Of course, ladies. I am delighted to meet you," he replied politely, smiling, though his eyes did not reflect the same warmth.

"We've heard a lot about you, and we heard you were in search of a bride," another lady in a red sleek dress remarked.

"I see, well, to set the record straight, not all rumors hold true. Have a pleasant evening, excuse me," he curtly replied before walking away from them.

As he made his way to the other side of the grand hall, he accidentally collided with someone who quickly placed something in his hand and disappeared without attracting any attention.

Owen examined his hand and found a small piece of paper with his name on it. Opening it, he silently read the message to himself.

~Step outside, Prince Owen, you look stunning. I've been eagerly awaiting your arrival. How about we have some fun with a game of hide and seek? I'm already hiding, so it's your turn to find me. Don't fret, I'll give you plenty of hints along the way.~

Owen was seething with anger as he read the note; it caught him off guard. Now, he found himself in the role of the hunter pursuing his prey, but this particular prey was not to be underestimated.

Exhaling heavily, he muttered, "Alright, I'll track you down. And when I do, you're getting a punch in the face." Just as he was about to crumple up the paper, a flash of color on it caught his eye.

~ Or find me in a dark red robe with golden embroidery.~

Owen grinned, "Get ready, wherever you are, because I'm about to throw a punch. I don't care if it causes a scene."

Ripping up the note, he set off on his hunt. He scoured the hall, looking for anyone who matched the description he had been given. No one in the palace was wearing the color of the robe.

Then, he collided with a tall, pale, massive man. His stature matched that of the stranger, and his fiery crimson eyes blazed as they locked gazes. Long, black, shimmering hair cascaded down his shoulders.

Owen noticed the man in front of him wearing the same color of robe he had been searching for. It appeared that he was the only one dressed this way.

"Hello, stranger," Owen greeted as he delivered a punch to the man's face. The entire hall turned their attention to them, and time seemed to stand still.

Prince Owen, doesn't know who he is messing with. hehehehhehehehhehehheh more on its way.(⁠ʘ⁠ᴗ⁠ʘ⁠✿⁠)

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