
QT: I Can't Be This Miserable

Name: Wei Ying. Former identity: Apocalypse Survivor. Occupation: Counterattack Agent. Likes: Acting Along Idiots. Dislikes: --- World 1: The Yu Family’s Maid. Wei Ying: Did she open the door the wrong way? World 2: Jianghu Is Full of Hypocrites. Wei Ying: Amitabha Buddha, I’m a straight woman, I only like buffy men and sausages.

Misstook · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
31 Chs


"Yu Huateng?" Wei Ying raised her eyebrows seeing the deformed bouquet of lilies in Yu Huateng's hand, "What are you doing here?"

Yu Huateng's chest heaved and his grip on the bouquet tightened, how could Shi Yuxi betray him like this? Where did she pass the night and who was this man with her?

Yu Huateng glared at the man and questioned Wei Ying, "Who is this man? Where were you last night?"

Wei Ying: -_-

Wei Ying has never seen a bigger of a hypocrite. So, Yu Huateng was allowed to cheat on her with Gu Shenyi and she was not allowed to ride a car with a man?

Wei Ying wondered where Yu Huateng got the confidence to be angry and question her.

"Who is this man?" Yu Huateng's expression twisted as he questioned again.

Wei Ying passed her purse to the man and stroked the curly hair on her shoulders, "Why do you care? We have nothing to do with each other so why do you question me?"

Wei Ying knew that Yu Huateng felt like she was his. Even though he cheated and she broke off the engagement, Yu Huateng still felt like she belonged to him and that she should stay loyal to him.

After all, he was the male lead. He was allowed to throw away people, but other people weren't allowed to have a life of their own without revolving around him.

Wei Ying was sure if she clung to Yu Huateng, he would hate her and would feel annoyed by her. However, now that she didn't care, Yu Huateng's male ego couldn't take it.

Yu Huateng's face turned red at Wei Ying's silence. Yu Huateng held Wei Ying's wrist tightly, "Why aren't you answering me?"

Wei Ying flung Yu Huateng's hand away. With a frown, she said, "What are you getting crazy about? And how is my life any of your business."

Yu Huateng gritted his teeth, "Shi Yuxi, don't forget you are mine."

Wei Ying smiled amusedly, "Since when did I become yours?"

With a twist of her waist, Wei Ying took a couple of steps towards the man, held his arm, and leaned her head against his shoulder, "Who do you think this man is?"

The man corrected his glasses and looked down at Wei Ying who was leaning on his shoulder.

From Yu Huateng's point of view, the man looked lovingly at Wei Ying. Yu Huateng was dizzy, "How could you betray me like this?"

Wei Ying didn't bother to hide her eye roll, "Don't forget, I broke off the engagement a few months ago. I'm free to do whatever I want and date whoever I want. You can't control me."

Yu Huateng's mind flashed and his eyes shone with a fierce light, "Did you know this man before? Is that why you broke off the engagement?"

Yes, this was totally logical. Shi Yuxi loved him so much, how could she suddenly leave him? She certainly knew this man before and he deceived her to leave him. This man is using Shi Yuxi and wants to destroy their relationship.

Wei Ying was disgusted, "Yu Huateng, not everyone is like you. You should know better than anyone else that your infidelity was the cause of our breakup."

Wei Ying didn't wait for Yu Huateng's answer as she went to the house with a humph.

Yu Huateng's eyes were red as he made to catch up with Wei Ying, however, the man stood blocked his way.

"Get out of the way," Yu Huateng's glared at the man.

The man corrected his glasses before opening his mouth, "If you don't move, I will have no choice but to make you stop. I assume Young Master Yu wouldn't want to get physical."

Yu Huateng looked at Wei Ying who was viewing her nails leisurely. Yu Huateng threw the bouquet in his hand and stomped on it.

"You will regret this," Yu Huateng glared at the two before leaving, his nostrils up in the sky.

Wei Ying merely smiled and waved her hand in goodbye, "Good day to you too."

After Yu Huateng couldn't be seen anymore, Wei Ying turned to look at the man, "I am sorry for using you, General Manager Xi."

General Manager Xi shook his head, "It's my job to serve you. You also warned about such a situation before."

Wei Ying smiled and went into the house with General Manager Xi.

Since the engagement annulment, Wei Ying decided to start working with the people Shi Yuxi's grandfather left her.

She only took on a small company to work at from the grassroots.

Although Shi Yuxi's grandfather left her "loyal" personnel, one cannot know when a person would have a change of heart, especially considering the wealth Shi Yuxi had.

Wei Ying had no intention of becoming a thorn in those people's side. She only wanted a small company to work at.

Wei Ying also hoped Shi Yuxi would be wise enough and not go too far when she came back.

She can either keep working at the company Wei Ying is working at now, or she can turn back to her leisurely life.

After fixing a quick breakfast for the two of them, Wei Ying sat down with General Manager Xi and they dealt with some papers.

After a few hours of work, Wei Ying massaged her throbbing head. She hadn't slept since yesterday.

Yesterday, after dealing with some work in the morning, Wei Ying headed to a business party in another city with General Manager Xi.

Wei Ying only slept for a few hours on the way.

"I think it's enough work for today," Wei Ying stretched.

"Alright," General Manager Xi collected the papers and put them away.

"Go and have some rest. I will see you tomorrow," Wei Ying bid General Manager Xi goodbye and went to sleep.

When Wei Ying woke up, the room was dark.

Wei Ying groaned before opening the lights and taking her phone to order some takeout.

Wei Ying took a shower. As she put on her bathrobe, the bell rang.

Wei Ying fastened her robe and went to open the door after taking a quick look at the camera.

Wei Ying paused for a few seconds in front of the camera before pursing her lips and heading to open the door.

The delivery man had a hat on his head. It was lowered and hid most of his face except for his chin and mouth.

"Miss, this is your takeout. A pizza margarita, a cheeseburger, and a classic mojito."

Wei Ying gave the man a once-over before taking the bag of takeout from his hand.

As Wei Ying was about to take the bag, the man quickly made to take her hand and took a taser from his belt.

Wei Ying dodged quickly and gave the man a kick in the balls.

The man groaned but he still held on and tried to tase her. Wei Ying circulated the qi in her Dantian and quickly moved to the man's back and chopped him in the neck.

Wei Ying took the taser and dragged the man into the house.

Throwing the taser far away, Wei Ying dislocated the man's hands and stomped on his legs till she heard a crack.

The man woke up with a loud cry of pain.

"Who sent you?" Wei Ying asked after the man stopped from howling.

The man glared at Wei Ying with his bulging eyes and didn't speak.

Wei Ying looked at the man blankly and hit his diaphragm precisely.

The man let out a gasp and his bulging eyes bulged even more.

"And now?" Wei Ying asked as she wiped her hand on her robe.

The man was breathless and in pain but didn't speak.

Wei Ying sighed and stood up. She didn't want to use the torture method she learned during her years of living in the apocalypse, but the man was forcing her hand.

A few minutes later, loud howls were heard from Wei Ying's garden. After getting the answer she wanted from the man, Wei Ying called the police and the security guard.

The security guard quickly came, "Miss Shi, what happened?"

Wei Ying crossed her arms and touched her cold wet hair, "Did you by any chance see a man fainting near the community?"

The security guard frowned, "I didn't check. Why, did something happen? Are you alright?"

"I'm fine," Wei Ying shook her head, "Please check for me. I already called the police."

Although he didn't understand anything, the security guard complied.

A few minutes later, the police came.

"This man tried attacking me," Wei Ying moved from the way and showed the man on the ground who was sweating buckets and had a painful expression on his face.

After recounting her side of the story, Wei Ying changed quickly into a simple dress, gave the police the footage, and went with them to the police station to go through the formalities.