
Qiao Qing's Journey

For more than a decade, she disguised herself as a weakling while preyed on the strong – Qiao Qing had never viewed reputation as an important matter. But people began to take advantage and purposely hurt the ones she cared about. Qiao Qing then decided to stop hiding her real self. An incapable good-for-nothing? Her natural genius IQ can explode your eyeballs! A lowly commoner? Her real identity made her someone who you are not worthy enough to be friends with! A feeble chick? Her skills in ancient martial arts can result in you looking for your teeth all over the ground! A godly student, a godly Go player, a godly night rider, a godly martial artist… as her real identity revealed little by little, all those snobs who once viewed her poorly began to switch sides and attempted to please her. Qiao Qing shut the front door. No guests welcomed. She blocked those who wanted her for their own selfish demands, but she couldn’t stop this one evildoer from approaching her. Just like that, climbing over the walls and entering through the window became Jun Yexuan’s specialty. As the President of the Jun Corporation, he had enough to protect Qiao Qing her entire life. But what bothered him was that Qiao Qing was far too independent and far too capable. Without any of his help, she was able to successfully handle everything. Jun Yexuan became moody – he felt like he wasn’t needed! So, on a random day, a cry for help appeared on Weibo, “What do I do when the wife is too capable? Waiting for immediate responses – it’s urgent.”

Esha_6645 · Urban
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560 Chs

Who Pulled Off that Move Just Now?

In the end, Jun Yexuan couldn't convince Qiao Qing and brought her to the old lady's house.

Qi Yusen needed to hide but he was so worried he followed anyway in secret.

A group of people brought them to the hallway. There, Jun Xiaoqi was tied to a chair and there was a gun pointed at his head.

Mu Jinghang, on the other hand, stood tensely by the door.

When Jun Xiaoqi saw Jun Yexuan and Qiao Qing, tears rolled down his cheeks, "Third brother! Sister!"

Jun Yexuan heard this and held Qiao Qing's hand tighter.

Lu Chimei watched as Jun Yexuan and Qiao Qing walked over hand in hand. She locked her gaze on Qiao Qing for a while.

Then, she smiled and said to Jun Xiaoqi, "Xiaoqi, see, I ordered groups of people to capture you and that girl. In the end, you were captured and she was not at all harmed. It is because your brother is protecting her. You rely on your third brother so much, but to him, you're less valuable than this girl."

Mu Jinghang cursed, "Old woman, you're so old yet you are trying to tear the brothers apart. How is that appropriate?"

Jun Yexuan laughed mockingly, "No matter how evil I am, I'm better than the grandma who kidnaps her own grandson."

Lu Chimei didn't look like she felt bad at all, "I won't waste time. You tell your people to let go of your fourth uncle and I will let Xiaoqi go. If you don't accept my request, then Xiaoqi can only join your parents down there."

"Grandma!" Lu Xiaoqi gawked at Lu Chimei with disbelief.

Lu Chimei wiped away Jun Xiaoqi's tears and with a gentle tone, she comforted, "Good boy, it's not that I don't love you. If you want someone to blame, blame your brother for being so cold-hearted."

She then looked over to Jun Yexuan, "Do you want Xiaoqi dead or alive?"

Mu Jinghang was furious, "If you hurt him, you'll be punished by law!"

"What's the point of staying alive if my son can't get out? But it'll be different for him."

She then pointed at Jun Yexuan and smiled darkly.

"If Xiaoqi dies, then he will be guilty forever. Afterall, your father and you have already killed his parents. Hahahaha..."

Jun Yexuan's pupils constricted and he felt blood gushing up to his throat.

Mu Jinghang cursed again, "Third brother, how about we just release that son of hers? Then you won't need to listen to this old woman talk bullsh*t."

Jun Yexuan didn't speak.

After Lu Chimei stopped laughing, craziness merged from her eyes, "I am going to ask you one last time – are you setting my son free or not?!"

Jun Yexuan was about to speak when Qiao Qing pinched his hand.

Lu Chimei saw that Jun Yexuan didn't move and finally lost all patience, "Then, may you live in torturous guilt for the rest of your life!"

She then pointed to the row of people behind Jun Xiaoqi, "Shoot him!"

The row of people was about to fire when they felt a sharp pain on their wrists. Then, their guns dropped to the ground.

Their wrists had all been slitted by blades and their arteries had been cut open!

The next second, a group of men who came with Jun Yexuan flooded the room and got Lu Chimei and her people under control.

Mu Jinghang was confused as to what had happened. Despite this, he rushed up to untie Jun Xiaoqi.

Lu Chimei stared at Jun Yexuan in disbelief, "What did you do?! How did they..."

Jun Yexuan took his time as he walked up to Lu Chimei, "Grandma, you won't get the chance to find out. Since you don't want to spend your last years in peace, then please go spend time with your son."

He then walked away, "Send them to Officer Mo."

"There's no need. I'm here." A police officer in uniform entered. He glanced around in curiosity, "Who pulled off that move just now?"