
Pyrrah of the Void (On hiatus)

She was an athletic child, who loved her family. Unfortunately, she had reached an abrupt ending. With only assumptions in her head she wished to meet her family once again. but it would seem unlikely now. •———————•———————• Hello, this is my first ever novel (not really). Just think of this as my new beginning in writing. I started writing in the first place because I wanted to share stories that was stuck in my head that it influences my dreams. I lost sight of that in the first novel I tried to write and rushed it. This time I'm gonna do it for myself, and enjoy my work. Since these stories come from my dreams I won't be able to give it justice and may or may not be able to articulate it well. I just hope you guys enjoy. ~Author

Luke_Devilux · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Ch. 1: Born for...

It was a dark void. No golden gates, no fires of hell, no high mountain of repentance. Just pitch darkness. Oddly enough, the more she stayed the more she feels the gaze of someone... or something...


'No afterlife huh? I wonder...'

This place is rather creepy. I'm already dead but I feel some ominous presence. Am I in hell afterall?

The longer I stay here I feel like I'm gonna get sucked up.

Uuuu... it's making me crazy thinking about dark forces.

'Could anyone hear me!' I tried to think out loud. No... nothing...

Anything please...


I have no sense of time here. Perhaps it's only been minutes, worst case it's been millennia. I don't want to spend eternity here.

I moved about. At least I think I did. I was thinking of swimming in this void to at least see something. I'm tired of looking at darkness.

Swimming toward the direction I'm facing, just a straightforward strategy. I'll eventually find something, right?


It took some time. But I managed to find something. A distant light. Like some kind of lost star in a space of nothingness.

I wonder... is it an entrance to that place? Or is it some kind of other world?

'Only one way to find out!'


I heard soft whispers as I was nearing the light, and some noise around me. Focusing on hearing my surroundings I hear sentences such as 'Help', 'Save me', and 'I have been betrayed'.

I'm not sure who said them, all I know is that they're from the void around me. Wierdly, they aren't words from any language I know. Yet, I understood them just fine. But I decided that it isn't my concern, for now.

Closer to my destination, I reached the light hearing more of those unrecognizable whispers from within the light.

As I reached the light I was bathed in sticky liquid that smells like iron. The liquid seems to be blood. My sight is obscured by it.

'At least I have regained my senses. It would seem that I have been reborn.'

Aside from having blurry eyes from the red goo, the claps and joyous unrecognizable words, and the smell, I can finally feel the wind.

I cried for joy. Finally. I'm out of that void.

The people surrounding my mother has finally moved again and wiped the blood off of me. They exclaimed something to my new mother. Probably something about me being a girl or being healthy.

Looking around I notice that I'm not in any hospital. Just a room made of wood. My new mother's bed is surrounded by candles and a few basins of water. I thought it was dangerous but maybe if the wood gets burnt they would put it out with the basins of water.

Maybe I am in a medieval world, or a poor country from my world. But I didn't care for the moment. I was just happy that I'm out of that tormenting feeling of silence and nothingness.

Though, I can't help but think about what I have heard before entering that light. There seems to be no words I understand this time.

I was sure there was something...

I'll just forget it. I don't know what those mean anyway. I'll just think about it next time.


It has been a few months since my rebirth. I have gathered a few information. I was born in a relatively poor home. The house is made of hard wood, the same for the bowls, plates, and spoons and forks. The only metallic objects being cooking tools like knives and pots.

When my new mother carries me around I try to peek to the windows. All I see were plains of grass and a few cattle and sheep. Maybe my parents were Farmers of some kind. My sisters would know.

Speaking of pre-rebirth memories, I still can't remember my old family's names and faces. Even my friend's. It's like my death has prevented me from feeling anything towards them. There's really nothing I could do about it.

Thankfully, I have retained memories at all. I could use that to try and get a stronger body, it could help me live in this world. Even as a simple farmer.

When the time comes that my mother 'bathes' me with a wet towel. I get to think about why I'm here, I understand that someone or something of great power sent me here. My evidence being the sentences I heard before entering that light.

But those were too vague. They didn't even specify what or who I was suppose to help, save, or avenge. Will I be punished if I can't decipher it on time?

'What was I really born for here?' I got no response. Well, since I have nothing to go by I'll just live my life for now.

As a baby there is little I could do. Sucking some nutrition from my new mother, pooping, sleeping and anything a baby does in cycle. I can't wait to grow up already.

While my physical traits are still growing ever so slowly. I have decided to learn this world's language. My new mother has been thankfully diligent in telling me what things are. As a prize for her care I called for her.

"M-mama." I said. Trying to do it as baby like as possible. I can't have them think I was smarter than average babies. They might think I'm someone who possessed a child. Or maybe I was just paranoid.

My mother was overjoyed anyway and laughed at my dejected father. 'I hardly saw you anyway! You never even carried me!' I thought.

My pettiness aside, I still liked him. Unlike my 'father' he has cared for me like how I thought a father should and more. He spent little time, most likely because he worked on the fields.

Weirdly, he brought with him a sword aside from a hoe. Which I have only seen once, it was bloody. My father seems to have been scolded by my mother about it. I never saw it again. That convinced me that I was in some medieval world or medieval times.

Hopefully they have magic here too. Will I awaken something this time? I wondered.

Thinking that I started my cultivation. I only remembered breathing methods, since I never awakened any magic in my old world.

My twin awakened magic but she was pretty weak and was quite the pacifist. So she never had any motivation in getting stronger.

"Do I have to? I would rather be kicked out then nurtured by them." I remember her saying. So together we were shunned by our clan. Only our mother really cared about us, before she disappeared that is.

Then there's our little sister. The prodigy. Our uncles poured all the clan's redources on her. But being the smart girl she is, she found out quickly that she was just being used.

Thankfully she cared for meaningful relationships more than power.

'I wonder how she's doing...' I thought as I was cultivating.


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