
QT: Grace To Grass Counterattack System

He Yuan had accidentally caused his own death. He had no idea he was even dead until he suddenly woke up on the hard floor of an empty room. What had killed him? Well... for future reference, it's a terrible idea to install a chandelier over your bed. As he tried to get his bearings right, a strange guy suddenly popped out of thin air and he was offered a job. The job offer granted him eternal life with the alternative being reincarnation. Most would hastily choose to be reincarnated so they can start a new life but not He Yuan. He was skeptical, why would anyone want reincarnation? Once you reincarnated 'you' cease to exist. He didn't care about what people said about starting afresh, gaining new memories and all that. All he knew was that once a person reincarnated, they get thrown into a different environment, different family, meet new people and in short became a different person entirely. What scared He Yuan the most was losing his own thoughts and hence, awareness of his current self and so, he chose to accept the job. What did the job entail? He carried out tasks given to him by people who were called 'leasers.' They were called this because they leased out their bodies to 'taskers' for a period of time to help set their crooked lives straight. What the leasers didn't know was that the taskers got into realms and helped them so they( taskers) could focus on their own main tasks which was world/realm balance. These realms had 'special ones' who siphoned the luck out of it. Luck was the binding force of these realms so without it, the realms would begin to break apart and deteriorate into unlivable hells. So in essence, leasers gave put their bodies and 'payment' in the form of soul energy, taskers helped out the leasers while balancing the realms and the realms become stable once more. Pretty straightforward right? Yes. But can someone tell He Yuan why these world was so full of hypocrites, Mary sue and Gary stu characters who thought it was excusable to do horrible things just because they were in love? He Yuan grit his teeth. If you want to be in love, then be in love, was there any need to use others as stepping stones?! He rolled up his sleeves and bounced forward. Just you wait as I teach you all a valuable lesson! #Gongmc UPDATES: Twice daily ORIGINAL STORY. Author here: Again, I can't design shit so I snatched the photo from pinterest, credits to the original artist. If the artist demands I take it down, I would do so without hesitation as I only have my lack of talent to blame.

Melted_Ore · LGBT+
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326 Chs

System Space

888 poofed into the room when he felt a disturbance and he quirked a brow when He Yuan popped in. "You're finally back? You spent almost four years for this little task, I was beginning to think you never planned on returning. Is the ancient world really a fun place?"

He Yuan just ignored the annoying system and walked over to a corner of the room. Immediately, he curled himself into a ball shape, like a baby, and slept off.

When He Yuan woke up, he looked around the empty room. There was no difference. This place had no concept of time so he really didn't know how long he slept.

He finally looked to 888 to discover the system was standing in the same spot as when he first came in. Had he been watching him while he slept? What a weirdo. "It's really creepy to look at sleeping people. You look like a gentleman but in reality you have no manners at all! You're like an imposter."

888 was truly livid now. He had been shocked by He Yuan's blatant disrespect. How could this novice ignore him like that and still have the nerve to imply he was a creep? He wasn't even watching him, he'd left earlier and just happened to return at the exact moment He Yuan woke up!

He Yuan looked down at his body, he'd been feeling drained from constantly watching his actions in the ancient world so he wouldn't die for no reason so immediately he returned, he had a long nap. He wasn't sure how long but at least it felt long to him.

He used to think that souls didn't need rest but it seemed he was wrong, or maybe it was different for taskers? Who knows? Back to his body, there wasn't any difference, his soul was still as wispy as ever. Had he been scammed?

He Yuan decided to check his stats panel first.

[Test Result: Performed fairly satisfactorily. Clearance received to become a full-time tasker.]

[Name: He Yuan]

[Age: 28]

[Level: Novice]

[Experience Points: 1500]

[Soul Energy: 20]

[Intelligence: 25]

[Strength: 15]

[Luck: 5]

[Charisma: 10]

[Mental Fortitude: 4]

[Merit Points: 0]

[Belief: 0]

[Acquired Skills: Entry level medical practitioner.]

He Yuan nodded a bit. The attributes seemed to be ranked over hundred and he got this much just on his first try. Maybe this job wasn't so bad, but then... He looked to 888. "I have 20 soul energy attributes. Why is my soul still so weak?"

888 scoffed. "That little bit of soul energy and you're expecting to become insanely strong?"

"Isn't it over hundred? Why is it bad that I'm expecting a little more?"

888 was dumbfounded. "Whoever told you the ranking was over hundred? Do you think this is a high school exam in your origin world? Listen here. There is no upper limit for each attribute and the lower limit is 500!"

He Yuan was stumped. He stared at his stats panel again. If this was an academic ranking then he wouldn't even qualify to be part of the dumb kids! He would be classified as mentally, physically, emotionally and socially disabled. How sad. Truly, there is no dissatisfaction without comparison. And to think he was quite satisfied just now.

He looked over to his 1500 exp. Please this should better be worth something. "How many experience points do I need to get to the next level?"

888 waved his hand. "Oh, not much, just one hundred thousand. Pretty cheap right?"

He Yuan laid on the floor once more with his belly up. It seems he would have to work harder. "One more thing. Am I going to spend eternity in an empty room? Lying on this floor hurts a lot."

"You can unlock the system marketplace with 3000 exp points." 888 looked over He Yuan's stats panel and when he noticed the newly added Acquired skills stat, he was a bit stumped. He'd subconsciously glossed over it the first time because he didn't expect a newbie to actually acquire something from his test realm. He rubbed his chin. Maybe this one had potential.

"So what now? Do I get my next task or what?"

"Well you could be sent over to the next task realm immediately but I'd advice against that. Tasker or not, you're a human soul in the end and your mental fortitude is very important. Directly hopping from one task realm to another without adjustment time would negatively impact you and you just might end up becoming one of the realm's problems."

He Yuan sat up and waved his hands at the empty room. "Not much to aid adjustment now is there?"

"I'm not the one who gained only 1500 exp points now am I? You could try removing your mindset from the leaser. Although you can no longer remember the leaser's memories you gained when you entered the realm, the ones you gained whilst living as the leaser are still there.

-You have to sort your thoughts and remind yourself that the life wasn't yours. Hence the experience wasn't fully yours and one way to do this is to think about your former life in your origin world. There might be memories you would rather forget as thinking of them would only remind you of the loved ones you left behind but for now, there is no other way.

-If you were stong enough and had high mental fortitude, this wouldn't be a problem and you could directly go from one task world to another without pause but alas, 4 isn't really a pretty number is it?"

He Yuan nodded slowly and 888 poofed out of the room without another word.

He went through the experience he had living as Wei Luo and then slowly, he started filling in Wei Luo's figure in his place. He made it seem like he was watching a movie or reading a book about Wei Luo's life instead. This way, he experienced everything with Wei Luo, but never really personally involved.

It wasn't perfect but it was better than what most would be able to achieve on such short notice and this was because he was someone who spent his time on the receiving end of people's mockery and doubts as he struggled to the top in his origin world. He had a better mental quality than most, if he didn't, he would have drowned in criticism.

The overall results made him feel a bit better. He knew high mental fortitude was good but never felt its importance until now! It seemed he would need to focus on improving his mental quality from now on. Sanity and the ability for one to collect his or her thoughts were seriously underrated.

When 888 returned sometime later, the He Yuan he met was much calmer and more stable. He nodded in satisfaction.

He Yuan looked to 888 "l'm ready."

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